What did you do to your firearm today.

I have chickens which recently resulted more than a few rats. 20150412_184909.jpg
Besides watching a number slowly fall to the decon morsels.
I whacked one with my trusty rusty pump pellet which limped it's way back to :"a hol ed"
Anyway. ..caught one inside tge shed with a trusty one handed rifle man handed shot through " in mah belle "
The watering bucket is where I'll take my next stand. ....

Better clean up now before it gets warm and stinky.

I would prefer the instant passionate" method with my .22 at distance but wouldn't want a freaking swat team and pita along with the EPA calling me out.

So. ...rather pathetic but Somewhat productive.

I could definately get into varmint hunting.
Well, nothing today (as that thing called 'work' was required), but yesterday went to the range and practiced with my .38 Ruger SP101 and Mk III 22/45 (hate that darn magazine disconnect....but that will change soon)​
I finally got around to putting my Taran Tactical sights on the Gen4 G34. I also put in a 3.5 lb connector and spring kit, as well as a Gen3 guide rod assembly & adapter.

I'm going to have to Dremel my Gcode holster a bit. The rear sight is a little higher and rubs a bit.
Scooped up a .223 Wylde bbl (spiral fluted) for a steal from MAS Defense on the recommendation of another member. Prettying my rifle up a bit.
Yesterday I disassembled my Savage 69RXL police gun and replaced the ejector. Went pretty well except when one of the extractors launched itself into space. Spent an exciting 20 minutes looking for that and found it 180 degrees opposite the direction it launched in.

Just have to get to the range to see if that fixed the problem.
....some range time this morning with the wife and a work buddy. He tried out my .380 Bodyguard and a Ruger 38 LCR and SP101 trying to figure out what he really likes to buy a new one. I played test and tune with my Ruger Old Army with a 45 Colt cylinder. (click to embiggen if needed)

Tightened the Main Spring Tension Screw on my Model 13-4. Took that and my 6906 to the range and put 100 rounds through each one. Both guns are incredibly accurate. Took them home and cleaned them. Took the side plate off my Model 64-6 and worked on the idiot mark left by the previous owner. Put that back together. Now that I've taken it apart, it needs to go to the range to make sure it goes BANG when it's supposed to.

I might even get to the range twice this week!
Installed a Wilson Combat extended slide release on my S&W 1911 9mm. Drop in part, works great. Just blew through 100 rounds at the range and functioned fine.
I got some new clothes for one of my M14s. It's an un-issued M14E2 stock that's been sitting around for 50 years. It will be sanded a bit and will get several coats of pure tung oil.

I got a new rubber butt pad for it as the original (and repro) butt plates are nearly impossible to find as are the forward grips. I'll add a bit of picatinny rail and a GG&G bipod. I guess it will be a bit of a 'retro-mod'.

I dropped my Rock-Ola m14 into it as it already has a muzzle devise fashioned after the E2's muzzle stabilizer.

I finally cleaned my CZ75b after 700 rounds of my Titegroup reloads. Wow was this thing dirty. I had no choice but to blast the internals with Gunscrubber to get all the black fouling out. Worked like a champ, looks brand new. I made sure to coat the internals with some Hornady one shot cleaner and dry lube which works great for corrosion resistance. Doesn't attract fouling as much as a "wet" oil/CLP.
Went to Granite state range yestetday with my sister who is applying for her LTC. She has only shot my Beretta 92FS once before back in march. I think she did pretty good for her limited experience and a smallish target. Target was set at 20ft since they say most encounters will happen within that distance. Now to find her a good 9mm compact/sub.


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Finally got in some range time. Met up with Maxspeed and GPP at Mansfield F&G for some fun time, chatted with Yazz (who was shooting on the 100 yd range) and cleaned 4 of my handguns before leaving the range.

Excellent day to be outdoors!
I stopped at the range after work today. A thorough deep cleaning to the pistol and all worked well. Extractor is fine. I'm thinking it was more of the carbon and lead buildup in the chamber and barrel.
The accuracy of this 22/45 LITE is still amazing me. I put another 50 rounds down range of the previously problematic Federal American Eagles then shot a few Rem. Velocitors, CCI Quiets(hand cycled) and HP MiniMags. At 25yds I was breaking up bits of clay pigeons others had left on the backstop. Had fun, didn't want to stop.
Got time to pattern some possibly new ammo to carry in my HD Shotgun. Both 00 Buck. One Federal flight control and the other Hornady critical defense Versa wad. of course I only took pictures at 15 yards. I went out to about 25. both still on paper at that distance.

Shot my S&W 457 and S&W 64-6 3". The 457 is a serviceable and not very expensive "Value Line" .45 ACP semi auto. The 64-6 is a sweetheart to shoot. That and my S&W 13-4 3" are great shooters.

Tomorrow's activity will involve cleaning guns.
Yesterday I shot my MP shield and sr45. Cleaned both after and removed the mag disconnect on the sr45. A good time was had by all.
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