who wants to go coyote hunting?

Easy way to skin them

works for deer too

I'll be damned. I have never cleaned or skinned an animal before, shot a few birds but that's it, once the coyote balloon is inflated do you just cut it at the paws face and a**h***?
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Was it wrong for me to laugh at that air skinning video? The only thing missing was a loud POP!
I lol'd as well.
Got me thinking, I wonder how much air it takes? I have one of those little CO2 cartridge air blowers. Portable skinner tool?
If I read this right you can still use a shotgun (just with FF shot or smaller) right?

Also, does anyone have any recommendations for a good coyote call?

Best call I have seen is my own call. I do two very loud meows. Its more like the ending eow and less mm. Very loud too. That draws them in.

At my farm in NH I let out a very loud eeeooowwwwwww. Twenty minutes later you can see them walking around the field. I'd shoot them now, but I am waiting for there fur to prime.
According to masswildlife when I called, shotgun and Bow are both allowed at night.

I'll be damned. I have never cleaned or skinned an animal before, shot a few birds but that's it, once the coyote balloon is inflated do you just cut it at the paws face and a**h***?
pretty much, as for how much air, I don't think a little C02 canister will do it but maybe one of those paintball ones would work
pretty much, as for how much air, I don't think a little C02 canister will do it but maybe one of those paintball ones would work

Nevermind this air skinning thing. You guys should be case skinning them and then fleshing them on a fleshing beam. Then they go on a stretcher. IF you case skin them right then you don't need a fleshing beam and they can go stright to the stretcher.
care to explain case skinning them? I know what fleshing is and have done several hides, a 6-8" PVC pipe makes a decent beam that won't rot.
care to explain case skinning them? I know what fleshing is and have done several hides, a 6-8" PVC pipe makes a decent beam that won't rot.

Well, its a basic way to skin them. You might already do it this way, but basically you hang them upside down cut around the legs, and then pull down. Same way you do a deer. This is the way stretchers are set up, and the way the whole fur market takes them. Even if your not selling it, it makes a better fur.

here is a link to a example
Well, its a basic way to skin them. You might already do it this way, but basically you hang them upside down cut around the legs, and then pull down. Same way you do a deer. This is the way stretchers are set up, and the way the whole fur market takes them. Even if your not selling it, it makes a better fur.

here is a link to a example

just dont do step 1 if you want to mount it.

skinning for taxidermy is a little more complicated, only because it takes a little more patience and most people dont have any.

Also, if you skin it right after killing it, dont freak out when 100 fleas start jumping all over the place.
Very unsuccessfully in the few times I've done it, though I've seen tons of sign one year when we had snow, but the moon wasn't right.
Full moon still, but the wind is going to make even the coyotes lie low tonight. Otherwise, a little snow and full moon is perfect.

Anybody else notice they now have winter/snow camo at Dick's this year. I don't remember seeing it in the past. I have some old Army Surplus (German?) white pants.
Full moon still, but the wind is going to make even the coyotes lie low tonight. Otherwise, a little snow and full moon is perfect.

Anybody else notice they now have winter/snow camo at Dick's this year. I don't remember seeing it in the past. I have some old Army Surplus (German?) white pants.

I checked it out. The 3d poncho was kinda pricey. I carry a white shower curtain liner for the snow. Cut a hole in it so you can wear it like a poncho or lay it down and fold it over you. It's cheap concealment, folds up small, and water proof.
They're not "yotes".

yes they are.

as well as coydogs, coyotes, shitburglars, and those effin' mongrels.

Those ones at dicks are a little much, although when I was there last a couple weeks ago they had a 3d poncho on sale for $15, I almost bought it but it looked effin' daffy.
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