What was your first rifle?

First one I owned myself, was a Remington 788 in 22-250 (new). Date purchased was Dec 15, 1968, the day BEFORE GCA '68 went into effect.

Of course, I used a LOT of the guns we had around, but this was the first that was MINE.
My great grandfather sawed down, reblued and fitted a custom made (by him) stock to an old Marlin .22lr single shot bolt action for my father when my dad was in the first grade. When I was 5 my dad gave the gun to my grandfather (his dad) and he refinished the wood and reblued the barrel for me. By the time I was six I fancied myself a real "dead-eye", since I had already killed my first partridge out in Minnesota with that gun. I have the pictures on the wall to prove it. I have that little pea-shooter to this day in the hopes that my dad will refurbish it for my son, once I have one.
My first rifle was a Remington 581 BDL - bolt action .22, left-handed. I think I got it as a gift on my 16th birthday, but it has been long enough that I am not sure.

At any rate, I still have it, and shoot it at least once a year.

This is the righty version, but you get the idea.
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JuergenG said:
My first was a Heckler & Koch SL7, .308 semi auto.
Love this rifle !

Those are nice rifles! I'm still kicking myself for not buying one when I looked at it nearly 20 years ago.

My first rifle, other than an air rifle as a kid, was a Marlin 1894 in .22 Mag. Still have it will hopefully pass it to one of my nephews.

threejean said:
Mine was a Ruger MK II bull barrel I got back in the early 90's. Nice pistol, especially with the wood target grips.

And that relates to a thread about first RIFLES how? [rolleyes]
Scrivener said:
And that relates to a thread about first RIFLES how? [rolleyes]

Maybe it started out as a rifle and he put it in the washing machine . . . it shrunk and came out as a pistol? [laugh] [devil]
A mil-surp FN-49; bought at a San Francisco gun shop (in '74) as I was transfering from Treasure Island CA to Sub School in New London CT. Kept it through 3 more transfers until it was stolen during a house burglary in Goose Creek, SC in 1977.

In those days, air, bus & train services didn't freak at the sight of a gun case.

IIRC, the FN49 went from Kittery ME to Goose Creek SC in the sub's arms locker.

Still have the rack card used to store the FN49 at the Base Armory while I was living in the barracks.

My next rifle was a T/C Hawken that I still have (Xmas '79).
LenS said:
Maybe it started out as a rifle and he put it in the washing machine . . . it shrunk and came out as a pistol? [laugh] [devil]

Why I alway have mine dry-cleaned; extra starch on the vent ribs. [wink]
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