Thanks for the data. Can you elaborate as to why you believe the Model 69 doesn't like the RNFPs ? Was it just accuracy?
I ask because I'm looking at adding a 629 4.12" to the herd. Seems like the 2-5/8" will eat them up all day @800-900fps, both 240 and 200.
Accuracy alone, if that. "Believe" is too strong a word. "Suspect" is probably right, though even that seems too strong in hindsight. It's something I feel I need to look into. My purpose before was to gather velocity data. It's nice to get group size at the same time, but this was the first time I'd ever shot this powder at all, and I was entirely on my own for the 44 loads. I just didn't want to load up more than 3 rounds at each charge level until I had confirmed that velocity would be about what I was expecting. That's not enough for accuracy evaluation, IMHO, unless maybe we're talking about a hunting rifle with a lightweight sporter barrel where the only accuracy that matters is what you get from a cold barrel. At any rate, the groups with the Blackhawk were better. We're talking an average group size of 3" for the 69 at 25 yards versus 1.9" for the Blackhawk. However, a few "all me" factors might be involved here. Plus, I'm not sure I was managing to seat the bullets as straight in the 44's. There was obviously more resistance plus a longer bullet. I used the Lyman M-type flaring die, and it's always disappointed me with poor stability of the alignment of the bullet in the flared case, which ought to be something it does really well. The RCBS versions that I have in 38/357 and 45C works great by comparison.
Anyway, I'm holding off on any conclusions. I've loaded up some more rounds. I'm planning to do a better job of evaluating the accuracy next time with 44 magnum:
1. 200gr RNFP, 5.4 grains WST at 1.375" COAL
2. 200gr RNFP, 8.2 grains CFE Pistol crimped into the crimping groove (didn't measure but probably about 1.575" COAL).
3. 240gr TCFP, 9.2 grains Ultimate Pistol (circa 1000fps)
4. 240gr Speer FMJFP (Silhouette), 21 grains of N110.
This time the chronograph will stay at home, leaving me to concentrate on producing the smallest possible groups. Actually it has to for now because one of the wires to the 9v connector broke off as I was putting it away the other day, and I either need to solder it back or splice on a new connector.