Where can I get into USPSA shooting?

Check out www.uspsa-ne.org. Boston Gun and Rifle in Dorchester runs matches in the winter, but they're done for the season. At this point, you'll have to drive about 45 mins to an hour outside the city. Harvard, Manville, and New Bedford are all about that distance. I can vouch for Harvard and NB putting on excellent matches, I haven't been to Manville yet.
Supermoto runs some classes at Ames in Easton. That is how I got into the sport. Independent Sportsmen's Club in Foxboro also does practice runs that are USPSA like.

Manville has fewer stages than New Bedford and Harvard, but the stages are a lot of fun.
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I'm brand new to this. Do they run intro classes or something along that line?


Are you brand new to action shooting in general or just USPSA? If you have experience safely drawing from the holster and reloading, I'd say just skim through the rulebook and go to a match. Tell the staff that you're new, and they'll help you out. That's what I did. If you can get out to Harvard at 5PM on Wednesdays, they run practices then.
New to action shooting. Just got my LTC A last week and bought my first semi pistol a day later. I'm a safe gun owner and shooter. Would like to try some USPSA to see if it feels right.
If you're that new to guns, I suggest seeking out a class. There's a difference between being safe plinking on the range and being safe shooting while moving through a USPSA field course. It's the same basic safe gunhandling, but there's a lot more other stuff to distract you from it in a match. Do you have a holster and mag carriers yet?
You can come to my practice Sat at Ames at 2:30. I'll teach you everything you need to know for your first match. Bring a strong side holster, some mag pouches and ammo.
Thanks all! I appreciate all the replies. I'll save up a little for those extra magazines and pouches (they ain't cheap! $30/mag) and then pings you guys back and take up those offers for some practice sessions.

Thanks again!
look at harvard sportsmens club. 6 ranges devoted to idpa or ipsc, at alternate times. plus, intro and safety classes. also, have hight practice, indoor and outdoor. and, the comps are very well attended. the club loves pistol. when you advance, they have a machine gun range. when you really get good, come visit us at the 300 yard range. no liquor. and, very safety minded. for a different experience, you should have been there last weekend, when they had the cowboy shoot. everyone dresses in western gear and uses equipment time appropriate. plus, it takes them two weeks to set up the western village. if you like guns, harvard is nirvana. been a member for one year. am a boston resident and visited all clubs. none compare. wonderful friends await you.
can't make it on Sunday. And since I'm just starting, I need practice and the basics. Are they still having practices on Wed evening?

Supermoto, will you be out at Ames this Sat? It may rain... But I finally got my gear together. So if you're out there this Sat, let me know and I'll swing by to meet you guys.

I will be there, rain or shine. I have a shotgun match in the morning, but should be there by 2pm.

Harvard still has practices on Wed nights
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