What did you do in the reloading room recently?

I'm sure I've asked you before but my memory sucks lol. What powder are you using for 38 spl again? Was it one of those shooters world powders you bought?

I do have "Clean Shot" from Shooters World but haven't tried it. I have Accurate # 7 as well, but I have only used it in 9x19 and Makarov.
when I run out of my current Remington bullets I'll try the Zero ones.
Were these the Remingtons you had? 158 gr SJHPs?
Found a 1,000 of these Remingtons when I was digging through my reloading cabinet earlier. Was thinking of selling em to get some cash to buy other stuff...
I traded some Lino for a sample of these bullets to test in my 1873. They run like water.
I ordered a 4 cavity brass mould with flat point, cup point, small hollow, large hollow and penta point hollow pins.
Can’t wait to get it. Should be fun to run. E6D62A08-415B-4697-A3B5-476FD3753D78.jpeg
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Mounted a DTI flip up rear sight that I bought at a local fleamarket this morning for $15. Works perfectly and I like the aperture sizes.
They retailed for about $85+ back when they were in production. Its on a spare AR so after zeroing, probably won't see much use.

Was out filling my non ethanol gas cans and decided to stop by the flea market on the way home and cruise the tables.

Glad I did.

EDIT: Yes, its a blem upper as evidenced by the surface above the forward assist.

Were these the Remingtons you had? 158 gr SJHPs?
View attachment 287017
Found a 1,000 of these Remingtons when I was digging through my reloading cabinet earlier. Was thinking of selling em to get some cash to buy other stuff...

Those are good bullets, I've loaded a bunch of them before. PM me with a price for 300 if you decide to sell.
Finally got to the reloading section of the garage for cleanout.
Took a few weekends, but several offerings to the dumpster gods got me to my brass buckets.
Ran the last batch of 9mm through the shaker.
De-priming all that is this winters project.
Probably grab one of those mighty armory dies for that.
Threw all the duds and bad loads in a can, to the dud box with you!
Put all the bad casts, and casts i either don’t use or shoot that caliber anymore in bins.
5 more totes ready to go to the dumpster


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Finally got to the reloading section of the garage for cleanout.
Took a few weekends, but several offerings to the dumpster gods got me to my brass buckets.
Ran the last batch of 9mm through the shaker.
De-priming all that is this winters project.
Probably grab one of those mighty armory dies for that.
Threw all the duds and bad loads in a can, to the dud box with you!
Put all the bad casts, and casts i either don’t use or shoot that caliber anymore in bins.
5 more totes ready to go to the dumpster
Been doing the same. Finally found the bucket of 223 cases i been looking for to send out for processing.
Found some bullets I knew i had but did not find the ones i was looking for
I put those 10mm's across the crono earlier today. (before it got stupid hot and windy outside.) That load shown on the card went across the cronograph at 1380 fps. average spread was 18 fps. It was surprisingly faster than the load book had said. But my G20 barrel is longer than stock by 3/4" It did group nicely, so I'll be continuing to roll those. But 1380 fps on a 180 grain hornady xtp is pretty spicy. No bulged cases, and primers looked good.
I put those 10mm's across the crono earlier today. (before it got stupid hot and windy outside.) That load shown on the card went across the cronograph at 1380 fps. average spread was 18 fps. It was surprisingly faster than the load book had said. But my G20 barrel is longer than stock by 3/4" It did group nicely, so I'll be continuing to roll those. But 1380 fps on a 180 grain hornady xtp is pretty spicy. No bulged cases, and primers looked good.
That's pretty hot. I shot some factory 10mm out of a friends gun a couple weeks ago. It was weak sauce. Dude was not into hand loading at all and left a ton of brass on the range. He said he read that guys hotrodded and ruined 10mms all the time because they push them too far.
I have a feeling it's because the modern 10mm autos need to be so lightly sprung to run the soft ass 10mm factory ammo that the real deal just rips through the guns and wears them out in no time.
I don't normally load 44 caliber 180 grain Hornady XTPs over H110/W296 because it's a stupid amount of powder for that bullet. But just for grins, and to finish off a can, I loaded 8 of them over 30.5 grains of W296. That's one grain shy of Hodgdon's published max. I shot them out of a Henry 44 Magnum carbine today. The mean velocity for 5 rounds was 2225 fps with a standard deviation of 13.1. Seemed much louder than anything I'd ever shot out of that rifle before, but the recoil didn't seem all that different, and the cases looked OK. Seemed accurate enough, too, though it's obviously way over-speed for that bullet's terminal performance envelope. Worked great on a sporting clay at 65 yards, though. Went right through a paper target, too. :)
I don't normally load 44 caliber 180 grain Hornady XTPs over H110/W296 because it's a stupid amount of powder for that bullet. But just for grins, and to finish off a can, I loaded 8 of them over 30.5 grains of W296. That's one grain shy of Hodgdon's published max. I shot them out of a Henry 44 Magnum carbine today. The mean velocity for 5 rounds was 2225 fps with a standard deviation of 13.1. Seemed much louder than anything I'd ever shot out of that rifle before, but the recoil didn't seem all that different, and the cases looked OK. Seemed accurate enough, too, though it's obviously way over-speed for that bullet's terminal performance envelope. Worked great on a sporting clay at 65 yards, though. Went right through a paper target, too. :)
Yeah I load ~30 grains and I believe I got 2100iah fps from my Henry. I think they run 1600ish in the Dan Wesson. Just an insanely loud fireball.
That's pretty hot. I shot some factory 10mm out of a friends gun a couple weeks ago. It was weak sauce. Dude was not into hand loading at all and left a ton of brass on the range. He said he read that guys hotrodded and ruined 10mms all the time because they push them too far.
I have a feeling it's because the modern 10mm autos need to be so lightly sprung to run the soft ass 10mm factory ammo that the real deal just rips through the guns and wears them out in no time.
My polymer80 large frame is running a slightly longer barrel, fully supported chamber, and a 22# recoil spring. It’s “snappy” but not overwhelming. I really like it as it is. Like I said, brass shows no over pressure signs, and it’s still under the maximum of the kindle edition of the Hornady manual.
Were these the Remingtons you had? 158 gr SJHPs?
View attachment 287017
Found a 1,000 of these Remingtons when I was digging through my reloading cabinet earlier. Was thinking of selling em to get some cash to buy other stuff...
Sorry, missed this one. Mine are 130 gr FMJ. Probably going to stick with 125/130gr although wouldn't be opposed to trying 150ish.

