Son of Kalashnikov
I guess at one point you need to ask yourself if 12 ga shotgun is still making you happy or you need something bigger to achieve the same level of excitement at range of shooting.
That's when you take a 4" round stock of 4140 and ream a large hole in it, then drill a small touch hole and attach a shock absorber from Mazda Miata. Then you get something like this
and soon enough you are at range shooting it some more
(photo courtesy of Matt80)
well it's a 1ga shotgun, a lead ball of this diameter (1.669") would weight exactly one pound, unless you add a core from depleted Uranium and that would be a heavier ball. Most of time I shoot "chalk" rounds which are made from plaster of paris. The nice thing about them, you can't make them go too fast or they disintegrate, so recoil will never exceed not-shoulder-destructive level and this is nice.
The powder load is about the same volume as 50BMG case capacity, but with black powder. It produces very nice, round fireball
(photo courtesy of chinalfr)
and torus (donut) of glowing gas, similar to smoke rings and what air cannons do
(photo courtesy of chinalfr)
speaking of case volumes and projectiles, lead slugs make good projectiles
I tried most everything from wood plugs to lead slugs and lead definitely wins, even if it is smashes through 2.5" of plywood (center)
To propell lead slugs I've used bigger charge, a little more powerful than rifle powder, smokeless, good stuff. Barrel walls are more than sufficient to handle it, especially at 3" barrel length. Liquid behind represents liquid volumetric capacity of charge, just so you can say, holy f***ing shit I can't believe that you'd shoot it!
of course shooting it off shoulder would be madness because the amount of vodka necessary to convince me to do it does not exist in this quantity. I've made a sled of wood to support the shotgun to fire lead slugs. The problem is not the momentum generated but the shock wave of detonation that bent the half inch (or whatever in metric Mazda units) hardened steel rod mostly purely by inertia.
When I see this, I think that shoulder may not have fared better, indeed.
I have tried to time teh lead slugs with a chronograph, but the blast was so great that yards away it blew the piss out of the chrony's light bars.
well, that's about it, I need to make a bigger shotgun now.
That's when you take a 4" round stock of 4140 and ream a large hole in it, then drill a small touch hole and attach a shock absorber from Mazda Miata. Then you get something like this
and soon enough you are at range shooting it some more
well it's a 1ga shotgun, a lead ball of this diameter (1.669") would weight exactly one pound, unless you add a core from depleted Uranium and that would be a heavier ball. Most of time I shoot "chalk" rounds which are made from plaster of paris. The nice thing about them, you can't make them go too fast or they disintegrate, so recoil will never exceed not-shoulder-destructive level and this is nice.
The powder load is about the same volume as 50BMG case capacity, but with black powder. It produces very nice, round fireball
and torus (donut) of glowing gas, similar to smoke rings and what air cannons do
speaking of case volumes and projectiles, lead slugs make good projectiles
I tried most everything from wood plugs to lead slugs and lead definitely wins, even if it is smashes through 2.5" of plywood (center)
To propell lead slugs I've used bigger charge, a little more powerful than rifle powder, smokeless, good stuff. Barrel walls are more than sufficient to handle it, especially at 3" barrel length. Liquid behind represents liquid volumetric capacity of charge, just so you can say, holy f***ing shit I can't believe that you'd shoot it!
of course shooting it off shoulder would be madness because the amount of vodka necessary to convince me to do it does not exist in this quantity. I've made a sled of wood to support the shotgun to fire lead slugs. The problem is not the momentum generated but the shock wave of detonation that bent the half inch (or whatever in metric Mazda units) hardened steel rod mostly purely by inertia.
When I see this, I think that shoulder may not have fared better, indeed.
I have tried to time teh lead slugs with a chronograph, but the blast was so great that yards away it blew the piss out of the chrony's light bars.
well, that's about it, I need to make a bigger shotgun now.