17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

If convicted on 2 counts of violating civil rights resulting in death, Kyle could face up to life for each count. Watch, they are gonna get him that way. You stand up to leftists, they will make sure you are destroyed. Oh you were found not guilty…ok we will BS our way and say you violated someone’s civil rights. Bam life sentence

View: https://twitter.com/BGOnTheScene/status/1461792209183911936

View: https://twitter.com/FordFischer/status/1461802141333565440

View: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1461782143504367616

Biden issued a lengthier statement shortly after, calling for people to "express their views peacefully."

Statement by President Biden
While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken. I ran on a promise to bring Americans together, because I believe that what unites us is far greater than what divides us. I know that were not going to heal our country’s wounds overnight, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to do everything in my power to ensure that every American is treated equally, with fairness and dignity, under the law.
I urge everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law. Violence and destruction of property have no place in our democracy. The White House and Federal authorities have been in contact with Governor Evers's office to prepare for any outcome in this case, and I have spoken with the Governor this afternoon and offered support and any assistance needed to ensure public safety.

Hmm, hints?

View: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1461792456333271043

From Boston's new Mayor. Shocked.....

I made the mistake of reading some of the replies.... I think I got through about 6 before my head was ready to explode. "Just because the jury found him NG doesn't mean they actually thought he's NG!" No you f***ing a**h***s, that's exactly what it f***ing means!
I made the mistake of reading some of the replies.... I think I got through about 6 before my head was ready to explode. "Just because the jury found him NG doesn't mean they actually thought he's NG!" No you f***ing a**h***s, that's exactly what it f***ing means!

No kidding. In fact it's overwhelming proof of that, due to the fact that they were being threatened by those who wanted him convicted.
wife was wandering around all morning long wondering how many charges Kyle would be guilty of.
I TRIED to explain self defense law to her, but no, she was listening to CNN and MSNBC and KNEW HE HAD TO BE CONVICTED.
then....stunned silence when Kyle is acquitted of all charges.

Why can i not convince her she is being lied to by the mainstream media??? A more clear case than this Rittenhouse case could not be made: scumbag rioters try to hurt an armed conservative, and he defends himself, and is totally within his legal right to do so.

Libera heads are exploding all over the country right now.
It will be mission impossible to bring another trial after an acquittal.

Again, you seem to think the feds give a shit. It doesn't even matter if they win, the goal of a trial is to simply ruin a person mentally, emotionally, and financially. They're going to give it a try even if there's no legal basis to do so.
If convicted on 2 counts of violating civil rights resulting in death, Kyle could face up to life for each count. Watch, they are gonna get him that way. You stand up to leftists, they will make sure you are destroyed. Oh you were found not guilty…ok we will BS our way and say you violated someone’s civil rights. Bam life sentence
If the liberal donks DO try that route, they will simply be handing the presidency right back to Trump in 2024.

The kid was acquitted. going after him federally would seem like a dirty underhanded move to the ENTIRE NATION of voters.

And, of course, Trump would immediately pardon him even if Kyle WAS jacked up on federal charges.
Dude even held his pants up. Ninja level 3.
Jury took 3 days on a clear cut self defense case... I think there was an effort to wear out the protestors because they had to wait outside all week for this. The jury has gone thru enough, they wanted to get this over with, even those who were leaning guilty probably decided this morning to wrap it up.

The prosecutor was terrible and has no future in politics, which means he's probably going to become an analyst for CNN in the future.
I think the fact that the jury spent 26 hours over 3 days (or 4?) deliberating shows they were being thorough. If they had come back in a couple of hours people would be apeshit. And I don't know that I could blame them too much. From everything I saw the prosecutor should have his license yanked and he should face some type of severe penalties for all the BS with the evidence and even the charge of "assault on an unnamed individual" or whatever that was. The prosecution knows who that person was and DID NOT name him or have him testify. Could it be that person was an agent provocateur?

As for everyone talking about defamation lawsuits and comparing it to the kid that was being harassed by the fake indian, I think they are completely different. The media edited the video of the student with the hat (can't remember the name) and plastered it all over. In this case all the news did was give it "their slant" and inject a bunch of hyperbole. While I doubt the media would take the same slant if KR had been a black guy who shot 3 people (black or white), I'm not so sure that becomes defamation.
As for everyone talking about defamation lawsuits and comparing it to the kid that was being harassed by the fake indian, I think they are completely different. The media edited the video of the student with the hat (can't remember the name) and plastered it all over. In this case all the news did was give it "their slant" and inject a bunch of hyperbole. While I doubt the media would take the same slant if KR had been a black guy who shot 3 people (black or white), I'm not so sure that becomes defamation.

