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Paper clips, small light and many uses: http://www.xrysostom.com/paperclip.html
I recently remembered that even if gas stations are closed, there is probably residual gas/diesel in the underground tanks, so I added 20 ft of tubing and a small hand pump to my kit. (I already had bolt cutters)
Temporary fillings, in case you break a tooth and a dentist can not be found
A dental kit, I'm not talking tooth brushes I'm talking stuff to remove teeth if you get a bad enough cavity and infection you'll be incapacitated the easier to remove the tooth and clear an infection the better. Along with maybe some very strong orajel or cloves/ menthol stuff to numb before and after removal painkillers would be better but unmanaged infected teeth can do some serious damage.
Temporary fillings, in case you break a tooth and a dentist can not be found
A dental kit, I'm not talking tooth brushes I'm talking stuff to remove teeth if you get a bad enough cavity and infection you'll be incapacitated the easier to remove the tooth and clear an infection the better. Along with maybe some very strong orajel or cloves/ menthol stuff to numb before and after removal painkillers would be better but unmanaged infected teeth can do some serious damage.
Quick question. I've seen tankers replenishing in-ground fuel tanks at gas stations through the ground. Are those covers locked down? I imagine they must be secured in some way to prevent someone from rolling up at night and dropping a hose down the pipe.
Potassium iodide and gas masks?
i worked at a gas station a few years ago as a pump jockey and there was not a damn thing that kept someone from pulling the cover and lid off the tank where i used to work. unfortunately the place is no longer a gas station but the tanks are still in the ground. theres probably still enough gas in the tanks to make it posible. its in the back of my mind for sure. would need a strong pump and small hose to make enough suction to pull gas up from 20 ft down though.
This. Basic skills: weaving, knitting, wood working, candle making, canning/preserving, hunting/fishing... All the things you may need to survive and rebuild AFTER the supplies are exhausted (and there's no mini-mart and microwave)I think you should have a book of information on how to build steam engines, old crank phones, items that were used in the early days of the industrial revolution. That way once you are settled in you can start to rebuild to try and get some sort of normality.
Potassium iodide and gas masks?
Tincture of iodine will work just as well. 2 drops per liter and it purifies the water and kicks radioactive iodine out of your thyroid.