steven grammont
NES Member
Been reloading for a year maybe a little longer. The only calibers I have done to this point are 9mm and .38spl , I've done thousands of each , and have no issues until recently. Last shipment I got 125gr plated hollow points for .38spl from Extreme(figured I'd try something other than wadcutters and SWC. I made a test batch with 4.4gr of w231 and got a squib. After that I made another cylinders worth and went to 4.6 , shot 5 and number 6 ended up getting stuck in the barrel again. Shooting a six inch Dan Wesson model 15-2. Are these just too weak , or should I be using a different powder? My data book shows me a max of 4.8gr , and that's going by the data for using a 125gr lead projectile