What would you do ?

Mass Supreme Judicial Court just threw out a rape charge yesterday because in this state apparently it is perfectly OK to Rape a woman if you managed to convince her to have sex by way of fraud. ...

What the heck does that mean? Did the check bounce?

None of the above....Leave my gun holstered as a last resort, I'd take my tire iron, & bash the guy in the head until it resembled spagetti-O's.

Damn shame....I drive through Ashland often during the course of my work, & it's quite a nice place. My prayers are with the girl in her recovery.

Has anyone been to that Market Basket? It might as well be downtown Rio de Janiero.
No, it means if you claim to be someone you're not and that induces the woman to consent, the act isn't rape.

So if some lounge lizard tells a girl at the bar that he's filthy rich, a record producer or that he makes films for Showtime and she falls for it, it qualifies as rape? [rolleyes] (I know, I heard the discussion on Michael Graham earlier, but any way you slice it, it's bullshit.)

So if some lounge lizard tells a girl at the bar that he's filthy rich, a record producer or that he makes films for Showtime and she falls for it, it qualifies as rape? [rolleyes] (I know, I heard the discussion on Michael Graham earlier, but any way you slice it, it's bullshit.)


I think it means the opposite.
RKG, does that apply to E911? What about all those fancy GPS doodads they're pushing into phones these days?

So far as I am aware, dialing 9-1-1 on a cellular (or PCS) phone affiliated with a Massachusetts MTSO is redirected to 800-555-5525, which is answered at GHQ. I believe there ambitions to have to MTSO select a local redirect based on detected subscriber geographic position, but I am not aware that it has yet been implemented.
A woman was raped across the street from me when I lived in The Inman Square junkyard area of somerville.
I heard weird "whiney" voices outside my window. I couldn't see where it was coming from, but they were strange enough for me to contemplate calling the police. I had the phone in my hand about to call the police when the woman started screaming. I called the police and I saw the guy jump up from behind a dumpster across the street and pull up his pants and run away. The police showed up in about ten seconds, just as I was running out the door. I gave them a description of the guy and one of the cars sped off after him.

I was a gun owner at the time, but "gun" never came into my mind.

It happened in the summer, outside the open bedroom window of the illegal Salvadorans that lived across the street. They would have seen and heard the whole thing even before it escalated, but they didn't call the police.

The somerville police were amazingly fast to respond and they were so professional about how they dealt with the situation.
All depends on how many cars there are, how close the nearest units are to the event. In some areas it could take half an hour. And sometimes it might not just be a simple rape, but be followed by murder.

Every situation is different and you really would have to evaluate it quickly should it ever happen. How far are you from the events? Is it possible for you to approach to a range where you could easily engage without the perps seeing you? Are they armed with knives or guns? Is it in a high traffic area where police are likely to respond faster?

I would err on the side of intervening in most cases, but simply put it all depends on what the specifics of the situation are. I personally will probably not ever face this sort of thing since I can't CCW in Mass and am only up in NH periodically, but it is something to think about.
Has anyone been to that Market Basket? It might as well be downtown Rio de Janiero.

Been at that store many times. Living in Holliston,
I swap off between shopping it and the M.B. in Bellingham.
Its location isn't really "Little Brazil" though. That distinction I'd give to
downtown Framingham, a couple of miles up the road.
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