Received the Inline Fabrication mount for my Rock Chucker Supreme on Saturday so I went ahead and installed on on my bench. Then today I received my liquid lanoline to make some home made case lube as per Gavin Toobe's instruction here.
So then I decided to resize and decap over 300 223 Remington cases. My daughter helped. Hell, she shot most of it.
There's enough room on the bench for a progressive press once I get into the swing of things. BTW, I build this bench 10 years ago, the original NES thread is
here. 10 years in my basement serving as a storage for junk. Well, not anymore. It's actually being used now for it's original purpose. Better late than never I guess.
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Things I learned/discovered today.
- The original primer catch system is not as bad as some people say it is. I only had a couple land on the floor.
- The Hornady lock-n-load bushings suck. When resizing brass, the die part of the bushing would lift up about 1/16" when the press cammed over. Also, the bushing that attaches to the press has lost part of one of it's lugs. Looks like it's made from cast aluminum. I'm very disappointed as I was looking forward to using these. I switched back to not using the Hornady bushings.
- Looking forward to this weekend's reloading class!