What did you do in the reloading room recently?

I’m sure you saw the 20% off sale this weekend for that vendor that sells Nosler bullets. Pretty good deal but I’m set on rifle bullets for a long ass time.
Yup seen it. The only thing i really wanted was some of those 125gn .310" bullets. Generally thier good sales come with low inventory for common stuff
Im well stocked as I took advantage of a good sale they had in 2017.
Was pretty happy with the 38's with 125gr Gallant Hi-Tek bullets when I tested them at MFS--about the same POI as Remington 38+P 125gr SJHP's with about the same group sizes but a lot less recoil in a snubby, so they should be good for practice in a S&W 642. I loaded up the rest of the batch (around 960 rounds) over a few days last week. I shot some out of a GP100 and was not pleased, but that gun has slightly oversize cylinder throats and only likes jacketed bullets. I was overly optimistic even to try it.
Converted my first 9x19 cases into 9x18 Makarov this morning. Going to load some along side true Makarov cases and see how they fare. I must say I have been very remiss in reloading this summer apart from cleaning and hoarding brass.
Converted my first 9x19 cases into 9x18 Makarov this morning. Going to load some along side true Makarov cases and see how they fare. I must say I have been very remiss in reloading this summer apart from cleaning and hoarding brass.
I've haven't reloaded since the winter/spring. The 2 50-cal ammo cans I filled with 9mm ammo over the winter has been holding up well - unfortunately. I've barely gone through half of each can at this point. Definitely not shooting as much as I did last year.
I've haven't reloaded since the winter/spring. The 2 50-cal ammo cans I filled with 9mm ammo over the winter has been holding up well - unfortunately. I've barely gone through half of each can at this point. Definitely not shooting as much as I did last year.
I've been doing small batches of 8mm Mauser and 30-06 here and there but that's about it. Maybe 50-100 rounds of 223.
I keep saying I need to do a big session, and then not doing it. So easy to grab some boxes of 7.62x39 at 18 cents per round for a range trip and not worry about the cases.

I do need to start drawing up 7.62 NATO plans. I have tons of cases, bullets, primers, etc. Just need to check manual and try a range so that when the rifle's in, I'll have a range of loads to try and find out a good load to use.
I've been doing small batches of 8mm Mauser and 30-06 here and there but that's about it. Maybe 50-100 rounds of 223.
I keep saying I need to do a big session, and then not doing it. So easy to grab some boxes of 7.62x39 at 18 cents per round for a range trip and not worry about the cases.

I do need to start drawing up 7.62 NATO plans. I have tons of cases, bullets, primers, etc. Just need to check manual and try a range so that when the rifle's in, I'll have a range of loads to try and find out a good load to use.
Not sure when they added it but Hodgdon. Has 308 service rifle data on their web site. At least a start.
Not sure when they added it but Hodgdon. Has 308 service rifle data on their web site. At least a start.
My Hornady manual (pretty sure you have the same) has a 308 Service Rifle loading as well. Just haven't bothered to look it up recently. Know I loaded 100 or so for an M1A of a friend and Varget was best performer with 168s.
I shot some out of a GP100 and was not pleased, but that gun has slightly oversize cylinder throats and only likes jacketed bullets.

Well, I still think that gun only likes jacketed bullets, but in fact, I can't be sure how the 125gr Gallant RNFP's shoot out of it. I was shooting jacketed .357 Magnums out of it not long after that, and they were going all over the place. Then I figured out that my red dot mount had worked itself loose. Fortunately, I had the tools with me to fix it at the range. After that, I shot a 6-round cloverleaf that all fit inside of a 1" square at 13 yards. So, yeah, maybe the 125gr 38 specials would have been OK, maybe not. Don't know. Just sayin'.

Got me a 44 magnum Ruger Carbine. 1971 manufacture. So I loaded up some 240gr Zero JSPs for it. Bad thing was that all I had ready was GFL brass, and the chamber is kind of tight on this gun. GFL brass + .431 Zero JSP = a bullet that won't make it through the resizer on a Lee FCD without a serious fight, not that I even try to use the FCD on them for that very reason. They worked OK, but I had a few get stuck before they fully chambered and hand to tap on the charging handle to get them out. After that little swaging, though, they would always chamber and fire successfully. It's a GFL brass thing. I'm confident that if I load the Zeros in PPU or Magtech brass, it won't happen.
Loaded up thirty rounds of 8mm Mauser for another go on the Carbine Match.
Did up 34 rounds of Makarov as well.

Prepped 110 cases of neck sized 30-06 for the M1917.
Loaded 17 rounds of 7.62 NATO using AA2520 with 147gr FMJ.
Prepped an additional 49 cases of Aguila 7.62 for additional testing.

Anyone got any positives or negatives on BL-C(2) for 7.62 NATO?
I've heard of people using H335 as well but didn't find any recipes.
Loaded 17 rounds of 7.62 NATO using AA2520 with 147gr FMJ.
Prepped an additional 49 cases of Aguila 7.62 for additional testing.

Anyone got any positives or negatives on BL-C(2) for 7.62 NATO?
I've heard of people using H335 as well but didn't find any recipes.
BLC2 meters well as does H335
BLC2 did ok in 308 M1 garand and I used it to use it up. With 155 grain bullets it shot well enough to take a gold medal score. As I get old and blind minute of black has become my bench mark for accuracy standards!
H335- i use for 223 plinking loads with cheap 55 grain heads.

