ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

Newb SBR/Form 1 question…

Has anyone tried to SBR something since the brace rule went into effect? I’m looking to SBR an HK SP5 that I’m in the process of purchasing.

I heard that they were waiving the tax stamp fee as amnesty as part of the brace ruling — I’m wondering if this is an opportunity to SBR something without being charged the fee…

Also, since I’m SBRing it already, can I go with a pistol brace or should I go with a traditional stock? Not asking for legal advice, just an opinion… I realize I’m getting what I’m paying for, but some of you are much more knowledgeable than I am in this arena — thanks for the input.
Newb SBR/Form 1 question…

Has anyone tried to SBR something since the brace rule went into effect? I’m looking to SBR an HK SP5 that I’m in the process of purchasing.

I heard that they were waiving the tax stamp fee as amnesty as part of the brace ruling — I’m wondering if this is an opportunity to SBR something without being charged the fee…

Also, since I’m SBRing it already, can I go with a pistol brace or should I go with a traditional stock? Not asking for legal advice, just an opinion… I realize I’m getting what I’m paying for, but some of you are much more knowledgeable than I am in this arena — thanks for the input.
I can't really speak for the quirky bs of the "Free stamp for a brace" thing, I did a normal one last month.

eForm 1, paper prints, individual
Pending: 1/6/23
Approved: 1/29/23

this was my result. I sbr'd a PTR 9 to make into an mp5 clone, and keeping the A2 stock on her
Newb SBR/Form 1 question…

Has anyone tried to SBR something since the brace rule went into effect? I’m looking to SBR an HK SP5 that I’m in the process of purchasing.

I heard that they were waiving the tax stamp fee as amnesty as part of the brace ruling — I’m wondering if this is an opportunity to SBR something without being charged the fee…

Also, since I’m SBRing it already, can I go with a pistol brace or should I go with a traditional stock? Not asking for legal advice, just an opinion… I realize I’m getting what I’m paying for, but some of you are much more knowledgeable than I am in this arena — thanks for the input.

I will be filing for a few SBR’s in the near future, one of which will be a MP5 clone.

The $200 tax fee currently is waived based on the new pistol brace ruling, but when you get the approval it will have a note on the bottom of the form that basically says (approved pending outcome of the pistol brace ruling).

To me that means it will be challenged in court and if the ATF loses then all these forms would no longer be valid or the SBR’s be legal.

You also will not have a stamp on your form like normal. Some people care about this, others do not. Personally I only care about the form being approved.

Once your form is approved you can put anything you want on it. Use a stock, pistol brace or whatever it doesn’t matter. If it has the ATF’s definition or a stock then it is an SBR. If the gun starts life as a pistol, then you turn it into a SBR you could always take the stock back off turning it back into a pistol and freely move across state lines if you choose to.

Personally, I have zero faith it the ATF or basically any part of our government. But I do believe this will be overturned in court in the future. I will submit my forms the old way, pay the $200 and get the stamp without having the
Newb SBR/Form 1 question…

Has anyone tried to SBR something since the brace rule went into effect? I’m looking to SBR an HK SP5 that I’m in the process of purchasing.

I heard that they were waiving the tax stamp fee as amnesty as part of the brace ruling — I’m wondering if this is an opportunity to SBR something without being charged the fee…

Also, since I’m SBRing it already, can I go with a pistol brace or should I go with a traditional stock? Not asking for legal advice, just an opinion… I realize I’m getting what I’m paying for, but some of you are much more knowledgeable than I am in this arena — thanks for the input.
Submitted a few eform1s (individual, electronic prints uploaded, FBI UPIN included) back on 1/22 for AR lowers. Also bought an SP5 and submitted an eform1 for that last Monday. There was a big jump in control numbers after the announcement, so they may take longer than recent approvals. I was getting approvals back in around 2-3 weeks before the announcement. I‘m guessing atleast 40 days for approvals now given the jump and backlog as they stopped processing them for a couple weeks in advance of the announcement, and are now playing catch up.

You do you, but I dont want to risk a disapproval for a braced pistol given that you’re basically admitting to having an unregistered SBR just to get a free tax stamp, especially given my SP5 doesn‘t have a brace on it. You don't even get a tax stamp on amnesty braced pistols. You get a conditional approval based on whether the brace ban is enacted into law or overturned. Also, if you SBR, you need to make your SP5 922r compliant. I know the ATF said they’re not enforcing 922r for braced pistols that you SBR but I have no faith in that, given they said braces were fine twice previously and then changed their mind. I got a US trigger pack (4 US parts) US cocking lever (1 part) and a handguard (1part) for 922r.
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Submitted a few eform1s (individual, electronic prints uploaded, FBI UPIN included) back on 1/22 for AR lowers. Also bought an SP5 and submitted an eform1 for that last Monday. There was a big jump in control numbers after the announcement, so they may take longer than recent approvals. I was around 2-3 weeks before the announcement. I‘m guessing atleast 40 days given the jump and backlog as they stopped processing them for a couple weeks in advance of the announcement, and are playing catch up.

