What to do if confronted

This may not sound like what you all want to hear.

We have given them the power and they like it. We ignore their abuse of power and say nothing or we find a means of acceptance in the power. Just a small example is on I-90 near Springfield, it is not an uncommon sight to be passed by Police Cars going well over the speed limit and with three or four cops in the car. Nothing is said and it is clear there isn't an Emergency. How many sit down and watch COPs on TV? How many are cheering for the cops even when they hand cuff a female that shows no threat? When they pull guns on someone who just rolled out of a car that hit a tree? We have allowed them to take more power and we have said nothing. Hell! Town Constables use to be the Town Drunks that were hired to park cars at school Dances now they have the same power as a regular Cop and NO TRAINING just EGOs.
I knew a City cop that had a dishonorable discharge for a Felony Conviction and served 17 years before being bounced. How many are on the take? How many make a small fortune sitting on their asses at Construction Sites and we ALLOW IT? How many times have you heard about Ammo being outlawed because it is COP KILLER? how and Why did the AWB get passed? For how long have people been saying "DON'T TAKE THE LAWS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS" How long have we been making these cops feel they are the ONLY AUTHORITY?
So why wouldn't you believe the B.S. that started this thread?
We have a Chief in Middlebury Vt right now who is ATTACKING a Tobacco Shop because they are selling SALVIA and he feels it should be illegal. DAs say it isn't illegal but he is making a stink about it. So now we not only have Cops who enforce laws but now we have cops who want to make them.
Look at the Peterson Case or the DUKE U. case, there is NO CASE but everyone felt there had to be wrong there and we all watched it for hour after hour on NATIONAL TV. Look at Imus, what he said is mild as compared to what these Black Rappers have in their music and Sharpton or Jackson don't seem to mind that our WHITE children are allowed to buy it.
We are the problems people, we ALLOW this nonsense to happen and we say nothing and it grows and it grows. Then when we see one that more of us feel is out of hand, we have no power to over ride it. We are allowing ourselves to become the PUPPETS. SPEAK UP, BE HEARD and not just on Message Boards.
There are a lot of GOOD decent cops out there and by speaking up you would only help clean up the scum.
When people choose to do nothing they become subjects.
Laws are only for the Decent folks, Bad guys don't give a Rat's As- about laws. Laws created from our fears are what are making us into more helpless subjects.

Some one said this to me about a JOKE I made on this thread.
Now that we've got that blatantly sexist remark out of the way...

Now the question is did he really mean what he said? There is the problem if he was serious. Everyone is going to be offended over something till a point comes that you are all sequestered from talking. Hell! we can't even raise our kids now unless it falls under wildly interepted guidelines from the State.
Folks I am not the least bit surprised to hear what started this thread and I am not the least bit surprised if the above quote was a serious one. We have all gone to Hell in a Hand Bag. I am not a Sexist, I am a Male Lesbian.
I am WHITE and everyone else has AMERICAN in their title, so I am already labeled as a piss ant.
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Hey Wing I took your comment as a joke, if it makes you feel any better I got a chuckle out of it, but also understand this is a serious matter. I am no way saying woman should not have the ability to defend themselves properly and I know you must feel the same way. When trying to make sense of things like this sometimes you just have to laugh.
Hey Dirtypacman

I know you did, what I was trying to imply by using the quote is that it would not surprise me. Today we seem to jump at everyone for any trifle reason. This Political Correct Garbage is totally insane as is the BE TOLERANT ATTITUDES.
I was trying to have a laugh, when I made the comment, cuz I am so pissed at our very own ignorance and our Ring in the Nose do what we are told attitudes. Hey! when it comes to MY life or my families, there ain't a law written, that will dictate to me how I will act. Whatever is close by will be used, whether it is a chain saw, gun, knife or a pick ax, I will use whatever I can to ELIMINATE the threat. Give them LIBERALS some real fuel to bitch about.
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Hey Dirtypacman

I know you did, what I was trying to imply by using the quote is that it would not surprise me. Today we seem to jump at everyone for any trifle reason. This Political Correct Garbage is totally insane as is the BE TOLERANT ATTITUDES.
I was trying to have a laugh, when I made the comment, cuz I am so pissed at our very own ignorance and our Ring in the Nose do what we are told attitudes. Hey! when it comes to MY life or my families, there ain't a law written, that will dictate to me how I will act. Whatever is close by will be used, whether it is a chain saw, gun, knife or a pick ax, I will use whatever I can to ELIMINATE the threat. Give them LIBERALS some real fuel to bitch about.

I understood that you were trying to lighten the mood Wing. I would suggest tho that you use the smiley's on the right side of the reply box to show others that you're making a funny. [smile] Written words alone can most often times loose their original intent. [wink]

How could anyone have read my statement and not have taken it for humor? It would be IMPOSSIBLE, with or without a smiley to even begin to think I was serious.
People are afraid to say anthing because they don't know if;

1. will it Offend (what the Hell does Offend mean?)

2. Is it Politically Correct? (am I going to offend again???)

3. Will I get into trouble for saying it? (not sure what title it may fall under)

4. Someone will always take what is said and twist to mean something else. (the wonders of the language)

5. there are people who are just itching for an argument

6. Will people think the person is stupid

7. Is it Racists (Isn't EVERYONE A racist? Name one person who isn't. Al Sharpton referred to US and he meant the Blacks and Don Imus insulted US. Isn't that Racist from a guy going after another guy claiming he was racist? I am so confused)

8. Is it SEXIST ( Well I am sure a man who is Bald, has a small you know what, and has a beer belly is a victim of plenty of Sexist jokes, but they are still funny)

9. will any one agree? ( inferiority complex makes people shy from expressing themselves)

A Smiley will prevent all this?? People need to be able to paste them on their foreheads in conversations then we won't need to worry about this Political Correct crap... [rofl]
Now as I reread this with my Humor smiley, it makes it seem very sarcastic when In fact I was having more DRY HUMOR. I think I can see a Don Imus situation here.. Moral of all this would be simply. LIGHTEN UP, TAKE A CHILL PILL, STICKS AND STONES, TURN THE CHANNEL, IGNORE, DON'T READ INTO IT, JUST LAUGH.
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Wing...there are people who do have problems with just the written word. If it's meant as a joke, then please use a smiley? It's only going to by pass having to do this right now.

Thank you. [smile]

It's only going to by pass having to do this right now.

Help me, I am from Vermont.. what is meant by that? I read it several times and was more confused after the several than before the first. Do what right now? by pass?[thinking]

Like that helps me??? go around doing it right now? Doing What???? Have I slept during another shift in the language? Far out, Right On, Rightous, Heavy Duty, Power to the People......
Dear one...if you start doing it now then we won't have to go through anymore of having to ask you to do it because folks don't understand where your coming from.

Better? [grin]
All of it....


AH H H H H H H H H! I get it now... Is that what you meant? Was that Mass Talk? Whew! it wasn't sinking in to the Brain Housing Group. Better..... [banana]

Hey wanna know a secret? Sometimes I don't know where I am coming from.
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