I couldn't care less. Russia is far less of a concern than China or the EU at this point, and while Putin is far from a swell guy, the Soviet Union is on the other side of the iron curtain now and does not involve them. I am happy not to live there, but as a bogeyman, Russia is worn out...
As for "Putins war in Ukraine", I take very little issue with their taking back Crimea. After the US-funded violent overthrow of that countries elected government, the sham elections that followed, the faked war crimes, and the marxists at the root of it all... it was a free for all.
This move had nothing to do with penalizing Russia, and everything to do with further disarming Americans at a time when civil liberties are being decimated and the curtain has been pulled back on election fraud. Ammo prices began to fall and supply began to rise, then bam.
I would love a world in which $10/box 9mm is a thing which can be achieved purely domestically, but the existence of Russian steel case is what maintains that price point... Much like with my big kebab and marxist remover, I guess I do not care who made it and where, because the principles matter less than it existing (vs not existing at all).