You silly poor person , the person blasting off that could not care less about ammo prices.I hit my local range the other day to sight in a rifle. Noticed there was a metric F ton of 223 brass in the bin. We're a small under 500 person club, so it's rare to see this much brass. I always bring a bag just in case.... Sometimes I score 20-30 cases....
Started looking through it, mostly LC 1x fired. I only reload LC brass.... So, I filled up a doubled up shaws bag and off I went.
Started sorting through them last night. Culled out everything else and ended up with 575 1x fired LC cases.
Found a live green tip round in there, what was that going for in bulk this past year? Headstamp mix of 2020/2021.
Thank you to the range ninja who blasted off ~$700? worth of ammo, your brass will be put to good use.
Theres members at 2 clubs I know wont even bother to clean up after themselves because a poor gun owner will be along to pick up the brass.