3/27/23 Nashville School Shooting

Have you not bought a gun in the past two years? There is a new check box…
"14) ... non-binary" is incompatible with "g. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" and unfortunately they should be in conflict with "h. Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?" because these lunatics should be in institutions instead of being encouraged.
The true tragedy here, besides the innocents killed, is the fact that this country has gottin so f88ked up that we have to focus on the ass**le other than the actual tragedy......Me included.
this wouldn't have happened if the US government didn't step in to protect "make believe"
A mentally ill person probably thought they were saving those kids a lifetime of pain and anguish by killing them, the killer was projecting his own anguish on the children and the adults that were holding him back from his own metamorphosis into the person he thought he was.

Durk12 gave everyone a glimpse into the mentality of a mentally ill gender confused militant member of the alphabet mafia.
"14) ... non-binary" is incompatible with "g. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" and unfortunately they should be in conflict with "h. Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?" because these lunatics should be in institutions instead of being encouraged.
Are you an unlawful user of appropriated pronouns and gender?
Apparently not.

I'm with you. The current terminology is quite obtuse and deliberately confusing. Therefore, I will henceforth be using more archaic, but I hope, clearer terms. Biological males pretending to be females, regardless of surgical procedures, will be referred to as "Klingers" or "Tootsies". Conversely, biological females pretending to by guys will be called "eunuchs"*.
This piece of scum was a eunuch.

* Yes I know "eunuch" is not exactly biologically correct, but you get the point. I'm open to other suggestions for this term as there appear to be far fewer well-know instances of this time in pop culture.
I clump all those people into one group I call fags. It is so much easier to keep track that way.
Saw the Nashville mayor opening the most recent press conference, just to get on camera as he had nothing of substance to add. His theme was “guns bad” and he literally spoke as though a disembodied gun walked into the school and started shootings. No acknowledgement that there was a murderer just a gun.

It pissed me off, it was so blatant.

CNN not saying gender. Just a 28 year old shot up a school.
I suppose after they completely ban guns, Australia style, we can FINALLY focus on slowing the epidemic of gun violence.

After all, what else will they do, once all guns are banned but shootings continue because the criminals didn't get the memo.
They will stop reporting and commenting on it. You will hear a quick blurb between car commercials in the morning and that will be the end of it. At press conferences by Brandon and his ilk, no questions will be asked about it.
Maybe amend 4473. Right after M/F, ask penis or no penis. If the two answers don’t jive, automatic denial on mental health grounds.

What kinda psycho sold this psycho a gun?? I’m friends with a few FFLs and they would never sell to a tranny freak, no matter what the mark up.
Maybe repeal the Gun Control Act of 1968. Thus, ATF 4473 No longer exists. Thus, all that desire the means to smoke MFers like the person in question, in self-defense, can obtain said means without having to ask permission from the gubmint first.
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The true tragedy here, besides the innocents killed, is the fact that this country has gottin so f88ked up that we have to focus on the ass**le other than the actual tragedy......Me included.
It's the reality of this country at the moment. This can't be fixed with elections.



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