If I get the double action trigger down and a holster, I'll seriously consider the Model 15 for Steel Challenge if I like the competition.
I manage to look into my reloading room after an intense cleaning of everything I own.... that’s as far as I got... my reloading room hasn’t been used since NES shoots stopped and trump got elected ...

I just wish I had somewhere I could shoot my stockpile of .308 tracers that I bought because they were just over brass prices....

I have a mould for my auto caster for .308 i haven’t used yet and done load work up for....
I planned to be too busy to do it... but I think I’m gunna get back into it...../
You could simply pull the tracers and load 'em up your way.
Pulling down 5000 tracers doesn’t sound like fun...
Whenever I find a place to shoot them they’ll be shot a lot faster then pulling them with my HK21.

It’s a valid suggestion just to free up some brass..
I’d end up reloading the tracers at a future date
Once the .30 caliber sabots come in, I'm psyched to load some of my proprietary .22LR bullets, as pictured above.
See how well they run in the MAS autoloader.


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Once the .30 caliber sabots come in, I'm psyched to load some of my proprietary .22LR bullets, as pictured above.
See how well they run in the MAS autoloader.
I had ordered those sabots from eabco. Loaded some 67 grain .224’s into some .308’s and .300 win mag. Keyholed pretty badly. But it was mostly for fun.
IKeyholed pretty badly. But it was mostly for fun.

Really? I've had pretty good results in all rifles used; haven't had opportunity to try them in a CZ-52 (7.62x25mm). Even the lead-filled .22LRs are stable out to 100 meters. They may become upset in an autoloader, but that remains to be seen.
FWIW, Polygunbag has the sabots for about 9¢ a pop. Not cheap when all put together, but it's a novelty, I suppose.


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Dumped out a tumbler of 357 mag brass and have both tumblers full of 45/70 right now.
Cast, sized and paper patched some lee 4045 grain bullets for the 45/70 too.
Sized and flared my two tumbler of 45/70 brass (trimmed the 7 or so cases that needed it) and set the two tumblers full of 38 special brass to run for the last couple hours.
I need some new tumbling media

Anyone in for a group buy?
Sized and flared my two tumbler of 45/70 brass (trimmed the 7 or so cases that needed it) and set the two tumblers full of 38 special brass to run for the last couple hours.
I need some new tumbling media

Anyone in for a group buy?
Pet stores often have BOGO sales on walnut and corn media.
i prefer walnut it does not break down much and far less dust In my use anyway.
I use lizzard litter. Been a long time since i bought any. Bought a few bags that had been torn. $1 per bag and maybe at most a 1\2lb missing. Not soon after they had the BOGO sale and I had 20% off coupon. So i have a few buckets that should last me my life of shooting.
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