What have you seen lately?

Dennis in MA

NES Member
Feb 12, 2007
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It's been an interesting week for me, wildlife-wise. The other day, I looked out of my window overlooking the Braga Bridge and every bird in Fall River was in flight. About 100yds from my window, one bird was flapping crazily and trying to go straight UP.

At that point, I realize he's not colored like the other birds in flight. (Basically gulls and pigeons.). I pulled out my binocs and it was one of our resident Falcons. He freaked out the entire avian community.

Monday afternoon, I was driving south on Rt 18 in Abington. In the field behind Peaceful Meadows is some sort of average-dog-sized creature loping around like a coyote. But it's so far away, I can't tell.

As I get closer, it's not a coyote. It's all gray-ish. Not coyote-colored at all. I'm color blind, but that shade of brown/green is like neon to me.

I come abreast and it looks up at me.

Yup. Coyote. Gray and white. More wolf than coyote. Seemed bigger than average, but that could have been the shock of it being gray and not coyote-colored.

Very cool. Broad daylight. Wide open area.
I was grilling on the deck about a week ago....a coyote sauntered thru the front woodlot. Stood there and looked at me for a while.

Also lucky my new ruger ranch .223 was up in the garage and just getting scope put on it...or it would have been a bad day for said coyote.
I saw a big bald eagle in Mashpee a few weeks back. It was standing over a hole in the ice on Mashpee/Wakeby just looking down, hoping to catch a fish swimming by.
Yesterday a ringneck pheasant walked through the parkinglot of my place of business. That was pretty funny.
Saw five juvey eagles together out on the ice a couple weeks ago. Tried to upload but image to large. Lately have seen blue birds, jays, robins, red squirrels, crows, turkeys, deer and an otter.
Big flock of crows, probably 100 or more. Looked like a swarm of bees above my house, lots of changing directions etc. don’t think I’ve ever seen that many together before.
I saw a deer. In town.

Driving down a two-lane main road about 7:30pm tonight. Pretty dark, houses about 50-100 feet apart, lots of trees.

From about 50-75 yards an on-coming truck flashes his hi-beams at me. I glance down to make sure mine are on low. Look back up and a deer crosses right in front of me, from right to left, about 20 feet in front of me. Misses on-coming traffic also. The truck must have seen him move and tried to warn me. I may have slowed down just enough to keep it from being an "aw-chit" moment.
Buddy and I were out coyote hunting a couple weeks ago. Called in a fisher which ran in and got spooked st the decoy. Saw a fat barred owl the same night.

On route 5 near the oxbow in Easthampton I recently had a bald eagle swoop right in front of my car. Very cool.
At 5:30, saw a good-sized Coyote crossing the street. We live near Savin Hill and there’s been Coyote reports the last week.

They are popping up all over Boston. I suspect they are coming in less-used railroad lines, where there are a lot of rabbits.

Do they eat skunks?
I see 30ish turkeys in my backyard every morning around 9 on days I stay home.
I see an eagle overhead at work often.
I saw a grey fox stalking my henhouse two nights ago.
Last fall I chased a lynx carrying one of my hens off. The brazen little bugger took a hen not 20 feet from me.
Got a road kill deer from PD a couple weeks ago. I've always brought them somewhere to be processed but figured since it was a small one it wouldn't be worth paying for. Deerdaughter and I got through it in pretty good shape for never skinning and butchering before so It was a great learning experience and have no fears of doing it again. Anyway, we left the remains out at the edge of the woods in the back yard and set up the camera. We get Gray Fox mostly but did get a red fox one night. Two possum that have been living under the shed are enjoying the remains also. The past few days a Red Tailed Hawk and the Turkey vultures have been visting along with a single crow and two ravens. I have the cam set up for 15 second videos and we've enjoyed watching what we get. Around the county yarding areas we,re starting to see many deer in the open cornfields at night. There's an awful lot to see this time of year when spring is working its way in. It's nice to hear the birds in the morning again while heading out to work.

I saw 6 alligators in the last couple days, 3 deer, and one dolphin.

Jeez...I just came back from sons spring training college baseball in Florida.

We saw Two dolphins, 4 alligators, a bald eagle in a huge nest, 3 deer driving into Disney Springs, one feral hog, and some real nice two legged does in tight yoga shorts (ass for days)
Two owls. One sat on the powerlines over my mailbox for quite a while.
One muskrat. It ran across road onto a sidewalk with children approaching walking to school. In the rear view mirror is see the kids were all scattering but laughing.
Finally heard coyotes at night - in the woods < 100 yds next to the lit-up, loud, busy soccer fields at my son's practice.
No robins or bluejays yet.
Damn. Some cool sightings. Wed Wobins are in my AO already.

Funny aside: When my daughter was little - 4 or 5 - she LOVED robins. And had a difficulty saying her R's and L's, hence the W's. So we're driving out to school one day and there is this HUGE robin. "Oh look. Fatty-ous. Just like in the Bible!" "Hon, that's THADDeus." "Oh, well that one's really fat." To this day, she's 20, we still call robins Fattyous.
Saw a fisher cat trying to get into our chicken coop. It spooked when I went out there with the 10/22. Hasn't been back so far...

There's a barred owl who's been hanging around the bird feeder - for some reason the chickadees have been scarce lately. ;)

Someone snowshoed through the back yard either with or after some kind of dog - wife saw the prints.

And that doesn't count the multiple flocks of turkeys we see in the fields around us or the deer in the roadway. I usually see them up in Hinesburg on my way to work... so far, I haven't hit one. But they're trying...
Saw the Falcons of Fall River again yesterday right before I left work. Two of them. Working to get above the other birds. Other birds were either working to stay above them or were G-O-N-E.
The woodcock are back. We’ve had one in our neighborhood the last couple nights doing his thing. Last night me and the kids got to watch him him dance around the sky since their was just enough daylight left when he started.
The woodcock are back. We’ve had one in our neighborhood the last couple nights doing his thing. Last night me and the kids got to watch him him dance around the sky since their was just enough daylight left when he started.

They are....took the dog for a walk and had several points. She's still pretty young...one of them flew she stopped, looked at me, like WTF...why didn't you shoot??? And totally lost her mind finally and took off...it took a bit of while and a good zap to get her back in line. I never usually have to hit the panic button.

She came back tongue out, and happy to be a bird dog after a few months of just running bare woods.
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