What did you do in the shack today?

On somewhat of a whim I got a NanoVNA and a TinySA from R&L. I've been playing around with them a little bit and it's clear I have no idea what I'm doing. The menu system is a little funky and uses some weird terminology. I think I need to find some good documentation on them. I know they're both capable and useful tools, so I'm sure I'll put them to good use.

Many people use the NanoVNA as an SWR meter. I have an antenna analyzer that I like a lot, so that's probably not what I'll use it for.

I have a feeling I'll need some attenuators and cases to keep these things in.

I'm very happy with my Rig Experts AA-1500. It's a piece of cake to operate.
I'm very happy with my Rig Experts AA-1500. It's a piece of cake to operate.
I have the Rig Expert Stick Pro and it does me well. I haven't tried in a while, but when it connects to the phone it's really handy. The app on my laptop is also excellent, but just in standalone mode it's very good.

After work today it was so nice out so I got to work on adding 60m elements to a 40m dipole I made awhile back. I had put bullet connectors on the ends so I could extend it. I ran out of daylight before I could add lengths for 80m too. So I sat out back with the 817 and listened to a few rag chews, then tried calling CQ for a bit with no success. 5w into a dipole 3' off the ground is probably not ideal, especially with an S8 noise floor. I was surprised how much activity there was. All five channels were busy at some point, with some sort of digital on one of the channels. I didn't hear what anyone was running for power, but I was hearing guys in NH, VA, NC, and a couple of guys in 8-land.

Hopefully tomorrow I can get the 80m wires added on. It's gonna take some zig zagging to fit everything on the property and avoid the metal framed carport. But the intended use case is portable where I'll be able to stretch it out straight. I'll probably tune it for the bottom of the band and maybe figure out a system for folding it back to shorten it for the upper portion of the band. I have very little experience with 80 to know where the activity is. But one of my goals/dreams is to build a transceiver with the colorburst crystals I have (3.579MHz).
Well I cut it a hair short for the very bottom of the band but it's not too bad. It looks to be pretty solid around 3.7. 2:1 bandwidth is about 3.58 to 3.8. I think what I'll have to do is eventually cut this for the upper end and add one more link to get me the bottom of the band. That's a lot of links, but whatever.

Same basic setup as last night: about 3' off the ground on electric fence posts. Maybe if I can raise up the center some it'll move the resonant point up a little. I think that's how it works. Either way, it's dark out now so I'm done for the day.

My DX Commander had been sagging this summer and it was at the point where wires were tangling, so today I took it down and redid a bunch of the spots that keep the telescoping mast from un-telescoping. Hopefully this improves things because it's the second time I've had to do it.

During setup I found that two sets of radials had come disconnected. One I had to find in the lawn, so that must have had a fight with the mower. I put fresh tape and OxGard on the PL-259 and got it all set back up.

Back inside I put the analyzer on it and pretty much everything tuned up perfectly. 10m isn't great, but it never is. I never checked 6m before and that's surprisingly good across most of the band.

I think next time it needs attention I'm going to move it. There's a tree that's growing way too close to it for comfort, and when it's really windy it sometimes gets caught in the branches. And next time I'm going to raise it up off the ground just a little. Just enough that the grass leaves it alone. Probably wouldn't hurt to add weed barrier and some stone/mulch.

I almost forgot. This morning I built up a little dummy load kit I'd gotten from QRP Labs. It's nothing too fancy, just a bunch of 1k resistors in parallel and some other bits. I just wanted something small to put on QRP radios when I'm building them.
Had a good day, had an idea and slipped the antenna feed through the AC duct into the attic, now have a higher antenna with a better hang, now I just have to adjust my tuning.

I was playing around a bit on 6m and noticed a significantly lower noise floor than 2m, so much so that I'm rather concerned I'm not receiving correctly.
What antenna is it? I find 6 is pretty quiet when it's not open.
Home made dipole.

I was playing around last night, noise floor drops like a rock as I crawl up from 50mhz.

By the time I hit the pepperell repeater at 53.890 the ambient noise literally doesn't exist. I don't know if I can actually hear that repeater from where I am, but the waterfall shows nearly nothing and my S value is 0.
It's possible it's just because it's resonant at the bottom of the band, and maybe moving it up and into the clear changed the resonant point. Other than that, I got nothing.
It's possible it's just because it's resonant at the bottom of the band, and maybe moving it up and into the clear changed the resonant point. Other than that, I got nothing.
Going to have to plug the analyzer in and take a look, does resonance matter for reception? Newer ham and have never paid attention other than transmission.
Going to have to plug the analyzer in and take a look, does resonance matter for reception? Newer ham and have never paid attention other than transmission.
It does. Less so than TX. But if you use a manual tuner, you can get close just by peaking the noise.
This afternoon I got the lawn/leaves mowed again, then set to reattaching the 17m element that came loose on my DX Commander. It's not hard to do, but you have to disconnect all of the radials before you lean it over. But that's working again, so I'm happy about that. I'm hoping the mast doesn't slip again.

