17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

Al conversations revert to hot boobies if you give it long enough.[wink]
Not all conversations.
sometimes there is a wood jointer involved!

Rittenhouse can claim self defense; McMichel cannot.

Of course they both can claim self defense. Saying otherwise is preposterous. Whether it is or isn't in fact justified self defense is another matter. Now I don't believe McMichael has a valid claim, based on what I recall from the video, but it's not totally clear. By contrast, I think with Rittenhouse it is total clear; obvious self defense.
Yeah, they came out with the brass deflecting bump back with the A2 version.
I learned a trick from an old friend of mine that shot the AR left handed...get a piece of velcro that has a sticky side on it and tack the "wooly" side to the deflecting bump so the the brass hits it, it absorbs the shock and sends it in a different direction. Maybe that's why I never had any problems.
Peter Doocey GRILLS Psaki on Biden calling Rittenhouse a "white supremacist". Raggedy Ann is completely at loss for words.

View: https://youtu.be/E5Dzt_8cwzc

She says the trial is in closing arguments, yet she still determined that he's a "vigilante with an assault weapon".

Seemed more like a gentle toasting with crusts cut off than a grilling
One thing I have learned is that either someone gets guns and self defense or they have no idea whatsoever. More armed people is actually good for cops too because people who understand self defense can help keep cops out of trouble as well.
There is no doubt that the cop screwed up by not identifying himself after entering the property. The neighbors thought the family was on vacation but they didn't know the husband stayed behind so when they saw lights on late at night they called the cops and said a burglar was in the house. The cops said the homeowner seemed drunk but his last drink was 10 hours before the shooting and he was a diabetic.
I was told after we heard the case that it wasn't going to trial but I read that the cop was awarded 1.2 million.
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Of course they both can claim self defense. Saying otherwise is preposterous. Whether it is or isn't in fact justified self defense is another matter. Now I don't believe McMichael has a valid claim, based on what I recall from the video, but it's not totally clear. By contrast, I think with Rittenhouse it is total clear; obvious self defense.

The mcmichaels are and must rely on the GA law at the time which allowed citizen arrest. GA repealed the law last year but it was in effect at the time. Under that law a person may make a citizen arrest if they witnessed a crime firsthand or had direct knowledge of the crime. The father and son didn’t witness anything according to their own statements which are on body cam video. And Arbery didn’t take anything and the house under construction was posted keep out and Arbery was never trespassed from there, so even a two bit trespass isn’t available either. They thought Arbery may have taken something months ago (zero evidence of that)

And while rittenhouse ran from all three attackers (and others) the mcmichaels pursued Arbery and at the end were far ahead of Arbery, the son got out of the truck with a shotgun, then went around the truck and met Arbery in front of the truck.

Rittenhouse is as innocent as it gets, the nitwits in GA really have no legitimate defense. They were the aggressor through the entire thing
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