What did you do to your firearm today.

Refinished the Romanian butt stock on my Egyptian Maadi AK because I figured if I'm going to be waiting for a correct stock I might as well make the Romi stuff look and fit decent.

Then I put a Magpul MIAD grip on my BCM build only to find out that either Anderson lowers don't work with the Magpul high back rear straps or vice versa. Oh well, standard grip strap it is.

One more reason why I still prefer the traditional AK design over modern plastic stuff.

I had to slam the grip on my gf lower . Was it the back strap or the cut out that gose around the lower where the grip screw is that didn't fit?
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Over the weekend, I cleaned the Dan Wesson PM9, CZ75b, GP100, Super Redhawk, and the Coonan Classic. Yeah I had a bunch of free time with the fiance out of the house lol.
Yesterday - a few hours practice with the S&W 1911 9mm Pro, and a couple of mags with through my Walther PPK...The Mrs. practiced with her Ruger SR22.

Saturday was using my Colt Gold Cup and the rear sight pin finally sheared off (a common bugger on the Elliason sights), so its off looking for a replacement for that pin.
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Installed my IWC light mount and out thread locker on them! Also put this JP enterprise spring kit in. Just installed the trigger spring and disconnector spring. Left the hammer spring alone.

Free floated the barrel on my Tavor by removing the plastic u-channel in the foregrip. I'll test it tomorrow and hopefully I'll have slightly tighter, consistent groups.


With the plastic bit gone, there's now a 1mm gap around the barrel, where before there was full contact all the way around. When I was using my bipod and pushing forward on it, the barrel was visibly flexing with the pressure.
CT45 Covert

got quite annoyed at the ridiculous grip length on my Kahr CT45....so much that i actually had it listed in classifieds briefly. then figured screw-it i'm going to do a grip chop to the P45/CW45 6rd grip length.

ordered a P45 6rd mag. busted out the calipers, dremel, diet mountain dew and went ham on the grip. now it's not totally finished as I still need to radius the edges but from a function perspective the pistol is 10x better.

grip still allows for all 3 fingers (not that it's necessary) but now grip length is at least carry-able. it runs 6+1 easily without having to slam the magazine into the frame. fired 50 rds including 20 JHPs without a hiccup.

the main reason I went w the CT45 in the first place is that I don't much care for short barrel 45acp's....of course this is matter of opinion not fact, i just prefer to have at least 4" of barrel for that fat-ass .45 bullet to get moving.

i'm calling it the "CT45 covert" after similar Kahr models in the past w grip chops.

shown is 10 yard group. gun is super easy to shoot and accurate. recoil is minimal.

IMG_2664.JPG IMG_2647.JPG
Feels good to live free... I went to the range. Dispensed around 200 rnds. 50% into paper the other 50% was used for plinking clay pigeons on the backstop. Good day.
Put the 92fs barrel/spring/slide i just bought on my 96D and took it to the range. Lots of fun, although the safety and DAO trigger seem a little redundant (working on it)
Nice, how do you like the prs stock? I've never handled one and I am trying to debate between that and the luth ar mba stock.

I figured I'd make good use of the adjustable features but it feels pretty good as it is. I'll know more after a range trip tomorrow.

Definitely added some weight to the rifle. Should add a better feel than the A2 stock I was using.
Yesterday, installed a thin shim for the rail under the front screw on the slide riser on the ol' Browning Buckmark (without it and the screw tight, its impossible to work the slide), cleaned my Colt Trooper III (.357) and installed a replacement rear Elliason sight pin on the Colt 45 Gold Cup (with some swearing).

Test n' tune them today!
Yesterday, one of my old RRA ARs got some Magpul furniture. I really dig the collapsible stock - thinks that weren't possible in MA.

Took my Savage 69RXL shotgun apart to replace the right side extractor with a new (reproduction) one from Wisners. After function checking it with snap caps, spent 15 minutes finding the new part that had managed to eject itself from the bolt. Inspected that new part and discovered that Winsers hadn't machined a step into the back of the extractor so it would sit in the bolt properly. Took pictures of the old and new parts and sent an email off to Wisners.

Now to wait and see if they will correct the problem or if I am out $21.00 for a part I can't use. [thinking]
Range time:
S&W Bodyguard 380: unload a box of JHPs just for practice
Browning Buck Mark Plus: a box of 22s to test any loosening of a shim-installation on the top rail.
Colt 1911 GoldCup: use up a few partial boxes to re-set the elevation after a new rear sight pin install.
Mrs. Nowin went through a few boxes of 22s with her Colt Frontier Scout (she likes very much)
Friend of ours christened his new Ruger SP101 .357 with a box of .38 Specs.
T'was a nice day to be out.
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