You do you, but I dont want to risk a disapproval for a braced pistol given that you’re basically admitting to having an unregistered SBR just to get a free tax stamp, especially given my SP5 doesn‘t have a brace on it. Also, if you SBR, you need to make your SP5 922r compliant. I know the ATF said they’re not enforcing 922r for braced pistols but I have no faith in that. I got a US trigger pack (4 US parts) US cocking lever (1 part) and a handguard (1part) for 922r.
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mine was quick enough that I just assumed it was because they wanted to process "legit ones" before they have to void out a few million brace-requests
Newb SBR/Form 1 question…

Has anyone tried to SBR something since the brace rule went into effect? I’m looking to SBR an HK SP5 that I’m in the process of purchasing.

I heard that they were waiving the tax stamp fee as amnesty as part of the brace ruling — I’m wondering if this is an opportunity to SBR something without being charged the fee…

Also, since I’m SBRing it already, can I go with a pistol brace or should I go with a traditional stock? Not asking for legal advice, just an opinion… I realize I’m getting what I’m paying for, but some of you are much more knowledgeable than I am in this arena — thanks for the input.
There is a ATF FAQ that says the $200 is only waved if it's an existing pistol with brace before the Jan date it was announced (yes even before it went into affect). So not for a transfer (purchase/sale), and not if you added after they told you it was coming. And there was something about being able to prove it.
I posted it in the thread on the brace rule, don't have it in front of me right now, shouldn't be hard to find.
Yeah, but that’s a 7.5“ barrel. We’re talking about the Rattler which has a 5.5” barrel. At that length, most of the powder in the cartridge hasn’t even burned.
Oh I know.....

BSD fabworkx swapped out the flash hider for a threaded adapter at 1/2x28

Turns out 5.56 rattler do not have a threaded barrel, they have a threaded gas block. So since I've removed the flash hider and pinned the stock she is 100% MA compliant. Zero need to perm attach a compensator either since it's not a threaded barrel
Also doing my first SBR. Getting a stripped EPC lower. I signed up on the ATF site and started getting into the process. It wouldn't even let me select pay tax even though my transaction has nothing to do with a pistol. What is the "old way"?
Also doing my first SBR. Getting a stripped EPC lower. I signed up on the ATF site and started getting into the process. It wouldn't even let me select pay tax even though my transaction has nothing to do with a pistol. What is the "old way"?
I've got 2 sbr'd ar9 lowers. One a Spikes and another a QC10. They suck as sbrs.... I've since graduated to MPXs and APC9ks... haven't looked back since

Although the ar9s look cool.
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Heavy recoil considering the round its firing. I run heavy 7oz buffers and springco blue springs but it does little to tame the recoil. When compared to my higher end PCC 9mm sbrs the ar9 platform shows its inferiority.
mm arHeavy recoil considering the round its firing. I run heavy 7oz buffers and springco blue springs but it does little to tame the recoil. When compared to my higher end PCC 9mm sbrs the ar9 platform shows its inferiority.
I hear the roller locking system upgrade like the HK uses does a lot to fix the recoil problems of the Blowback 9MM AR's
I hear the roller locking system upgrade like the HK uses does a lot to fix the recoil problems of the Blowback 9MM AR's
Correct. I've got 2 mpx variants and they are good if not better then the hk94 i used to have. The MPX is superior to the MP5
I have the 94 and MPX, AR and Scorpion, I like the MPX best also
You gotta add a B&T hydraulic recoil buffer gun. I've also got a Stribog A3 which has a smooth recoil impulse. My point is there are far superior options out there then an AR9. And if you know the MA laws you can own any of these and have them all 100% MA AWB compliant ( just like me)
Just efile form1ed for an SBS on Friday. Used Electronic prints.

Seems like they are coming back fast.
One of those blue dots looks like it came back before the guy even submitted it.[smile]
Just efile form1ed for an SBS on Friday. Used Electronic prints.

Seems like they are coming back fast.
One of those blue dots looks like it came back before the guy even submitted it.[smile]
I efiled 3 form1s back on 1/22. Another one on 2/1. All still submitted/in-process. I also used electronic prints and have a VAF UPIN. WTF.

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