that's awesome. that kind of turn around I'm tempted to Form 1 my Zastava.
do it. for science.
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that's awesome. that kind of turn around I'm tempted to Form 1 my Zastava.
Congrats! What cha makin' ?
Nice. I'm really happy with the B5 Enhanced SOPMOD stock I put on mine. Make sure you post some pics.Using the Ghost Gun lower from a group buy here, most likely a Mk18
Congrats, now get building!Efiled around 11/17. Approved 12/20.
Credit card was billed immediately.
Received approval by email.
I believe the stamp is a pdf in my efile account documents.
Have not looked yet.
Efiled around 11/17. Approved 12/20.
Credit card was billed immediately.
Received approval by email.
I believe the stamp is a pdf in my efile account documents.
Have not looked yet.
The approval email should have contained a PDF attachment
Just filed another Form 1 on Eforms, hoping for a speedy turnaround.
Just filed another Form 1 on Eforms, hoping for a speedy turnaround.
Submitted Form 1 November 28, approved December 31. Happy New Year to me!!!
I submitted on 12/8. I must be right behind you...............I hope.
Submitted 12/29 - Disapproved on 2/2. Rookie mistake. Scanned all the paperwork except for my LTC!!!!! Called the office to find out that I have to resubmit a whole new form including a new $200 tax payment because they will not issue a refund for 6-8 weeks. Tough lesson to learn. Onto another 5 week wait. Good thing there is 3 feet of snow at the range right now!
Just curious why you have to provide a LTC? Is this a Ma. thing, and if you're Efiling, isn't it the Trust that is the owner?
Just curious why you have to provide a LTC? Is this a Ma. thing, and if you're Efiling, isn't it the Trust that is the owner?
Just curious why you have to provide a LTC? Is this a Ma. thing, and if you're Efiling, isn't it the Trust that is the owner?
yes, but as "trustee" you control the trust (limited only by the extent of the law, as well as how the trust is drafted) and thus possess the firearm. Anyone in MA in possession of a firearm, barring exceptions (temporary gun range rental, close supervision of licensee, etc), needs to have an LTC. The state has effectively "jumped the gun" on the feds requiring the trustee to have prints and approval, at least on a local level, to have a LTC. I can't say whether or not a trust would be denied in MA with multiple trustees if their LTCs were not also included, but I suspect it would be denied. Not legal advice, just sharing opinion.