For coverage of the trial right up until the verdict was read, I think you are quite correct. However the continued statements being published even after being found not guilty by a jury of his peers makes a very good case for defamation.
You know I've seen it mentioned numerous times that ..... what is the likelihood that you'd be there at a riot, and get attacked by a number of people ..... shoot them..... and then find out that all three of the people you shot had criminal records, and for bad shit - not like shoplifting when they were a teenager.

I suppose you could explain this away as birds of a feather flock together and when there's a riot on - all the douchebags are going to just show up on their own. But another explanation I've seen floated, is that there is some entity out there - that is actively recruiting these people , giving them money, and is even going so far as to make them all "available" for this shit - by letting them all out of jail early under the excuse of Covid.

We already know for a FACT that:
1) lots of states have let criminals out of jail during the Covid thing. This was confirmed to me by a friend who is prison guard in the MA correctional system.
2) somebody was pre-planning rioting , and we have the evidence because pallets of bricks were being delivered into areas where riots later rolled thru.
3) the three turds that Rittenhouse shot all had criminal records. The black guy who kicked Rittenhouse in the head -had a criminal record. How many other people out on the streets that night had criminal records? We don't really know - because Rittenhouse didn't shoot them.

There's a whole bunch of other things that are pretty easily verifiable as facts - like that there are DA's all over the country refusing to prosecute crimes committed during protests and riots.

Point here is - past a certain point - if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..... well then it's a phucking duck.

And the evidence that is FACT - clearly points to this shit being planned out ahead of time - and PAID FOR.
Absolutely. Same deal with the "migrant crisis" here and Europe. A bunch of refugees leave Syria and end up in...Belarus? But they dont want to stay there, they want to go to Poland. GMAFB
When I heard they had reached a verdict I was strongly suspecting not guilty, but I was surprised to hear they had reached a verdict at all, after three days. I would have thought a stubborn hold out is more likely than convincing someone after three days to change their mind. Pleasantly surprised.
If the jury is hung, they are brought back into the courtroom at least twice. First for the judge to repeat the jury instructions, and urge them to continue deliberating with open minds.

And second, for the judge to issue the "dynamite charge", which tells them they're not leaving the jury room until they come back with a verdict. That usually happens on a Friday afternoon when the judge has plans for the weekend.
The White House released a statement Friday afternoon from Joe Biden in which he says he is “angry and concerned” about the not guilty on all counts verdict by the Kyle Rittenhouse jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Biden’s written statement came an hour after he spoke to reporters and did not mention being “angry and concerned,” instead of saying he had not watched the trial, adding, “Look, I stand by what the jury has concluded. The jury system works and we have to abide by it.”

Biden avoided answering whether he stood by his calling Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” a year ago, instead saying he stood by the jury verdict.

... I hope Xiden gets sued for the full 10%.

I know I’m stating the obvious but what a f***ing a**h***
I find it very disturbing how people have this confidence to have absolute diarrhea of the mouth with all thing social/political, while having done zero research and having zero first hand knowledge about the subjects they talk about. On top of that, I'm even more disturbed by the level of anger they reach when you either disagree with them respectfully, or try to offer some insight. Completely unhinged individuals out there....and they are who are going to bring this country down.
Again, you seem to think the feds give a shit. It doesn't even matter if they win, the goal of a trial is to simply ruin a person mentally, emotionally, and financially. They're going to give it a try even if there's no legal basis to do so.

It would look political now. Not to say the the original trial wasn't political, but the Biden admin would be risking a great deal and like I said having an acquittal is not likely going to be a winning strategy with a major election coming up. The dems would lose so badly that Biden would end up with a veto proof republican congress which essentially renders Biden a political cipher. "Your honor we realize that Kyle is innocent but he shouldn't have attacked the person who attacked them". I just don't see that being uttered in a court room. Remember now that he has an acquittal it means that Huber, Grosskreutz and Rosenbaum were the aggressors. Convincing the country that this isn't the case is mission impossible.

Just remember the left may be in charge right now but I don't think they aren't that stupid to realize that if they find themselves on the other side of the table that the right wouldn't use their own words and ideas to put them in prison. No one is going to touch that rail.
You stand up to leftists, they will make sure you are destroyed
That is why even small victory against them matters. They got where they are because they are ruthless, immoral, hypocritical and do not hesitate to do anything that benefits their tribe.
It is a social war where no more compromises are possible nor desirable.
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