Active Shooter Situation in Lewiston Maine

been around a while, and been many places... the only guy I ever had who squared off and wanted to fight me was from lewiston. "oh you're black belt, show me what you got!!" "sure, the way this works, is you make a move, then I decide what to do based on what you do, that's how I'm trained". It went nowhere after that, and good thing. He had twice my build so one of us was going to lose consciousness at the scene, and the other was going to black out in the ambulance....
Proving my point it’s a dump
Sure but if the guy isn't dead they'll never really get closure. Yelling at a freakshow zombie looney bin failure special isn't really closure imo. This isn't a normal human we're dealing with here
unfortunately, your opinion on what they determine to be adequate closure is irrelevant. But go ahead and continue to speak for them 🙄
Glad he's dead but it does not bring back the people he killed. I read through the information/stories on each of the victims today and it really hit me, the father and young son killed at the bowling alley particularly got me. I just do not get how someone can kill random people that they have no connection to.

There are simply evil people in the world. This is the very reason self defense is the core fundamental right. When you hear from libs who want to ban guns. They don't believe in evil. They think everyone is rational, and all people can be reasoned with.
There’s not much other than oatmeal and hash browns that I’ll eat from McDonald’s, but I have better luck with coffee at McDonalds….but not always.

I try to do my own but I’m a busy man!
Have you never eaten a mcgriddle?

I could watch them slap a cockroach in the face with every piece of one and i would chow that down so fast
unfortunately, your opinion on what they determine to be adequate closure is irrelevant. But go ahead and continue to speak for them 🙄

Relax. You're presuming to speak for them, too.

We're best off leaving the families out of this. They are broken and won't ever fully heal. They don't need anyone here speculating about how they're "supposed to find closure," or whatever.
I cannot believe the media is getting away with this. TWO gunshots to the head?? Did he self-inflict or are there really 2 gunshots wounds??
Sure but if the guy isn't dead they'll never really get closure. Yelling at a freakshow zombie looney bin failure special isn't really closure imo. This isn't a normal human we're dealing with here
The whole “closure” thing is bullshit anyway. There is no closure when someone murders a loved one.

Yelling at him in a courtroom while he stares off into space? He doesn’t give a F what you have to say and it will only remind you of how much of a limp dick move it is.

Blowing his brains out may make you feel better a little, but even that doesn’t take away the hurt. It’s part of their life now until the day they die.
2 head shot, hands duct taped, thrown in a dumpster … died from COVID.
I was going to use the meme generator to make make the one with the sweating guy choosing between the 2 buttons

He would be the media and the buttons would be “murdered with AR-15” and “died unvaccinated from Covid”
Yup, I guess Epstein isn't the only guy who didn't kill himself.
Even if we want to go down the “deep state wind up toy” rabbit hole, does anyone think they are stupid enough to go for 2 head shots and try to pass it off as a suicide? (Yeah Vince foster, I know)

If the first one doesn’t kill him, suffocate his ass or rope him from a tree branch. There are a dozen better ways to deal with it.

Unless they just don’t even care enough to bother anymore.
Even if we want to go down the “deep state wind up toy” rabbit hole, does anyone think they are stupid enough to go for 2 head shots and try to pass it off as a suicide? (Yeah Vince foster, I know)

If the first one doesn’t kill him, suffocate his ass or rope him from a tree branch. There are a dozen better ways to deal with it.

Unless they just don’t even care enough to bother anymore.

They do it all the time and have no fear that it'll be an obvious lie. They even want people to know what they did, sends a message to those paying attention.
So... Dude 20 years in army gets hearing aids... Dude hears crap. Dude then gets admitted/committed or ordered or whatever by his superiors to a hospital and spends two weeks there. And then dude kills a bunch of deaf connected people specifically? Then dude offs himself?

What the eff science fiction show is this coincidence out of? Darryl?
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