Whats next on your list?


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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Whats next on your military surplus list? Marlboro is coming up to kick off the gun show season and I'm sure everyone thats going that collects milsurps has a few things they'd like to find at a fair price. Of course theres always that gun that you didn't expect to buy but just can't pass up. Some of my best deals and favorite rifles have been found that way.
High on my list is a New England Westinghouse Mosin Nagant with a Remington coming in close second. I've been wanting to get a Westinghouse model for a long time now but can't get myself to pay the high price money online sellers are asking when I hear and read about people still buying them for $150 here and there. $300 is the usual price for online vendors and those aren't even mint rifles.[shocked] I said it before and I'll say it again, theres something about bringing a rifle back home to where it was made that appeals to me. Westinghouse models were made here in Mass. in Chicopee, and the Remingtons were done in CT. I NEED one of each.[smile]

This photo is from mosinnagant.net and shows what they claim are American troops leaving for Russia in 1919 armed with M91 Mosins.


This photo is of the Remington Arms factory. Supposedly those are crates filled with Remington M91 Mosin Nagants. [shocked]


Aside from those Mosin models, I'm also looking for a few SKS variants to round out my collection, particularly an Albanian.[grin]
For a milsurp, I'd like to get a Nagant revolver to compliment my Mosin's. An SKS and a Mauser to expand the collection would be nice too.
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For a milsurp, I'd like to get a Nagant revolver to compliment my Mosin's. An SKS and a Mauser to expand the collection would be nice too.

I know a guy locally who has a Nagant revolver he is looking to part with, are you interested?
For MilSurps, I think a SMLE No1 MkIII. I have three No4 variants, but no No1's.
Also maybe a M-N 91/30 as a shooter. There seem to be a lot of them for sale, some by outfits that will sell in the PRM. Prices seem okay at some of the places and I think that they will go fast.

For non MilSurps a .22LR semi and .22LR S&W are on the wish list. The semi is probably easier and cheaper, so I'll probably get that first.

Tomorrow I'll pick up a rifle I dreamed of, but thought it to be unrealistic:
K98k S/42 K, all matching, with a serial in the first half of the 15,xxx made with this code.
It wasn't exactly cheap, but a real bargain !
I'm eager to get my hands on a 91/30 PU sniper.

I don't care if its a repro or not. I love my m44 and my Yugo SKS, but ever since "Enemy at the Gates" I've longed.

The last Marlboro show they had one or two. But what REALLY caught my eye there was a gentleman who had BOTH an SVT-40 Sniper AND a G-43 Sniper. They both looked original (and had the price tags to match). That's the equivalent of seeing two unicorns grazing in the same field.

If I don't find a good PU at the show I'll probably just pick one up from SOG with my new C&R FFL!

I can't wait for this show!
I'm really interested in getting a Sistema 1911. Thought I had one lined up for $350 in good shape over at gunsamerica, but someone swooped in right in front of me. Damn decision making. Should of just jumped on it.

There were none at Concord, so we'll see what shows up at Marlboro or The Big E.
I'm eager to get my hands on a 91/30 PU sniper.

I don't care if its a repro or not. I love my m44 and my Yugo SKS, but ever since "Enemy at the Gates" I've longed.

The last Marlboro show they had one or two. But what REALLY caught my eye there was a gentleman who had BOTH an SVT-40 Sniper AND a G-43 Sniper. They both looked original (and had the price tags to match). That's the equivalent of seeing two unicorns grazing in the same field.

If I don't find a good PU at the show I'll probably just pick one up from SOG with my new C&R FFL!

I can't wait for this show!

Check with Terry Goode (603-635-9699) at Collectors in Pelham or Bob Williams (603-635-8443) at Affordable Firearms (both in same physical shop). They are at all the shows, but they may have what you seek and can either bring it for you, get it for you, or you can nail it in advance of the show.

Good luck.
Hi Dirtypacman. Not sure if you know this or not, but with your C&R you can get a Garand at the CMP without most of the normally required affiliations. If you want a Garand, that will be your easiest and most likely cheapest route. You can get a decent shooter in the $400 range.

I got my Garand two years ago from them and it's one sweet shooting rifle!
Yup I actually have all my paperwork in order to do so (have my C&R)... now just waiting on the funds. Thanks for the heads up.
I switched to get a few handguns lately and my last purchase was a CZ83 in 9mm mak which was rare and it was new in the box. I already have a new looking CZ83 in 380acp which they make a nice pair to have.

Ok my wants are;

CZ82 in 9mm mak
CZ75 in 9mm luger After shooting my CZ85BD i want a CZ75 too. These have to be the sweetest 9mm's.
Ruger Super redhawk w/9 1/2" barrel in 454 casull
Auto Ordnance Army WW2 copy 1911a1 45acp, I have one already and i want another one these are great guns for the price of $389.

Saiga in 308 with the folding stock 16" barrel

Something belt fed 30cal or 50cal.

List is subject to change it can only be added to.
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