I used H335 a good amount in 223 and found it to be case capacity sensitive. i also found it to be the hardest powder for me to see good results using the OCW method.???
BLC2 meters well as does H335
BLC2 did ok in 308 M1 garand and I used it to use it up. With 155 grain bullets it shot well enough to take a gold medal score. As I get old and blind minute of black has become my bench mark for accuracy standards!
H335- i use for 223 plinking loads with cheap 55 grain heads.

I used H335 a good amount in 223 and found it to be case capacity sensitive. i also found it to be the hardest powder for me to see good results using the OCW method.???
I got a lb of H335 for 223 but haven't tried it yet--maybe tonight. Lots of folks were recommending it.

Basically, looking now for a good 7.62 NATO powder. Maybe get more IMR4895? I just feel like I heard BLC2 was made for 308/7.62. Have some Varget on hand, of course, but I like to use that when being "semi-serious." My manual is pretty light on 7.62 loads. I heard a few various Winchester powder recommendations as well.

This reminds me I still have a few pounds of various Shooter's World/Lovex powders. Looks like there's an M80 load for "Match Rifle."

308 Winchester Remington 147 gr M80 Ball 2.750 44.0 2752 48.9 3060 59,671
I got a lb of H335 for 223 but haven't tried it yet--maybe tonight. Lots of folks were recommending it.

Basically, looking now for a good 7.62 NATO powder. Maybe get more IMR4895? I just feel like I heard BLC2 was made for 308/7.62. Have some Varget on hand, of course, but I like to use that when being "semi-serious." My manual is pretty light on 7.62 loads. I heard a few various Winchester powder recommendations as well.

This reminds me I still have a few pounds of various Shooter's World/Lovex powders. Looks like there's an M80 load for "Match Rifle."

308 Winchester Remington 147 gr M80 Ball 2.750 44.0 2752 48.9 3060 59,671
I know only 1 person loading spherical powder and its a bolt gun.
As far as I know BLC2 was born of reworked WC846 ( one of those periodic magazines from hodgdon article) sir Olin of the Olin Corp developed a way to recycle old powder left over from WWI and it became BLC2
I think BLC2 is still made in florida?

Ball powder is cheaper / quicker to manufacture but can also be harder to ignite completely .
I have mot bothered to pull down any surplus nato ammo to see what powder might be in them
I have become powder bias, H4895 and varget for 30 cal Rifle , exception is 2400 for cast loads
223 I run varget almost exclusively for “match “ loads then surplus 844 for my plinkers, burnt up all the 335
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I picked up some 4064 for .30-06 and .223/5.56. I’ve never used it, but it was on sale and I figured, what the heck? Any feedback on the 4064?

Don't know your reloading experience but A word of caution using large stick powder like 4064 in .223/5.56, the case mouth is small and if you are using a powder drop you will very likely have some "bridging" at some point. Personally I wouldn't use it in .223/5.56, there are many better choices of shorter cut stick or ball powders that meter and perform better.

4064 is good for 30.06 but I'd find something else for the .223.
Don't know your reloading experience but A word of caution using large stick powder like 4064 in .223/5.56, the case mouth is small and if you are using a powder drop you will very likely have some "bridging" at some point. Personally I wouldn't use it in .223/5.56, there are many better choices of shorter cut stick or ball powders that meter and perform better.

4064 is good for 30.06 but I'd find something else for the .223.
I picked up some 4064 for .30-06 and .223/5.56. I’ve never used it, but it was on sale and I figured, what the heck? Any feedback on the 4064?
All I use for 30-06 and 7.5x55. Aside from trail boss.

I use the lee perfect powder measure with 4064. Meters well.
I just finished up a 2k batch of .38 special. Now I want to run 700+.357mag. I was using W231 for the .38 but I also have Bullseye and H110. Bullet is XTP 158gr HP.
Any recommendations on a good load with either powder?
...Now I want to run 700+.357mag. I was using W231 for the .38 but I also have Bullseye and H110. Bullet is XTP 158gr HP.
Any recommendations on a good load with either powder?

H110: 15.0g to 16.7g ...right out of the Hodgdon load manual.

You can use other powders, like Bullseye, CFE Pistol, 2400, but you won't get the true magnum performance with them. Lil' Gun is also a magnum performer within the Hodgdon line.
Yeah, I'll probably go with the H110. It's a pain on the XL650 to go from .38 to .357 as you have to change out the powder, primer from sm to lg and all of the dies need to be adjusted to the oal difference.
I have dedicated tool heads setup for caliber and powder type but the .38/.357 is the same tool head, I may purchase a whole new setup to keep it simple in the future (I'm lazy).
I use 15.0 grains of H110 with my 158 gr JSP and JHP 357M loads, including XTP’s when I have them, but I don’t chase maximum velocity, rather accuracy, clean burning, and low standard deviation. With H110 I generally see the best performance along those lines when the load is case-filling (with H110 this is almost required) but not so close to the max.
Yeah, I'll probably go with the H110. It's a pain on the XL650 to go from .38 to .357 as you have to change out the powder, primer from sm to lg and all of the dies need to be adjusted to the oal difference.
I have dedicated tool heads setup for caliber and powder type but the .38/.357 is the same tool head, I may purchase a whole new setup to keep it simple in the future (I'm lazy).
Which is why you need an XL 650 for each caliber. I'm sure you can convince the Mrs. the wisdom of this thought process.
Speaking of H110 and magnum velocity, that’s in rifles and revolvers with long barrels. I haven’t really explored this in 357M, but out of my model 69, H110 loads are middling in velocity. Not that I like HS6 all that much, but it beats the snot out of H110 in velocity out of that gun. H110 does win big in the fireball and report categories.
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