I finally bit the bullet and took the CW filter out of the FT-817 I bought just for that filter, and moved it to my FT-818 that is in much better shape. I'll save the 817 to use with transverters and such, or maybe sell it some day. It works fine, but it could stand to have the AF/RF Gain knob replaced.

Last up I saw someone selling 6 pounds of unused connectors on QRZ, so I bought those. He said it's north of 250 connectors, some common, some rare. I don't have any particular need for all of that, but I have to imagine they'll come in handy. It was $35 shipped, so I couldn't pass it up.
Picked up an automatic antenna tuner as I wasnt happy with my manual one.

Tuner manual leaves a lot to be desired. I think its working on 10M, but 6m is giving me issues.
I've also noticed that ft8 is now giving me crap again and apparently not transmitting again, *sigh*. Ive forgotten how I fixed that problem.
HRO Recommended a Z-100a.

Right out of the box the manual is lacking information.
Hmm, I've had good luck with LDG tuners. The one for the 817/818 is a little frustrating because it flashes at you to tell you how good of a match you have. I had to make a cheat sheet to tape to the top of it. That one looks like it might work the same.

I had a good run with my new NVIS 40/60/80m dipole today. The tune was rather different in the field than it was at home, but the radio was fine with it. It was built for the CW portions of the bands (although a bit high on 80), but today tuned up a little higher. I had QSOs on all three bands, some SSB, some CW. I hadn't had the 857D out in a while, and it's always a treat to play with.

I had a nice QSO with a guy over in NY somewhere, maybe west of Syracuse, on 60m. He had a dipole up at 40' and two Beverage antennas running N/S and E/W. I thought Beverages were loops, but his sounded like "dipoles". One was nearly 700' long, and the other was over 700', at something like 8' above ground. He said it didn't always hear as well as the TX antennas, but typically has an S0 noise floor. A guy could get used to that. Based on his description, I think he was running this from Unified Microsystems.
10 meters was incredible yesterday. At one point, in the early afternoon, I was simultaneously working SSB into eastern Europe and Hawaii.
I think this sunspot cycle is turning out to be much better than predicted. I have been through 5 sunspot maximums and this may end up being the best. I worked Europeans on 6 meter cw on Friday using 50 watts to my 80 - 10 meter OCF dipole. Can you imagine that?

10 and 12 meters have been fantastic. 40 meters at sunrise, sunset and nightime - you can work stuff all around the world. Enjoy the condx. These are some of the great days and nights of DXing.
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I think this sunspot cycle is turning out to be much better than predicted. I have been through 5 sunspot maximums and this may und up being the best. I worked Europeans on 6 meter cw on Friday using 50 watts to my 80 - 10 meter OCF dipole. Can you imagine that?

10 and 12 meters have been fantastic. 40 meters at sunrise, sunset and nightime - you can work stuff all around the world. Enjoy the condx. These are some of the great days and nights of DXing.

Fall conditions have been spectacular this year. I've really been enjoying mobile HF in a big way. Band conditions have been so good that I've temporarily shelved plans to add a mobile amp. I see no need for now.
It's been a real nice change from the dismal bands this summer. I had a few times this summer I actually went out to make sure my coax was still connected. Next summer I'll have to get more involved with VHF/UHF.
I picked up a 12v, 20ah lithium battery and charger for my Retevis RT95 2m/70cm mobile radio for field use.
I had my wife help me while I tracked the ISS tonight.
I was all like "Beam me up Scotty, give me max power."
The entire 20 watts![smile]
A few guys finally heard me!
I had an HT for the receive and of course my digital recorder decide to have a fit right before the pass.[rofl2]
Parks on the front lawn it was![thumbsup]
I'm having a blast with the ISS passes. Heard guys from 1300 miles away hitting it. I always wondered how much power they used to reach it.
I picked up a 12v, 20ah lithium battery and charger for my Retevis RT95 2m/70cm mobile radio for field use.
I had my wife help me while I tracked the ISS tonight.
I was all like "Beam me up Scotty, give me max power."
The entire 20 watts![smile]
A few guys finally heard me!
I had an HT for the receive and of course my digital recorder decide to have a fit right before the pass.[rofl2]
Parks on the front lawn it was![thumbsup]
I'm having a blast with the ISS passes. Heard guys from 1300 miles away hitting it. I always wondered how much power they used to reach it.
You only really need 5w to hit it. It's FM so the strongest signal wins, though.

