Pick up the book "Stolen Valor " and read about all the low lifes with no respect for all of us who served honorably .The book outs these people with false claims of service and valor.Some hollywood types have tried to claim action and have been proven unture . Brian Dennehy happens to be one of them wih his false claim of vietnam service .
God Bless the true vets, we know in our hearts we serviced with honor
U.S. Navy
My older brother is named in that book! His name is in the back, listed with the guy's that received the Distinguished Service Cross in Vietnam.
(His name is John R. Rowland, if you want to check it)
He spent years dealing with a**h***s in bars who would try to say that also received the DSC! He taught me all my poser busting skills!
![Smile [smile] [smile]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/001.gif)
The worst part is I have a younger brother that has been a F*&^ing poser for years.
He was the only one of four boys that never went to Vietnam.
But he has been telling his family and neighbors for years that he was an Airborne Ranger in Vietnam and earned the Silver Star!
He has no idea how much I hate him for that!