Why Membership has its PRIVILEGES


NES Member
May 24, 2005
Just east of Zone 9, but in Worcester County.
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If you were a paid member of this forum, you would have had a chance to do this:


You could have shot:

1919 .308 Machine Gun
.500 Magnum with Cor-Bon 440 Grain "Elephant Killers"

You want more details and info on other FUN EVENTS? PAY UP!!!!

Oh, and when the local PD showed up to find out what all the noise was about, we were just asked to be safe and have fun. (Obviously not Massachusetts)
There WILL???? Where are you going to keep find cars like that?

And who's going to be towing & prepping them... *slowly edging towards the door*

Well, we may not necessarily shoot a car again right away...I'm sure we can think of other things to shoot. There's another event coming up the first week in October [smile]
Yeah, but pumpkins are going to seem like such a letdown... unless we can put some tannerite in them? [devil]

Actually, I've always wanted to shoot one like in The Day Of The Jackal and have it explode like that... They had to have put something in there.
Yeah, but pumpkins are going to seem like such a letdown... unless we can put some tannerite in them? [devil]

Actually, I've always wanted to shoot one like in The Day Of The Jackal and have it explode like that... They had to have put something in there.

[devil2] Sounds like we're gonna have to get some more [devil2]
What's really eerie is that I drove a car that looked IDENTICAL to that one all through grad school... Wow... The only difference was that mine was a Plymouth Sundance, not a Dodge Shadow.

Same color, inside and out. Can't say I blame you for shooting it up... [wink]

BTW, boys & girls... here's what the car looked like at 0800 that morning. [smile] [smile] [smile] [smile]

Figures I missed this one... was away alot longer then I had originally intended. Next time I hope there is a next time :)
I still haven't heard back from Nate (Car's former Owner) I emailed him some pics and vids of the carnage.

I know I got a real eerie feeling looking at the shredded interior of a car I used to cruise around in on a daily basis:

That passenger seat had by ass-print in it before it was carved by high-speed lead!

Man this grin on my mug still isn't fading!!!!


-Weer'd Beard
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