I got lucky and worked someone off the ISS from the comfort of my shack on the house antenna. To properly work satellites and the ISS there are a lot of moving parts. It's a wild ride. I see the attraction.
Here's how I run mobile. You have to love the massive metal ground plane of aluminum under my antennas. Currently running a Uniden SDS100 scanner on an external antenna and GPS. The HF antenna is a Scorpion screwdriver (incredible antenna) feeding a Yaesu FT-891 with remote mount. I also have a Kenwood NX-5700H VHF radio with the remote advanced head. This radio puts out up to 110 watts on FM, NXDN or P25. I need to finish programming the UHF NX-5800 deck and get it installed soon.

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Here's how I run mobile. You have to love the massive metal ground plane of aluminum under my antennas. Currently running a Uniden SDS100 scanner on an external antenna and GPS. The HF antenna is a Scorpion screwdriver (incredible antenna) feeding a Yaesu FT-891 with remote mount. I also have a Kenwood NX-5700H VHF radio with the remote advanced head. This radio puts out up to 110 watts on FM, NXDN or P25. I need to finish programming the UHF NX-5800 deck and get it installed soon.

View attachment 934985View attachment 934986View attachment 934987View attachment 934988

Heavy duty looking mount and braiding. [rockon]

I didn't have a ton of time to play today, but I wanted to up my SKCC numbers this weekend during the Weekend Sprintathon. I ended up getting just a few. By the time I finally had an opportunity to sit down and focus, I was an hour late :)

At the beginning of the year I set a goal of 100 SKCC contacts in '24. Here we are in November and I'm just over 50. I figure I can try for one or two a night and hit my goal. I'm not trying for any of their awards or levels, their rules are too complicated. I just thought 100 was a good number for practicing simple QSOs. And I like that even in their "contests", people will still maintain some level of formality.
I've been hemming and hawing about a mag loop for a while now. I was all set to try and build one, then buy one, then build one, then buy one, ... Tonight I decided it was time to shit or get off the pot, so I ordered an AlexLoop. It was stupid expensive, especially for a guy who doesn't like buying antennas. But it's quick to setup, has very high Q, so very low noise, and packs up relatively small. It includes a backpack, which is probably not great, but it holds everything including your radio and accessories.

As long as you're not searching and pouncing, tuning shouldn't be a problem. It even has an LED on the tuning box to indicate when you have a low SWR. It's rated for 10w CW/Digital and 25w SSB, and covers 40-10m. That'll be just fine with any of my QRP rigs.

With the holidays coming up I thought it might be perfect to bring places I can't/don't want to setup a proper antenna. And it'll spare me from dicking with wire antennas when they're just not convenient.
My Alex Loop was just delivered. Somehow I have to work for like 3.5 more hours. I spent a few minutes just setting it up about as jankily as I could, and tried tuning it on a few bands. It tunes up very easily by ear, and if it wasn't perfect, I just had to tweak it a hair. Very easy to tune. I'm going to like that.

The backpack leaves something to be desired. I guess it's fine for storing and transporting it, and it includes separate pouches for your radio and accessories, but it doesn't seem like it'll be super comfortable for carrying too far. I didn't buy it for the backpack though.

The build quality is nice. It's just a length of what I estimate is LMR400, a tuner box and a small loop of maybe RG58, with some plastic piping to make the "mast". I wonder how well the mast will hold up in the cold. I can always replace it with PVC if it breaks, though. The tuner box is quite nice, and the feed line gives you a decent length that you shouldn't need to bring more coax. Generally you don't set these up too far from your operating position because you need to tune them. And the feed line has a BNC connector with good strain relief, perfect for QRP rigs.

My out-of-the box first take is that it's going to be nice. It's a lot of money for two pieces of coax and a variable cap, but it works good and is a well thought out package. I plan to use the shit out of it this winter.

At some point I want to do a comparison with hamsticks and maybe even dipoles. The way I understand these is they are not very efficient on lower bands, but decent on higher bands. And they make up for some of that inefficiency with a low noise floor. Time will tell.
I wasn't impressed with the mag loop performance in the living room, so I took it up on a mountain this afternoon. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. Granted I was kind of cheating and using 20m, but still. I logged 25 contacts in under 40 minutes with 5w CW.

The backpack worked well. I kind of had to cram the FT-818 into it because the side rails I'm using are a bit chunky, but that's likely the biggest rig I'll be using it with. The antenna setup in maybe 5 minutes from unpacking to tuned. Same for takedown.

Here's my QSO map. I started around 4:30 and ran for 40 minutes. I tried 17m and 30m but it was probably the wrong time of day for both. The antenna was oriented mostly East/West, so it's not as directional as I thought. But I could see some difference in signal strengths when I turned it a little. If this is the performance I can expect, this will be a nice addition to the antenna stable.

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