9mm vs. .38 in revolvers


NES Member
Sep 4, 2017
Eastern Massachusetts
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I’m in desperate need of a revolver as I only have a couple single action .22s. Surprisingly the 9mm is more powerful than the .38 and I’ve heard it said you’re carrying extra cartridge size. Does a revolver print more or less that a semi auto. Who has what in a 9mm wheel gun? Hammered or hammer less. I do find double only revolvers far less accurate than a single action in my hands but in a situation I doubt it would matter. Is 9 the reason revolvers are scratching out an extra round in the chamber? Sorry for the multiple tangents but I hope to get one in hand in the next day or so.
I watched one of the chuckleheads (term of endearment) sell a first time gun only female a short barreled revolver and slid a couple of boxes of .357 across the counter. I’ve got $5 that says she shot a half a dozen and will never pick it up again.
Even a five shot. 38 is wider than a small 9 semi automatic. But there's less meat in the grip so that's a bit different profile. I don't think the ballistics of the two are different and I'd suggest that +p in either is similar in effect. The nine week have 2-5 more rounds though.
There are subcompact 9mm pistols that probably print about the same or less than a small revolver. And have more capacity.

To answer another one of your questions I’d recommend internal hammer for a concealed revolver so it doesn’t get snagged.
9mm tiny subcompacts might be smaller but when you're slipping a gun in your pocket and going for minimal printing, nothing is as stealthy as a snubnose. But you do give up quite a bit tactically. Not going to defend yourself from a guy 80 feet away with a .38 snubby but you can possibly do it with a little Hellcat with an optic.
I’m in desperate need of a revolver as I only have a couple single action .22s. Surprisingly the 9mm is more powerful than the .38 and I’ve heard it said you’re carrying extra cartridge size. Does a revolver print more or less that a semi auto. Who has what in a 9mm wheel gun? Hammered or hammer less. I do find double only revolvers far less accurate than a single action in my hands but in a situation I doubt it would matter. Is 9 the reason revolvers are scratching out an extra round in the chamber? Sorry for the multiple tangents but I hope to get one in hand in the next day or so.
I watched one of the chuckleheads (term of endearment) sell a first time gun only female a short barreled revolver and slid a couple of boxes of .357 across the counter. I’ve got $5 that says she shot a half a dozen and will never pick it up again.

1000% a semi 9mm over any revolver IMHO. 4 or 5 extra rounds (or 10 or 12 extra in a free state), very reliable, slim and easy to conceal. You are not going to run a 500+ round training class with a revolver. There are a few decent options in MA for 9mm pistols, P365 comes to mind.

ETA: if you must have a revolver for some reason, ruger makes a 9mm LCR.
Why is everyone so concerned with printing? Just carry whatever gun you shoot well. No one is going to care if there's something in your pocket or under your waistband.
Unless you're a spy or an undercover cop shootability should concern you more than whether or not someone might guess that lump in your clothes is a gun.
Why is everyone so concerned with printing? Just carry whatever gun you shoot well. No one is going to care if there's something in your pocket or under your waistband.
Unless you're a spy or an undercover cop shootability should concern you more than whether or not someone might guess that lump in your clothes is a gun.

I am 5'11'', 150 lbs, no problem concealing a semi 9mm handgun. P365X, G26 with +2 extension, hell even G19 (although it's uncomfortable in the car for long periods). Get a smart carry holster if you're that concerned, or at least a holster with a claw.
Why is everyone so concerned with printing? Just carry whatever gun you shoot well. No one is going to care if there's something in your pocket or under your waistband.
Unless you're a spy or an undercover cop shootability should concern you more than whether or not someone might guess that lump in your clothes is a gun.
"911 what's your emergency"
"HELLO? Yes there's a man here with a GUN! He's walking around with a GUN on him and I'm scared for my life. I'm at blah blah please hurry!" click.

5-0 comes with guns drawn on you.
I have a Ruger BlackHawk Convertable. It's a Colt SAA replica, but it came with two cylinders, one for .357, one for 9mm.

I never use the 9mm

The thing about revolvers is they (generally) headspace on the cartridge's rim, and use that same rim for the ejector. 9mm cylinders work fine in a SA gun because there's an ejector rod that pushes each case out from the inside. But you don't want a SA gun, you want a DA/SA one, I assume.

For a DA/SA the ejector has to grab onto the rim of the cartridge, which is... sketchy.

I don't really understand what problem you're trying to solve here. The only thing I can think of is that you've got a boner for a revolver (I respect that, revolvers are cool) and and want to save money on ammo. The second part is... kinda silly. How much are you going to shoot it anyway?
Ruger LC9s vs Ruger LCR size comparison | Handgun Hero

Here's a comparison of the Ruger LC9s to the LCR, the LC9s is a lot smaller, and gives you almost double the rounds.

A comparison with the FN Reflex is smaller all the way around and gives you double or triple the capacity.

I used to only carry revolvers, didn't like and didn't really trust semi autos. Those days are gone and I think semis now surpass revolvers in quality, size and shootability, as well as reliability.

I loved being able to drop an old Chief's Special in my pocket with some loose rounds and call it a day. With a 9mm revolver, you'll need moon clips, which will either need a dedicated pouch, or are just awkward in the pocket, IMO.

Revolvers are more dependable than semi autos is a myth that just doesn't fly any longer. A jam in a semi is usually easily cleared, but a jam in a revolver (yes, it happens) usually takes the gun out for a while.

Revolvers don't print as bad as semi autos - also BS. A semi in a pocket holster looks more like a phone and therefore, normal, while a revolver looks like a pocket full of marbles.

