I will make it easy for you , f*** all that logging and data .
You want to factor in your equipment along will component costs and see where you break even/profit
I figured it would take 3 years to “break even” on my equipment investment.
So take your reloading costs and “buy” your own reloads from yourself plus 20%
You will have a small box of cash in your safe for those restocking times.
My jump into reloading was everyrhing I needed for all pistol and rifles and 3 years worth if components for the 4000 rounds a year I was shooting between all the cals.
At the time powder averaged $150/8lbs
5000 primers where a touch over $100
Bullets where around .13 average plus my almost free cast bullets.
Buying my reloads off myself quickly showed I worked off the cost of equipment quickly.