3/27/23 Nashville School Shooting

think about all we'd lose if this happened
If anything, so called conservatives will be "standing with our MAGA patriot transmen and women, and drag queens on the Trump train" because Republicans will always step back, draw a line in the sand as the overton window moves away from sanity.
You're thinking of a transsexual. Transgender means a person's gender doesn't coincide with their biological sex. That's the only real definition.

So if you're male, with a penis and XY chromosomes, but your brain tells you you're a woman? Presto. You are trans. If you're female, with a vagina and XX chromosomes, but your brain tells you you're a man? Boom. You're trans, too.

There are people out there (more than you might realize) who are chromosomally (and, often, genitally) neither male nor female at birth.

Lots of trans people, historically, tend to keep to themselves. You'll never know they're one or the other because they're no more vocal about their gender than you or I are.
What percentage of world population has these fantasies? What percentage of us population has these fantasies??

Same questions, biologically valid he/she??
What's that third one? I know I've seen a pic of something like that before... I also know it's certainly NOT an "AR pistol," lol.
Looks like a sub2000 keltec.

Can’t tell if the M&P ez is a 9 or 380. Either way, more of a range toy than a battle weapon. Same with the sub2000….
oh yeah, like the shooting by a drugged out faggot in uvalde or the totally comparable shooting in vegas where the old man removed a glass pane that weighed hundreds of pounds all by himself and shot at a white conservative crowd for no reason
Never said they were totally comparable just that they wouldn’t fit the narrative. It’s obvious all of them were outta their gourd.
So sad. You know what's going to happen is when the victims are THIS young, the people in charge are more likely to 'do something' about it. Connecticut made anywhere between 100 and 250K gun owners into felons after Sandy Hook. No new gun laws really happened after Parkland though.
memetic value of this for terrorism is low.... square state in flyover territory, not much will happen, although im sure the antis will talk about the guns for the next week or two more than the perpetrator.
This is so twisted…there were probably tons of sinister things going through this deranged individual’s mind to end the lives of half a dozen innocent people. Sickening shit! This is the other side of the spectrum that doesn’t fit the media’s narrative similar to Uvalde or Vegas. Rest in peace to the victims of this senseless crime.

Random: I had the opportunity to buy a Kel-Tec Sub 2k but it was chambered in fortay and I also didn’t have the funds at the time. The cheek pad works poorly for recoil absorption and mods to make it gucci would be ~$250, similar to mods on a Beretta CX4 Storm. They’ll be on the shit list but I still cannot bring myself to look past the cheap features.
They’re inexpensive, unrefined range toys….that fold in half and take Glock mags. It’s keltec quality….I own one, it’s a range toy only. 9mm ain’t no match for plates.
What percentage of world population has these fantasies? What percentage of us population has these fantasies??

Same questions, biologically valid he/she??

It's a very difficult population to sample. They're probably as mistrustful of pollsters as we are.

Most estimates fall under 1%. But some say as many as 5%. It's just not easy to say. I'd guess something like .7% or so, but how would I know?

There are a number of birth defects that result in intersex; best WAG is probably about 1:10,000 live births, maybe? Hard to tell.
It's a very difficult population to sample. They're probably as mistrustful of pollsters as we are.

Most estimates fall under 1%. But some say as many as 5%. It's just not easy to say. I'd guess something like .7% or so, but how would I know?

There are a number of birth defects that result in intersex; best WAG is probably about 1:10,000 live births, maybe? Hard to tell.
Percentage of what? World pop or US pop??

My guess, which is as good as yours, is that you’re percentages are way high. WAY high!

Kinda like everyone on tvnis inter/racial marriage, black, and gay. These freaks are insignificant.
That isn't a coincidence. Trans has been made cool, so now the mentally ill want to identify that way. States pay for surgeries and hormones and doctors make money. I know someone who has been mentally ill for their whole life. They get an apartment and allowance from the state. They are schizophrenic and have been treated as such for decades. What happened in the last several years? They now identify as trans. Social workers don't care what the family says (”the person is an adult, they can make their own decision”). Whether they see stuff on TV and/or the system pushes them to that thought, I'm not sure. So, now taxpayers pay for their hormones and surgery too. What a sad state of affairs for our mental health care system.
Schizo's can be a boy and a girl at the same time.
Percentage of what? World pop or US pop??

My guess, which is as good as yours, is that you’re percentages are way high. WAY high!

Kinda like everyone on tvnis inter/racial marriage, black, and gay. These freaks are insignificant.

My guess is based on studies, but whatever. As I said, it's hard to sample them. And if it's hard in the US, it's even harder globally. Think of the number of countries out there where stepping out as trans will get you beaten up or killed. Those people ain't answering any kind of survey.
the republicans should tell the democrats to stop these mass shooting events because the democrats are needlessly killing children as we will not ban sporting style rifles.

I clump all those people into one group I call fags. It is so much easier to keep track that way.
I'm sure this is completely unrelated to TN's numerous anti-LGBT laws that were recently passed.
I think they need more. This is an unacceptable response from a predominantly mentally unstable vocal minority. If they want to continue to ‘coexist’ they best police their own, and fast. Back lash from this is warranted.
My guess is based on studies, but whatever. As I said, it's hard to sample them. And if it's hard in the US, it's even harder globally. Think of the number of countries out there where stepping out as trans will get you beaten up or killed. Those people ain't answering any kind of survey.
As are mine. Knowing most of these ‘studies’ are highly biased and unscientific (not following the scientific method), none of us have real facts to argue.

We do have past data to go on, which is definitely less biased than any ‘study’ would be. The percentages of these freaks is basically approaching zero. We don’t change our ways to appease a vocal minority, especially a mentally I’ll and violent minority.
Apparently not.

I'm with you. The current terminology is quite obtuse and deliberately confusing. Therefore, I will henceforth be using more archaic, but I hope, clearer terms. Biological males pretending to be females, regardless of surgical procedures, will be referred to as "Klingers" or "Tootsies". Conversely, biological females pretending to by guys will be called "eunuchs"*.
This piece of scum was a eunuch.

* Yes I know "eunuch" is not exactly biologically correct, but you get the point. I'm open to other suggestions for this term as there appear to be far fewer well-know instances of this time in pop culture.
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