If you're determined to get a revolver, get the .38. Preferably, an S&W with the firing pin on the hammer. J frames are smaller, but K frames are just a little better to shoot, IMO.
Thanks for that. I was looking at one of those. Moonclips did not appeal to me so I decided to pass and have been second guessing myself

I have a GP100 that I use for pins, plates and occasionally steel challenge. Had it cut for moonclips when I was shooting walls of steel in RI, and really like them.
I sold my 642. My PM9 has higher capacity, real sights, is smaller, and is faster to reload. These days, I would look at a P365 or Glock 43 for a pocket gun.

If you want a revolver just to mess around with, then get a 4” K-frame. Snubbies are no fun to shoot, no matter the caliber.
Revolvers are more dependable than semi autos is a myth that just doesn't fly any longer.
Is this actually true? Do you have any resources that indicate this to be the case? I’m just curious. I’ve honestly mostly shot revolvers. Never in all my years have I ever had one jam or fail. It’s happened when shooting pistols though. And I think modern pistols are reliable enough. I just can’t imagine that it’s actually true that they are more reliable than revolvers. So I’d be interested in seeing the data on that.
Is this actually true? Do you have any resources that indicate this to be the case? I’m just curious. I’ve honestly mostly shot revolvers. Never in all my years have I ever had one jam or fail. It’s happened when shooting pistols though. And I think modern pistols are reliable enough. I just can’t imagine that it’s actually true that they are more reliable than revolvers. So I’d be interested in seeing the data on that.

This is the internet! Of course I don't have hard facts and data. Maybe because I'm shooting more autos, but I don't see a lot of my guns jamming lately, and my latest purchases go from cheap Taurus to Ruger, Glock and FN - and one seems as reliable as the next.

OK, let me rephrase my statement:

"Revolvers are dependable and are less prone to jamming, but today's semi auto pistols are much more reliable than those in the past."

My second sentence still holds true, in that when a semi auto jams, it can usually be cleared fast (unpracticed should be able to clear MOST types of jams in under 5 seconds) but when a revolver jams, it's jammed good.

I have had the ejector star skip over the rim of a case, a cylinder bind so it wouldn't open (don't know why), and a bullet unseat partially and jam the cylinder from moving (heavy loads in a single action). The bound cylinder opened by smashing it against the shooting bench and maybe could have been a quick fix in a fight, but the other two failures required tools to fix.
I pocket carry and I find the cylinder on a revolver uncomfortable and bulky. I can carry a PPK which prints like crazy which nobody ever notices. Don’t worry about printing. My jeans have permanent wear marks from carrying the Seecamp. Nobody cares.
9 is great in an L frame or GP100, but in a J frame it's got some kick and will beat up your hand after a box of ammo. I would still take 9 over .357 in a snub tho.

Yeah, okay NES boomer, "shoot the .38 in the .357 instead" I don't see why I'd buy the heavier, pricier .357 over an airweight .38. The. 38 gonna have more recoil from the lighter weight? Yup, just like 9mm does in a snub, but that costs half as much to feed.

The solution that I accepted years ago was .32 is the best snub/small frame revolver caliber. I'm learning more as I test more .32's out and years ago I was big into .327, but that has faded due to finding it yields lower velocities with .32 S&W Long and H&R Magnum ammo than if shot in a .32 H&R Mag chambered revolver.

Most people who are buying the .327s are carrying the lower recoiling S&W Long and HR Mag and losing power in doing so. They would be better off getting a .32 HR Mag chambered revolver like the new S&W Ultimate Carry.

Now I'm waiting on Ruger and Taurus to pump out some aluminum .32 H&R mag revolvers since Smith released that 632 Ultimate Carry this year.

ETA: Actually, I haven't tested out .32 S&W Lg or H&R mag to see if there is a loss in velocity if shot in a .327, but I believe there will be given .32 S&W short did. I will be testing that out soon.
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Is this actually true? Do you have any resources that indicate this to be the case? I’m just curious. I’ve honestly mostly shot revolvers. Never in all my years have I ever had one jam or fail. It’s happened when shooting pistols though. And I think modern pistols are reliable enough. I just can’t imagine that it’s actually true that they are more reliable than revolvers. So I’d be interested in seeing the data on that.
I've had a jam. The ejector rod started to unscrew and jammed.
I've had one jam where the cylinder locked up and I couldn't open it either. Was shooting .32 ACP in a .327 and found the case and it having a thinner rim gave it enough space to gain momentum to impale the primer onto the firing pin. Needed my knife to pluck it off and open the cylinder and after that never bothered with .32 ACP in a revolver again.

Steel case I wouldn't call a jam, you just can't eject all the cases at once with a swing out cylinder. Poke each case out one at a time with a rod and it's good. That's fine for range time, but not in self defense, however I can't imagine who would be stupid enough to use STEEL case ammo in a revolver for self defense.
Steel case I wouldn't call a jam, you just can't eject all the cases at once with a swing out cylinder. Poke each case out one at a time with a rod and it's good. That's fine for range time, but not in self defense, however I can't imagine who would be stupid enough to use STEEL case ammo in a revolver for self defense.
You have more faith in humanity than I do. :D
If you cant shoot a DAO revolver well, you're going to have a really hard time with a subcompact/micro semiauto as well.
I find my Kahr PM9 much easier to shoot than my 642 and my 642 had a professional trigger job. The rear sight on a 642 is just a gutter in the top strap and basically unusable for me. The PM9 has real sights. YMMV.
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