And then the black masked marxists molotov-hurling ANTIFA "protestor" types with US funding and backing stormed that countries legislature to hold them at gunpoint, expelled its president and murdered civilians in the streets, shot down airliners and blew up buses. This before Russia stepped in. Putin was invited to Crimea during and after a sham election and a hostile takeover. Sounds a bit familiar; the black block destroys the streets and the same crony politicians take control outside of the law in a "totally unrelated" move. Are you really bitching about "integrity"?
As for the US fighting the Syrian government... I haven't seen a war authorization, and the Syrian government was primarily fighting ISIS. So there is a good side, somewhere? Occasionally cruel dictator without religious extremist goals, or marauding band of religious zealots stealing land to make an entire country of death cultists? I would take option 3, but gun to my head, the former seems better than the latter. Let us not forget the faked sarin attacks which smell about the same level of fishy as the airliners in Ukraine.
The Obama/Clinton/Kerry state department was excellent at sowing this kind of confusion. Complain about Russia retaking a port in their own back yard, which they gave up some decade or so earlier, and say it's a threat to "sovereignty" whilst leaving out that it comes on the heels of an unlawful US-backed violent overthrow of the sovereign elected government. Complain about a dictator "killing his own people" but leave out that 1/2 of the killings were faked and that "his own people" who actually died mostly comprised the multi-state terror group with whom the US was currently at war.
Nobody here wants to have a beer with Putin, I'm sure. I certainly have as many questions about Putins elections as I do about 2020 here in the US. Not a big fan, but not eager to demonize either. Compared to the EU, the PRC, and the various socialist satellites scattered across south and central America and sub-saharan Africa, I guess I don't really care that much what Russia is up to. Between Ukraine and Georgia and whatever else, it seems like they have taken an approach more similar to the Monroe Doctrine.
I am just speaking for myself here but I am sure many agree... after 1.5 years of literal bolsheviks destroying cities without punishment or any sign of stopping, our police being told to let them have at it, those who defend themselves (or simply say "no") being charged with crimes instead, communist theory straight from the pages of Marx and Engels being taught to our children in public schools along side racial hatred that makes Jim Crow "look like Jim Eagle", an election full of irregularities that defy all odds/bellweathers and the coverup of any attempt to look into even the most obvious issues, a complete shutdown of entire industries and lockdown of the public to avoid a flu likely released from a lab in Red China, the cavalcade of lies surrounding said flu, he sudden rapid expansion of the federal governments ability to intern people for having the wrong political beliefs... Yeah. I care about the availability of ammunition and price.
In two years a box of brass case went from $10 to $50+ and every time it calms down, "something" moves it back up. If the KKK had a "Happy Birthday Hitler" sale on their home made ammo I'd buy that. If the Black Panthers started selling their own "Honky Slayer 9000" reloads, I'd buy that. If the Taliban had "May Allah Guide my Noble Bullet" ammo for sale I'd buy that... except these days it'd probably be re-branded M855A1, which was recently handed to them by the same government trying to prevent its own citizens from having guns and ammo.