Wilderness Survival Campout

IF all goes well there should be more events to follow.The key is respect all around, for Boghog and his efforts and for Joe Pustizzi for the use of his beautiful farm. Safety first and clean up after yourself,don't mess with the farms crop fields.Every one I ever met fron NES was of like mind so it shouldn't be an issue.
Normally the farm stand is closed for the season but Sat, march 3rd its open 9am -1pm for maple fried dough,maple glazed hot dogs (surprisingly good) and maple coffee. He's just setting the stage for Maple weekend (the 24th/25th) which is a statewide event.I know its too long of a drive for a lot of you but if you're up this way or local you can stop in,meet Joe and take a look at the farm. Marshalls firearms and the Barn store of New England gun shops are nearby so you can buy the wife a fried dough and "while were in the area" the gun shops.
This looks good and the location looking @ the map seems perfect. Is there a small pond on his land or stream?
Any reports of how much snow the farm got? We may need to pack our snow shoes!
No seriously, are you guys going to go rain, snow or sleet? scheduling is a bitch with the X
Thats up to Boghog, I'm across the road so I'm here now.I can relate to scheduling with the X ,luckily I'm years passed it now.
I have only had one camp out I have been on in the last 5 years canceled once due to weather and that was the hurricane this past fall and I would have gone if the state didn't close down the park.
There are times that we don't plan on staying out in the woods and the weather prevents us from getting out, that is why you need to know how to spend at least one night in the woods. I would do 2 nights but I don't have that much time available to me and if you can do one night the 2nd night is a breeze.
I am in even of frogs start falling from the sky! Just need my twinkies and my Silverado!
BogHog, where'd you get the topo map that you posted? - ETA: forget it found the NH GRANIT site but, can't find the view you used.

would we be walking the flats behind the farm to the campsite or hitting the hills to the left?
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We will be hitting the hills to the left. I got the topo from the NH fish and game website.

FYI for all I just spoke to Joe and we may have some non nes'rs there. He also offered to feed us a bowl of chili and a hot dog with drink for dinner cost would be $6.00 a head. I will need to let him know. I will try to have an itinerary up later this weekend.
Extended forcast shows that saturday will be mostly sunny with a high of 29 and a low of 13 for Boscawen, NH. Sunday is going to be a high of 36.
BogHog, where'd you get the topo map that you posted? - ETA: forget it found the NH GRANIT site but, can't find the view you used.

would we be walking the flats behind the farm to the campsite or hitting the hills to the left?

Sorry as for specific file start here
go to
Map 135NE

as for the extended temps being that low I am going to suggest sleeping bags be brought, as much as I try to keep it real I also do not like to treat for frostbite and hypothermia. I am lazy like that, I can probably have the sleeping bags and tents brought up so we are not hiking in with them unless you want to hike in with them.

Please let me know beforehand if you want chili and a hot dog at the end of the day.
So, who of us will be hiking in?
If we have a 'hiking in' and a 'driving in' group, should we have radios for any reason?
I think all of us could hike in, there are 3 people that are going to show up around 12:00 so I planned on hiking slow and it will only be about a mile it will be a walk more than a hike and if you need a break we can take a break plus if you have a lot of gear we can get that transported in. if you have talkies bring them if you like.

If you need transport in however we will get you in
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as for agenda
10:00 to 12:00 Hike in
12:00 to 2:30 Build Shelter
2:30 to 3:30 Build Fire
3:30 to 4:00 get water
4:00 to 5:00 will be go over priorities in survival ( I have 7)
5:00 Get some dinner (at least I will )
by the time dark hits we can sit around a fire and discuss other topics re: winter camping and survival, work on the bow drill if you still haven't got it down, but I am guessing we will do well. with daylight savings time kicking in we may hit the hay earlier than normal to try and keep up with sleep.

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