What is the one item needed for prep plans that nobody has thought of...

An older handbook. The new ones are pretty useless.

I'm afraid to ask... what is in the new handbooks? Do they tell the kids to call 911 for everything, and to sit around singing kum ba yah holding hands until the authorities show up?
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I'm afraid to ask... what is in the new handbooks? Do they tell the kids to call 911 for everyone, and to sit around singing kum ba yah holding hands until the authorities show up?

In short, yes. We had a jamboree a few years back and met up with some Canadian troops. We were figuring they would be more extreme because of the massive amount of open forests up there. They said they weren't allowed to build fires [thinking]

The old handbooks talk about how to suture and actually valuable skills when you're trying to survive.

Turns water + carbs + a still into alcohol. Alcohol provides drink , light , antiseptic , fuel.

Better than gold for barter.

And it turns that stockpile of wheat berries into something you want to eat.

Turns water + carbs + a still into alcohol. Alcohol provides drink , light , antiseptic , fuel.

Better than gold for barter.

And it turns that stockpile of wheat berries into something you want to eat.

Good, except yeast has a rather low shelf life. I haven't figured out a good way to deal with that problem yet. In theory, it is possible to grow your own yeast but you have to get the right species of it and not get contaminated with other yeasts in the environment.
I am going to have to change my answer as I did not read the question correctly. For a kit, without question one of the most important additions is a good portable water filter. There is plenty of water in this area. Having a small filter would save valuable time and energy. I would also think it could be one of the most barterable items (clean water) in an emergency. The Katydyn Pocket or Katydyn Combi can filter 13000 gallons on one ceramic filter and can easily fit in a back pack.
This could be a much longer list, but here are some quick thoughts. Like-minded neighbors, honey (lasts forever and has multiple uses) smokes and booze for bartering, non-electric handtools, hardcopy manuals for everything you can think of, and most of all - the ability to keep your mouth shut on what you have!
key for Caterpillar earth moving equipment

eta: since they're all the same

Cat still charges a dollar for a key. Worth having for a buck. Also the same key will work on all Cat padlocks as well.

While we're talking about locks if you're in Maine and come across a gate locked with a combination lock try a 4 digit rifle caliber. I would start with 30/06 and 30/30.
I don't mess around when it comes to toilet paper... average 2 year supply. I poop a lot and it never expires... its also cost saving to stock up when its on sale. Above all, great barter item.
Cat still charges a dollar for a key. Worth having for a buck. Also the same key will work on all Cat padlocks as well.

While we're talking about locks if you're in Maine and come across a gate locked with a combination lock try a 4 digit rifle caliber. I would start with 30/06 and 30/30.

Yea, because I definitely want to break through someone's gate if their combo is 30-06.
All. There are too many good ideas to pick a single winner. Is everyone ok if I use the NES Karma approach and randomly select the winner of the grips?

If there are no persuasive objections, I will pick tonight at 6:00 pm.
Wow, thanks so much. That is very generous of you. I mostly participated because of interest not the gift. I would like to thank everyone because there were some great ideas I had never thought of. Good thread.
Does anyone know where a list of whole distributor warehouses is? Could you PM me the info?
There are a bunch in Boston - you know, the place where the urban hordes will be invading the righteous suburbs from.[laugh]

I'm looking for someone who works at the Boston container port. I've already got the local warehouses identified.

Shit, now I need to change my alarm code, windows login password, and wifi password....
I bet every combination at MIT is 314159......

My vote is a family medical text.
Clothing in various sizes smaller than what your fat ass wears now. Serious, I have a 46 waist (yeah, I'm working on it.)but I keep my old Army BDUs and some old pants so I will have something to fit into as weight is lost from foraging and rationing my supplies.

Also If you are a fairly lean guy now, I would buy a set of cheap clothing or two that was a couple sizes larger than what you wear now. It would give the illusion that you were starving if you had to go out among the masses. "Jeez dude, do I LOOK like I have any food?"

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