that sort of legal ruling would pretty force someone defending himself to "shoot first and ask questions later".The Rosenbaum charge is is the one conviction we can't let survive if by chance the jury finds him guilty. Because it will create a giant loophole in self defense law that left wing prosecutors will use like a hammer on any self defense because they will use provocation as an excuse.
Suppose 5 guys break into my house and I pull out my trusty AR15 like Kyle. Two of the 5 figure they can rush me, disarm me and shoot me with my own weapon so they charge at me and try to take my gun so I shoot to end the threat. The other 3 guys run away. Later on I get arrested and charged with provocation by leveling a gun at them no matter the threat level that is involved in that moment. The 3 guys who ran away can say I provoked thier 2 friends by threatening them with a gun.
Our hope rests in the possibility that there is maybe one or more concealed carry holders on the jury who have a good understanding of self defense and not some idiotic Fudds who are using the weekend off jury duty to polish their 30-06.
If by chance Kyle does get found guilty then collectively as people of the gun we have to work super extra double hard to get that conviction overturned so that we are not setting a new legal precedent. The left knows they can't grab for the guns because the law and the constitution are on our side, but they can twist the law so that the gun is nothing more than a paperweight in a life or death situation. This is my takeaway from the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and the picture the prosecutor is trying to paint. "You used a gun to defend yourself? You provoked those poor innocent dindu nuffins to attack you out of desperation? You are such a bad person, it's murder!"
On the other hand if it does stand then the situation works in reverse. If BLM wants to riot and kill and the community puts together an even bigger crowd of people who burn down the BLM homes then they have no legal grounds for self defense.
The way I see it is I find myself raising a gun from low ready to ready I view one or more people as a threat. Maybe if I'm lucky the very presence of a gun will deter the criminals from going further and run away causing de-escalation, but with no self defent sort se permissible then it's just a crap shoot. If it stands there will be more trials like Kyles because the criminal class will feel emboldened to take on even armed citizens.
I think the best course of action is if the republicans really do care about the second amendment then let's rewrite the laws in the various states to prevent prosecutors from making the presence of a gun in a life or death situation not a disqualifier for self defense.
right now, you can use your gun in a way to "convince" someone to not jump you, simply by showing it! If doing that against a bona fide lethal threat gets you subsequently charged, why not just shoot instead?