Anyone else skeptical about classified adds that state NIB or Unfired?

One dealer told me about an elder customer who got the thrill out of buying, not shooting. He'd come in, buy a new firearm, take it to another dealer and trade it towards another new firearm. He lost money, but that wasn't the point. He got his kicks buying. Once he possessed it, the thrill was gone and he went in search of a new "fix". [rolleyes]

I have at least one anecdote like that.. there is this guy I
know that always buys new guns, he'll shoot them for awhile (just
about enough to break it in, never much more) then he either
gets irritated at it cause he can't shoot very well, or just gets
bored with it, and then sells it... the guns he rolls over are always
pretty close to LNIB..... It's pretty amusing. Provides lots of
nicely discounted, but barely used guns for people to buy off the
local shop's consignment case. [laugh]

I didn't believe it when I bought my Remington 870 off a guy on another forum but when I loaded in that first shell it scraped the paint off the feed ramp thing so I figured between that and I don't think anyone could make it as clean as it was internally after firing it (I can't) that it was never actually fired.

I picked up a Rem 870 marine magnum at FS that was like
that.... it looked like either it had never been fired, or the owner
had white gloved it. You almost never see shotguns that
clean in the wild, especially not pumps.

yeah, i personally can not see the point of buying a gun you have no intentions of shooting.

unless it is a collectable... but IMHO, that is like buying a collectable car and not driving it.

Cars a ment to be driven, guns are ment to be fired.

to not do so is a crime in itself.

I generally have to agree with this. If I have more than one kind
of gun, I at least have to break in it's brother/sister or whatever;
otherwise I would be pissed if I went to use it someday and it didn't
work right... so at "worse", every one of my guns has been function tested.

The only time iI would make an exception is if I got some
bizarre display/collectable piece by some means... but unless someone
gives or wills one of the things to me, that isn't
happening. (I don't see the point on buying something
I'm never going to shoot... hell, I've even weeded guns out
of the safe that way... doesn't get shot, it gets
sold. )

I don't think a gun has ever passed through one of my safes
without going for more than a month or two before it had to
be taken out and run through the paces.

I've got a Calico M950 pistol that's brandy spankin' new, and it's absolutely killing me not to shoot it, but to find one NIB in ANY state let alone Ass-a-chusetts is highly unlikely.

I'm right there with drgrant, if I haven't shot it in the past two months in to the classifieds it goes. I am almost to the point where the only guns I have are ones that I use on a consistent basis.

I don’t think I have gone longer than six hours with out testing a new purchase.
I've only had one gun that was unfired when I bought it and when I sold it.

I once bought three guns as a lot, and one of them was an unfired Norinco Tokarev. I bought the lot for the other two guns, the Tok was a kind of "throw in". Since I was unimpressed with the Tokarevs that I'd shot in the past, I never felt an overwhelming urge to shoot it so I put it in the safe and forgot it.

I later sold it to Fred.
I don't think it is all that unusual to have NIB firearms kicking around. While it is true that it's hard not to get that 'itch' to run down to the range and have your way with them, sometimes you can manage to supress that urge. Of course, it does help to have several similar firearms to scratch your itch. I have 4 NIB Glocks in my safe: a single G20 and 3 G29's. Still have the zip ties on them. Even more of a kicker, the G29's are within single digits of each other. Lucky for me, I have a G30, and too many .45 rounds (if that is possible) lying around, so I have been placated as of late. I'll also confess to being completely happy with my G32 - who would have thought .357 SIG would be so much fun? Plus, (or, actually, minus!), I've been on the road for work the last few months in gun unfriendly areas, like Manhattan, and, (uggh), New Jersey. So, no road trips for the firearms :-(
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