3/27/23 Nashville School Shooting

Watching the video of the school, she was hoisting the Kel-Tek Sub 2K the entire time she was there. Not once did she bring up the AR clone or the S&W. Considering the average price of all of her weapons is ~$500 each, one can guess that she's not dripping with money. I bet she could not afford more than a box of 556, thus the exclusive use of a 9mm PCC.
So if Biden can't lay down the mighty *executive action* on a fully semi automatic ban, does he have the power to lay a federal edict on "safe storage" like CT's "Ethan's Law"? If your guns are not in direct control of you while at home and you have to be licensed to carry, they have to be unloaded, stripped down and locked in a vault and mags unloaded and locked in a different separate vault? Doesn't MA already have something like that in place? A gun in the home has to be locked up unless it's in the "direct control" of an LTC holder if there are non LTC holders in the house? Of course none of that shit would have stopped this particular tranny though.
It's a very difficult population to sample. They're probably as mistrustful of pollsters as we are.

Most estimates fall under 1%. But some say as many as 5%. It's just not easy to say. I'd guess something like .7% or so, but how would I know?

There are a number of birth defects that result in intersex; best WAG is probably about 1:10,000 live births, maybe? Hard to tell.
I didnt know we were lumping Chicago gang murders in with school shootings. Do the goal posts ever stop moving for the left?
When the media says "we've had 500 mass shootings already THIS YEAR!" you gotta wonder wtf is a mass shooting?

By some definitions I thought it was any event where a gun was discharged and at least four people were injured. Someone could shoot a blank pistol in a park causing panic and four people tripped and scraped their knees or twisted their ankles. Mass shooting. Other methods of definition I think are three people directly shot at least. Hard to say which method of counting the media pulls these numbers out of their ass. Could be a sum combination of "mass shootings" from all the methods of counting.
Interesting how much video is already available. Remember the 2017 Las Vegas shooting where Paddock killed 60 and wounded over 400 and weeks later almost no security camer video had been released.
That footage is locked up along with the J6 footage and the master copy of the moon "landing"
Watching the video of the school, she was hoisting the Kel-Tek Sub 2K the entire time she was there. Not once did she bring up the AR clone or the S&W. Considering the average price of all of her weapons is ~$500 each, one can guess that she's not dripping with money. I bet she could not afford more than a box of 556, thus the exclusive use of a 9mm PCC.
But now, pay later is also available for ammunition. There were other reasons for use of the 9mm carbine not related to cost.

If I had to guess, they couldn't or didn't want to carry a ton of ammo and be slowed down, so use the 9mm on unarmored targets and save the 5.56 for first responders wearing soft armor.
This. I’m concerned about the ongoing war on Christianity in this country. My kids are in a private catholic school.
It doesn't matter what school they go to. There are sicko's everywhere on the streets and in the general population since Weld closed the institutions back in 91. The money that was supposedly to be saved from not having large buildings and medical staff to pay for has backfired exponentially.
We used to institutionalize degenerates.

Now we let degenerates run the institutions.
I've been saying we need to go back to this for years. Weld thought it would be cheaper and more effective to place them in group homes that are monitored by minimum wage untrained workers. I won't even call them healthcare workers. The one's that aren't in group homes are out on the streets homeless, committing crimes daily, or are in jail because they can't function in society. The problems never went away, they just got shifted in a different direction so more people can be harmed by them instead of just the institution staff!
Exactly! If the rulers were honest they'd admit that it's a mental disorder and would have made it a PP.
How dare you use common sense against the left!
Better to put the attention where it belongs -- on the shooter -- vs on the implements this psycho used, which is what the left will be attempting.
Yep, the tool aims and squeezes its trigger all by itself, ask them, they'll tell you!
Im sure it shoots fine, I just shit on keltec every chance I get thats all.
All the hate I see with Kel Tec stems from the PF9. People bought them in the 00s and felt like they were robbed when issues were found on a budget pistol.

Kel Tec's got some good stuff and some bad. KS7 aside, they've stepped it up the past decade.
All the hate I see with Kel Tec stems from the PF9. People bought them in the 00s and felt like they were robbed when issues were found on a budget pistol.

Kel Tec's got some good stuff and some bad. KS7 aside, they've stepped it up the past decade.
My Keltec P11 couldn't chamber hollow points lol. Some guy really wanted to buy it off me though even after I told him it only works well with fmj who was I to argue
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