Went to Dean Safety at the mill

If it were that easy we would. I'm not 100% sure how it works since this is more my wife's gig but I'm pretty sure the booth locations need to be approved in advance by the girl scout counsel and be within your district. We are Blackstone, Bellingham and Millville. So tomorrow its Rapid Refill in Bellingham from 9am-1pm. My kid will be there from 11am-1pm.

Need to save up some cash for next mill trip as it will be an ammo restock shopping extravaganza.
Screw the counsel. They wont say anything when you show up with a stack of money.

Can also turn into a valuable lesson for your daughter on how government is inefficient, sometimes you need to think outside the box and money shuts people up. :)
Screw the counsel. They wont say anything when you show up with a stack of money.

Can also turn into a valuable lesson for your daughter on how government is inefficient, sometimes you need to think outside the box and money shuts people up. :)

Call it the "MILL-k and Cookies" Event to Benefit the Commonwealth. Guaranteed sales. Money talks for the girl scouts foundation .
FFS, go back and read them again then. My initial post (just about 100 posts up from this) stated that I went twice on Wednesdays (when lots of shops post as being open) and there was almost no one there. Places only open a few times a week are by definition hit or miss for availability, so I asked when a good time to go would be. That's it. And from there, a continuous stream of "I read one post and I know what's going on" chuckleheads seem to have decided that I want to go in and play with other people's toys while chewing up their time.

Frankly, I'd rather not. I've never asked to handle a gun I don't have real interest in buying (I've purchased nearly 3/4 of the guns I've handled in a store over the past 40 years) and I'd prefer to be left the hell alone in a shop if I don't have a question for the person behind the counter. I tend to politely decline offers at the range to shoot other people's guns, probably a holdover from when my budget was such that a box of ammo was just about my quota for a few weeks. I like to use small local shops and don't mind paying a reasonable premium to do so.

WRT what I'm currently looking for, it's down to a choice among 3 fairly common pistols, but it's not a price issue. Even if it was, both the shop and I have better things to do that have me burn both our times calling and asking for pricing on multiple guns. Were I to come across a shop that had one of each on hand, I'd end up buying one then and there. But in the same vein, I'm not going to burn a lot of everyone's time calling multiple shops and asking "Do you have this and this and this?" I did think that with multiple shops in the same place there may be an opportunity to see a couple at a time, but that's apparently not how the Mill works according to some people.

Hey, the state's working nights trying to put everyone in the building out of business, but a fair number of the Mill proponents seem to be uninterested in supporting the shops if it will impede their ability to run their mouths. Interesting take.

Huh. OK.

I think maybe you should go to Cabelas. You and Cabelas seem like a good fit.
Love my dealer....very few people there today.

Good to live in North Central...no crowds no waiting.

Im actually dumping inventory.....stuff I don't want to take south.

The pant shitting seemed to be confined to the big loops, I visited 2 MA dealers and one NH dealer today and only light to moderate traffic at all 3.
Love my dealer....very few people there today.

Good to live in North Central...no crowds no waiting.

Im actually dumping inventory.....stuff I don't want to take south.
Does your dealer have MCX Spears, Daniel Defense AR15s, Glock 19 MOSs, and Hk MR762A1s?

Not that it matters. I didn’t want to take up counter time when I wasn’t committed to buying. I ended up leaving empty handed.
Does your dealer have MCX Spears, Daniel Defense AR15s, Glock 19 MOSs, and Hk MR762A1s?

Not that it matters. I didn’t want to take up counter time when I wasn’t committed to buying. I ended up leaving empty handed.
If you want it go online and order the expensive stuff...he's not carrying it. Small shop...fudd area.

He has most pistols though.
I thought this latest bout was Mass. only.
It is, but there are numerous NH dealers that service a crossover crowd. Not to mention the entire market is less soft than a month or so ago, given generalized fear about illegals and anti semites, etc. It all sort of blends together.

I think even with this mass bullshit its only going to go so far. This isn't going to be like covid madness. Nothing can top covid madness. Covid madness was absolute insanity. 🤣
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