Wilderness Survival Campout

I'm sure if you can't make it and one of your NES brothers finds a screaming deal on a gun at either Marshalls firearms or Barn store of New England (both close by ) that you have wanted for years, you will send him a heartfelt congratulations on his luck in finding that which has eluded you for a decade or so.
Bog hog1 forwarded some questions to me so I will answer here in case others have them . Cell reception is good with no problems. Joe doesn't mind ATV's with these stipulations, stay on the trails, DO NOT ride through his berry fields or run over his sap lines as these may get you shot. Pick up your trash. Nothing makes him more angry than having to pick up beer cans on his trails. Drink all the beer you want as long as you take all empties with you or dispose of properly.All he asks is that you respect the property and everyone should have a ball.
OK a couple of questions
1) There will be guns, are we really mixing beer into this?
2) What is the curriculum of this, other then just a bunch of guys getting together to talk survival? I see talking about making fire from a sparker, but a bow drill sounds more interesting/useful with the spirit of this walk. Is there any forest around we can get wood to build a bow drill? Or is someone going to provide?
3) How much should we pack? Just enough to survive ~2 days outside in the elements? Sleeping bag, or are we building beds from local pines/firs? Full framed hiking pack?
1) Drinking and firarms, Rule #1 is don't be stupid, I am not going to stop anyone from having a drink but if they are getting obnoxiously drunk or they are out of hand and they are sober they will be asked to leave or removed, You can do some shooting and later around the campfire have drink, don't be stupid do no harm etc.. I am fully libertarian, as long as you don't harm anyone else there isn't going to be a problem.

2)I will have a bow drill set and after the walk I took it looks like there is materials on site to make your own to take home with you, I will also bring some spindles of yucca for you to try as well as it isn't native to the area. everyone should have some cordage with them.

3)As for what to bring I suggest packing like you would for a day hike, if you only have a full pack then use it. To prevent environmental impact I suggest a tent but if you want to build your own shelter to sleep in there is plenty of woods available if the weather is wet you could bring a tarp and sleep under it, the goal is to impart knowledge with some practical skills. there is a mix of hardwoods and balsam/pine forest take a look at the first post it will give you some coordinates to look at the area. if you want I can also look into bringing some hay bales to use as debris instead of leaves which would have fewer bugs and dirt mixed in the down side is there is a cost associated with the hay. I will most likely be under a tarp because it is always in my back pack and sleep on the ground in my jacket and a solar blanket.

As for additional skills if someone can come up with some approx 5" diameter log sections maybe 3" deep I can teach you how to make a bowl. I can also teach you how to make your own rope. I'll look in my garage and see if I have any cat tails but there are other plants we can use and I am certain we can find them out there

FYI The shelter itself normally takes a couple of hours to build even as a group once you get proficient it normally takes under an hour
I talked to Joe and he said if he is available he can hook the big trailer to his tractor and transport people and cargo in one shot. He and I discussed what I posted earlier and he agrees with what I posted.Respect the land,safety and each other and it should be an awesome weekend.He hopes to be involved but like most farmers, mother nature sometimes dictates what they do.
Fair question, I think Boghog is the real deal in wilderness survival, I thought it would be helpful to transport supplies and equipment up to or near the site.I am merely support staff here so I will adjust accordingly.I can bring a chainsaw over and help with firewood and such or not depending on what the participents want. If you would rather all just park in the parking lot and hike from there thats OK too. My involvement was to suggest a good spot that had forest,water plants etc. How the campers handle it from there is all them.
I commend you both for setting this up and I'm very appreciative that you did. The thing that kinda made me chuckle was picturing a bunch of guys standing around a fire eating fried dough and syrup proclaiming they're on a survival trip.
:) - I realize you were just advertising how cool the farm is but, it drew a funny picture.

How far away is the lot from the site? I'll, more than likely, hoof it in.

ETA: Cuz i opened my mouth, I declared myself BogHog's bee-ach. - Oh well, someday I'll learn.
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You and Timber and Boghog are exactly right. I was trying to be really helpful and it started to evolve into a campfire girls jamboree. My bad, you go your way and Boghog can call if he needs help. I want to meet everyone but will help only when asked.
Most people picture vast fields an no forest. This is the opposite, 75 % forest and the rest field. With some good size hills.
how much hiking have you done? I was looking at the aerial and there is a trail that loops around the back left that looks to be about a mile+ that will bring us past a water crossing a good chance to look at how to purify water without boiling, we will also be able to see what plants are around and possible uses, maybe a chance to find some tinder fungus maybe make a tinder bundle for when we go to start a fire.

The trailer will be nice to bring up some of the milkweed and cat tail I have for cordage making, and a bale of hay to help with additional debris, anyone have an old cedar fence post/rail?
There is a running brook about 150 yards from where we looked at the water bar ,I dont know if that fits the bill or not. As far as bringing hay etc. up I'm sure thats doable. Do you think you'll camp the spot on the new land trail or are you thinking down by the brook ?
Edited....Ooops...thought you were asking that question to me....

If I were to post an image of that map, could you mark out the parking lot, campsite, and rough trail you're talking about when you guys have it planned?
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Boghog, do you remember the tree that I said was a possible zip line ? As the crow flies its 2100 feet to the farm stand.Of course with the trail turns and the hill it's more than that.
Near that tree is where I thought we could camp, the new property would be the walk in, because I really want to look at the area more as it may make for a nice perm location to due any future training. Could you see if we could walk up the gated road and if he could let us know the best place to park as I don't want to encroach on his business parking. one last thing would be a fire permit.
The Farm stand wont be open so the parking lot is available for all of you. I'm sure walking up the gated hill will be fine.I'll ask about the permit but if its after dark I would say don't ask don't tell.

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