AK/SKS questions

The sks I had was hand picked out of pack of 50 and had very good barrel- I could shoot via ducks neck at 50m. For an sks it was ok, with a 4x scope.

As of mantras - it is not about the gun but who would hold it - a bunch 17-18 yr old kids with very insufficient targeting skills/practice.
It was a joke but I guess the sarcasm was light. I am looking for a decent priced 59/66.
Lol. You're the one treating the OP precisely that way by insisting he should only buy the hunk of junk @daekken posted in #21.

The rest of us are respecting what he's stated he wants, while looking out for that wallet you're so disdainful of. Why not be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem? The OP wants to go to x39, which everyone posting here (presumably) loves. Help him out with realistic advice, not by dogmatically telling him he should only settle for a more expensive "purebred" AK that, honestly, is no better than any other AK on the planet, and is worse than some.

He's already told you to stop measuring your dick. You should probably respect that.
The comedy is compounded by him apparently thinking someone here bought the warped Kalashnikov Concern, when that image was in fact posted by an employee to demonstrate how KC's quality standards had dropped significantly. So, that rifle almost certainly was never even destined for US shores...

I jumped in because I don't want OP to come across a Polytech and say, "oh, some guy on NES assured me Chinese AKs are JUNK!" Anyone with a pulse on AKs since about 2000 or so would know Polytechs and Chinese AKs in general are highly regarded.

There's people more knowledgeable than I am, sure, but as someone that owns both an SKS and AKs that have run the gamut of countries, calibers, and manufacturers--including a matching military parts kit build--I do want to provide any advice that I can.
I already have an AK and SKS but another option (not well received by others here 😂) is to build an AR in x39. Shit you could probably build one for less than the cost of a SKS. If you do get one just have spare extractors and make sure to get C products duramags. I’ve got 1500+ rounds into my bearcreekarsenal x39 upper and just broke the extractor recently. Aside from that it runs awesome and is accurate.

Bottom of the barrel in quality but for a range toy it’s fun as hell.

If this is one of your SHTF bugout guns, then I’d probably say pass on a x39 AR?

This is NES, so we needed someone to suggest something that you weren’t even asking about 😂🙋🏻‍♂️
And if you don’t have a lot of ammo at the moment start buying now! 😂
I was gonna say I love my chinese Norinco type 56 SKS. Shoots well and it appears to be made well.

As I understand it (I’m not a expert or even really that knowledgeable) the Chinese Norincos (including my Mak-90) were made using Russian tooling provided by, you guessed it, the Russians!
Your guess is as good as mine as to who used the “tools” better. But my Mak is fun, reliable, and accurate enough.

Go AK OP. SKS’ are silly money now, not that AK’s are cheap here in commiechusetts, but they’re close enough at this point that I’ve given up on wanting one. I scratched my novice mil-surp itch with a Mosin. Also, 30 rounds is far more than 10 and a mag converted SKS might as well be an AK.
As I understand it (I’m not a expert or even really that knowledgeable) the Chinese Norincos (including my Mak-90) were made using Russian tooling provided by, you guessed it, the Russians!

Go AK OP. SKS’ are silly money now, not that AK’s are cheap here in commiechusetts, but they’re close enough now that I’ve given up on wanting one.
I love my Arsenal AK but you know what’s been collecting dust in my safe? The AK 😂
It’s way more enjoyable shooting offhand with my x39 AR.
But anyway, the SKS will be the cheaper option between that and an AK. Use the money saved to buy ammo
Newb: “Hi, guys! New poster here, looking for recommendations on a new revolver!”

NES: “Get a Glock.“
Yes I am in a bitchy mood.
Not a Glock. A Chinese made Colt Python. Exactly same as an original one, even much better- straight from the rice fields.
Milled guns are cool, its just the questions of "do I want my gun to weigh a pound more?" and "do I want to limit myself to basically whatever furniture came with the gun?"
I will say try before you buy.
Loved my Norinko AK 30 years ago. Not so much today
I have SKS’s I like them but I dont really take them “ shooting”
AKs and SKS where for me a cheap entry level center fire rifle when I was 18-20 and could afford to feed them
Milled guns are cool, its just the questions of "do I want my gun to weigh a pound more?" and "do I want to limit myself to basically whatever furniture came with the gun?"
Why in the world would someone accessorize an AK?

