Thank you for the reply. It sounds like fun.I did shoot about 50 of them in my stock MCX pistol with excellent results, ave 2444 fps, I started way low with the charge and worked up to that. No issues, wife loves it as well. I going back for more testing this weekend so tell me what you want to know, I'll report back!View attachment 543840
First, can you tell me what hardness the lead alloy is you are using? If not what is the source (example wheel weights)?
I was just curious to know if you saw any signs of leading? So if you break down the firearm for cleaning are you seeing any lead on the flash hider or muzzle break, in the barrel, etc...
I've heard Elvis Ammo and FortuneCookie45LC talk about powder coated boolits. There is just not very much information out there as far as sources go on the subject. I am always trying to learn more about this because I love reloading and getting out on the range more.