72 hour kit

I'll post another round of stuff that I have had good success with:

REI Flash 18 pack


I own 3 of these currently and they are all in great shape. I am into the UL backpacking thing and I like this pack because is weighs only 10oz when you cut off all the stupid doo-dads that REI puts on there. I have carried 20 pounds in this pack as a test....it will work in a pinch but its hard on the body. Loads in the 10-12 +/- pound range will give you a good level of comfort.

If you are looking for a larger pack, try the Flash 30 its big enough for a multi-day trip and if you strip off the doo-dads its a very light pack.

Adjustable Goat Poles by Titanium Goat


These poles weigh 7oz for BOTH poles at only $130 they are a great value. They make great treking poles and double as uprights for a tarp tent. I love them but they *are* more tempermental than something you might buy from Black Diamond or other popular brands. In cold weather the locking mechanism is hard to get engaged. If you are on the heavy side these poles might be too lightweight. On long hikes over rocky terrain poles are really helpful.
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...bug nets and other comfort items...

I don't consider a mosquito head net a comfort item.

There are places in this part of the woods, that during certain times of the year the black flies, mosquitoes, or deer flies do their best to (and often succeed at) lodging themselves in the back of your throat while hiking. A mosquito head net does an excellent job of preventing that and does not restrict breathing like a bandanna does.

A mosquito head net also comes in very handy when its time to catch some sleep. Swatting at mosquitoes and having them buzz in your ears all night is no way to rest and recuperate.

For me, for the reasons mentioned above, weighing 1.5 oz., a mosquito head is well worth the small space it takes in my pack.
I'm not Cody Lundin, and don't pretend to be, but a ton of us carry smartphones now and I think it has plenty of potential. There are a bunch of apps and programs that are pretty cool including:

Field Survival Guides (you never know what info might be in there that you need, or forgot)
First Aid Guides
Wifi Scanners
Great GPS and mapping programs (some paid versions even allow you to download off-line maps)
Angry Birds (seriously, who doesn't love some angry birds?)
Camcorder/Camera - Never know what use it could have.
Compass (obviously should just be a backup to your real compass)
FM Radio apps
NES Mobile? Duh.

You know you're all going to be tweeting 'Apocalypse LOL'. It's a resource you'll probably have on you, so why not maximize it?
“I don't consider a mosquito head net a comfort item.”

ANDY of NH I carry a mosquito head net in my pack along with a shit load of other stuff all the time, bro I am in the mountains of VT the horseflies will carry you away. . . But when you say it’s not a comfort item you have to ask yourself do I really need it to get the basics of
Security …….NO, if it’s not required for these 4 things….that’s a comfort item in my book.
I will gladly trade my head net for your knife,
my net for you lighter
my net for your tent
my net for your canteen/cup
my net for your gun.

When I go camping/hiking with the fam, hell I have the 26ft camper, chainsaw, fuel, chairs the whole LL BEAN experience. But that’s not what I am talking about here.

2 types of people
1. Preppers
2. Takers.

Preppers: Average folk worried about the times, economy, inflation, money, jobs etc As we discuss we are prepping in advance

Takers: gangs many with former Mil experience, national guard, local PD, feds, Spec ops and other folk who will just kick in the doors and take from the preppers. Period. But also with the chances of lost and broken items knowing how to work with the bare minimum is vital.

This thread is prepping for the worst, not the best of times.
“I don't consider a mosquito head net a comfort item.”

ANDY of NH I carry a mosquito head net in my pack along with a shit load of other stuff all the time, bro I am in the mountains of VT the horseflies will carry you away. . . But when you say it’s not a comfort item you have to ask yourself do I really need it to get the basics of
Security …….NO, if it’s not required for these 4 things….that’s a comfort item in my book.
I will gladly trade my head net for your knife,
my net for you lighter
my net for your tent
my net for your canteen/cup
my net for your gun.

When I go camping/hiking with the fam, hell I have the 26ft camper, chainsaw, fuel, chairs the whole LL BEAN experience. But that’s not what I am talking about here.

2 types of people
1. Preppers
2. Takers.

Preppers: Average folk worried about the times, economy, inflation, money, jobs etc As we discuss we are prepping in advance

Takers: gangs many with former Mil experience, national guard, local PD, feds, Spec ops and other folk who will just kick in the doors and take from the preppers. Period. But also with the chances of lost and broken items knowing how to work with the bare minimum is vital.

This thread is prepping for the worst, not the best of times.

So a former cop/specops/nat guard/gangsta is going to take my mosquito net?
But when you say it’s not a comfort item you have to ask yourself do I really need it to get the basics of
Security …….NO, if it’s not required for these 4 things….that’s a comfort item in my book.

There are a few way I can think of that a mosquito head net can be used as a passive security measure. Can you?

Do you think you'd notice the difference in volume or weight if I were to sneak a head net into your pack?
As I said " I have one in my pack"
Andy if your cool man we can talk, but I don’t want any taunting.
I am not saying the net can’t have multi uses, hell that net can be adapted indirectly from a restraint in passive security or used aggressively. A 1st level water filter, cordage for shelter, traps, fishing, hunting, harvesting etc I know it’s useful.

Andy ff you already understand how to multi-use that head net you will realize that if you have 10 of the essentials in your kit…just 10 and you can get 10 uses out of each item other then what they were intended for. You now have 100 tools and you only carry 10
Not trying to taunt anyone. Just trying trying to stimulate discussion. When I said, "Can you?" I should have worded it differently. It was not meant to be a challenge. "What do you think" may have been more appropriate.

...I am not saying the net can’t have multi uses, hell that net can be adapted indirectly from a restraint in passive security or used aggressively. A 1st level water filter, cordage for shelter, traps, fishing, hunting, harvesting etc I know it’s useful.

Andy ff you already understand how to multi-use that head net you will realize that if you have 10 of the essentials in your kit…just 10 and you can get 10 uses out of each item other then what they were intended for. You now have 100 tools and you only carry 10

Sometimes a head net is just a head net. Used to keep the bugs out of your mouth (ears and eyes also). My thoughts on its use as a passive security device revolved more around reducing / eliminating target indicators while bugging out or getting home.

Why would I want to use (and possibly damage) my head net on a 72 hour trip (the thread topic) just to make "cordage for shelter, traps, fishing, hunting, harvesting"? I'm not going to forgo carrying cordage just because I have my head net along.
Not trying to taunt anyone. Just trying trying to stimulate discussion. When I said, "Can you?" I should have worded it differently. It was not meant to be a challenge. "What do you think" may have been more appropriate.

Sometimes a head net is just a head net. Used to keep the bugs out of your mouth (ears and eyes also). My thoughts on its use as a passive security device revolved more around reducing / eliminating target indicators while bugging out or getting home.

Why would I want to use (and possibly damage) my head net on a 72 hour trip (the thread topic) just to make "cordage for shelter, traps, fishing, hunting, harvesting"? I'm not going to forgo carrying cordage just because I have my head net along.

Question is...can you handle a class III head net malfunction?

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A class III head net malfunction!!!
I had a class 11 malfunction. I tried improvising the head net as a Depends….

Talk about stimulating discussion…..:)
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