Rifle is fine.


How much do SKSes go for these days? I saw them floating around the $400-500 mark for the longest time but recently there have been a couple listings peopl wanted 800-900 for a good shape run of the mill Norinco. Is that the new normal or just retard asking price?
LOL the local Russians I know like the Svedka. It's actually decent for a reasonably priced big bottle. My personal favorite is Beluga and that's what I'll bring to a party.
Great vodka is all about the water and the region that water is from, what is sorta personal preference. The better the product- the less reasonable the price.

The best one I had when I was in hotel in Moscow on business trip and a guy I shared room with - as Soviet hotels would put 2 people per room - he brought in 3 cases for bribes, from a local monastery under samara. Not a commercial stuff. So we did 5 bottles across both of us that evening- it was going that good. Next day was not too good, but I was young back then.
Because combat and home defense doesn't occur on a rifle range with wood shooting benches, shooting vests, slow fire, and range officers.


Seriously- that sounds backwards. The range is for range toys, for which folks can knock themselves out with accessories. Home defense? Rifle is fine- messing with something that works fine is begging for problems when one can least afford problems.

Seriously- that sounds backwards. The range is for range toys, for which folks can knock themselves out with accessories. Home defense? Rifle is fine- messing with something that works fine is begging for problems when one can least afford problems.

Turn the lights off in your house, grab your M1 Garand, and try and see a target in the room.

Then try it with either night vision or a light.

Come back and tell us the results.

Literally no one in 2022 who actually uses these guns uses them with zero accessories. This isn't WW2, or WW1, or Korea. And if you asked those guys back then whether they wanted the ability to see and shoot targets either in the dark or further away, they'd all probably say yes.

Russian SOF equipment captured by IS in Syria - Armament Research Services (ARES)

This is what guns look like in the modern day. Optics. Silencer. Rails. Collapsible stock. Lights.

If you're dead serious that adding a light and an optic to a rifle is "messing with something that works fine", thus "begging for problems", then I want you to go tell that to everyone taking Ridgeline's night classes this year. Go there and tell us how that works out for you.
If you can find an authentic Russian made sks - get one. Yugo and Chinese junk - don’t.
Same with AKs.
Hold up. I would argue the Chinese AKs are pretty damn good. Thick stamped receivers and hooded front sights. And the factory triggers are nice too. I've never shot a Polytech but I'm familiar with the Norincos.
Also, to OP, AKs are cool, but they're super inflated in price nowadays. They're $300 guns overpriced 5x. There's nothing $1500 about any of them. It's all about the rarity, the MA ban on them, bans on imports, etc.

If you can't get your hands on a VZ58, then definitely a mil-surp SKS. They make great range guns and make the 7.62x39 round accurate out of their 20 inch barrel length. And for price, you should be able to find them in the $500 range. PSA has the Chinese clones in stock. Can't go wrong.
Turn the lights off in your house, grab your M1 Garand, and try and see a target in the room.

Then try it with either night vision or a light.

Come back and tell us the results.

Literally no one in 2022 who actually uses these guns uses them with zero accessories. This isn't WW2, or WW1, or Korea. And if you asked those guys back then whether they wanted the ability to see and shoot targets either in the dark or further away, they'd all probably say yes.

Russian SOF equipment captured by IS in Syria - Armament Research Services (ARES)

This is what guns look like in the modern day. Optics. Silencer. Rails. Collapsible stock. Lights.

If you're dead serious that adding a light and an optic to a rifle is "messing with something that works fine", thus "begging for problems", then I want you to go tell that to everyone taking Ridgeline's night classes this year. Go there and tell us how that works out for you.

LOL jeezus- who runs around the house with a M1 for home defense? Honestly, it's Glock 20's here.

You won't have the f-ing time to screw around with all that crap in a home defense scenario. Whatever you grab needs to be instantly ready to point and go bang. In my first apartment I had 3 thugs forcing entry and by their 3rd kick the door was coming open. A 357 worked just fine to instantly change their minds. A SBR AK would be great, but I would not plan on having time to play with night vision or all that crap.
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