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Boom, I just made my first 33cm contact, almost exactly 7 miles apart with at least one hill in between. He has a proper yagi and 50w and I was using a PCB log periodic about 4" above tabletop level, in the house, running maybe 800mW from a 144 to 903 transverter.
CW was easy. He gave me 579, I gave him 599. On SSB I could hear him pretty well but he could only tell I was transmitting, not what I was saying.
It's safe to say his antenna was doing the bulk of the heavy lifting.
Next up I'd like to get up to a higher vantage point with a clear shot from farther away.
Yeah, for sure. This had maybe 12" of coax to the transverter, then 6" of that low loss rigid coax to the antenna, which is why it was only 4" above table level. When my friend was using this transverter he was primarily/exclusively roving, so he must have been using something else from the transverter to the antenna, but I'm not sure what. There was a dish involved too, but I think that was for even higher frequency stuff.If you are going to play that far up in frequency, use low loss coax/fittings and keep your runs as short as possible.
What happened to the peak Solar Cycle? The last few days have sucked. And there's been a lot of suckage this month.
Yesterday I disconnected my 6m antenna for a 30m dipole in the hopes it would perform better than my DX Commander. I'm working the 13 Colonies event this coming week and Monday I signed up for 30m, so I thought I'd try and give myself a fighting chance. At times it does a little better than the vertical, but at a minimum it is less noisy. It would probably do better higher up, but I did the best I could with it.This is a seasonal issue. Since we are in summer, absorption is higher for us and that hurts signal strength. Spring and fall always bring better HF conditions, which is why all of the major contests run when they do and not during the summer.
On the flip side, tropo and E-skip have been incredible, as long as you are alert to it. I'm looking at my Geochron screen right now as I type this and it is showing E-skip to Europe is open on 6 meters.
Where the heck is everybody?
I got in my head I wanted to mess around with an off center fed dipole. Idealistic Me wants to build it for 80m, but Realistic Me says just stick with 40m. I have a 4:1 current (Guanella) balun I build a year or two ago for a Carolina Windom antenna that never really worked out, so that's a good place to start. It's somewhere back in this thread. I believe it's two FT140-43 cores in a 4x4" Carlon box. It looks an awful lot like the one Palomar sells for $125, although they likely use FT240-43 cores.
I remember reading somewhere that the traditional 1/3, 2/3 design is not really the best. So I hunted around and I like the looks of this one from Palomar.
View attachment 903507
This doesn't look too bad.
View attachment 903510
Off Center Fed Dipole Notes - Palomar Engineers®
Here are some typical OCF dipoles that are successful designs 160-6 meter Double Off Center Fed antenna layout (using a double tuned stub for better 20/40 meter performance) Here is the 160-6 meter SWR graph using 200 feet of RG213 feed line and an average height above ground of 35 feet...palomar-engineers.com
Edit, this guy kind of opens it up. It looks like one FT-240, so I'm not sure what they did. And then maybe a binocular choke?
View attachment 903539
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smGtZAxoEfw
It took a few hours to get tuned up, but I got the 40m OCFD up and running today. I've got it good on 20, 15, and the bottom of 10m, and 40m is not terrible but needs a tuner. I could probably trim it some more but the location is less than ideal and I don't want to take too much. I must have walked two miles taking it up and down, adjusting the ends, and trying to route through the trees.
Conditions are pretty poor today so it wasn't a great day to test. Damn near blackout conditions at times. I got some contacts hunting POTA parks, and tried for a few others I heard calling but my 5w couldn't get through. I sure wish I'd remembered a CW paddle. Or a bigger radio. I just had enough stuff to carry and the 817 is a much more compact rig to lug around.
Anyway, I look forward to playing with this antenna some more. As with any dipole it's a bear to setup in the thick woods but it does seem to work. A cursory comparison with the ZS6BKW I'd say it's close but doesn't hear quite as well. The ZS6BKW also has more wire in the air.
I realize this is off topic but I didn't want to start a new thread.. Can a CB radio talk to Ham Radios ? Thank You. Paul.
But CBs are channelized, no? So you can't just spin the dial to 10/12m.
Lol only the LCD puds with the type accepted radios are restricted that way. Very few people run that kinda stuff anymore.But CBs are channelized, no? So you can't just spin the dial to 10/12m.
quite the propagation yesterday and today. I have 740+ reception reports from my NVIS antenna. Hit Australia too.
The CB band is channelized, yes, but each "channel" is a specific frequency. Most "MARS modded" HF rigs will tune to any frequency in the 11 meter band for transmit. You can easily google a CB channel chart that shows the appropriate frequency.
For that matter, most unmodded HF rigs will receive the CB frequencies.
Lol only the LCD puds with the type accepted radios are restricted that way. Very few people run that kinda stuff anymore.
I realize this is off topic but I didn't want to start a new thread.. Can a CB radio talk to Ham Radios ? Thank You. Paul.