Arkansas Man Charged With First Degree Murder For Killing 67-Year-Old Man in a Truck With His 14-Year-Old Daughter (The Killers Daughter)


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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An Arkansas father and combat veteran is currently facing potential first-degree murder charges in Lonoke County for shooting and killing a 67-year-old man who was found in a vehicle with his missing 14-year-old daughter.

On October 8th, Aaron Spencer called the Lonoke County Sheriff’s Department to report his missing 14-year-old daughter. While deputies were en route to his home, Spencer called back around 1:12 am to inform dispatch that he had found his daughter in a truck with Michael Fosler, a 67-year-old man.


This is going to get interesting.
They confused a medal with handcuffs again I see.

reptile, least you could have done is linked the family's legal expense fund


Outraged mom stands by 'hero' husband arrested for shooting and killing creep, 67, who 'stalked and raped their daughter, 14, for months'​

Very, very, very good shoot. Perp being a former LEO I would have made sure to disfigure his face so no open casket could occur.
I actually knew a guy about that age with a girlfriend about that age. Same guy that had a houseful of strippers one summer. (they were on break between stripping gigs and needed a place to crash)

Break Up Friends GIF

Uh huh. Sure.

As for the crime in this thread? Big boy rules apply. Sometimes, doing the right thing has consequences, but jury nullification is a thing.
I actually knew a guy about that age with a girlfriend about that age. Same guy that had a houseful of strippers one summer. (they were on break between stripping gigs and needed a place to crash)
A house full of strippers "on break" sounds financially ruinous for the person owning the house.
Uh huh. Sure.
Strippers vacation too, you know!

A house full of strippers "on break" sounds financially ruinous for the person owning the house.
He spent that summer with a perpetual smile on his face, but he commented once he was afraid to be away from the house for very long. He was a low life, not stupid!

Did his name rhyme with beptile?
Nope. Rep is just a little off. This guy was another world of psycho.
Not guilty, not by a longshot.

From what I read, the dead SOB was waiting trial for already raping this girl - and she was due to testify against this guy. Why the SOB was out of jail is beyond me, but the only thing that should happen to the dad is a replacement of ammo he used to make the world a better place.
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