Body of Fourth SEAL Found

Happen again? How many times do we need be attacked before the sheeple wake up? 9/11 just happened to be the biggest and most recent. It certainly wasn't the first attack by our current enemy.
I just emailed something I got to Derek with a bunch of pictures you won't see on the evening news. He said he would see about getting them posted. They're pretty cool. :D
TonyD said:
Happen again? How many times do we need be attacked before the sheeple wake up? 9/11 just happened to be the biggest and most recent. It certainly wasn't the first attack by our current enemy.

And, sadly, it won't be the last one Tony. I'm not a doom and gloom person, but we will have another attack in this country. Those bastards are patient. They wait, they plan and then they strike. And, again sadly, there will always be sheeple in this country that can't see anything in front of their face, unless it's the butt end of their favorite liberal.
TonyD said:
So many have forgotten so much. And, just turn a blind eye to the facts.

I would like to ask BB just exactly what he feels the blood of one American hero IS worth.

Tony, after he's lost a few friends KIA over there, and has a family member or two serve over there, he may just change his tune. I know that I've become MORE convinced we're doing the right thing in Iraq, not less.

And yes, BB, I was convinced before it all started. My son has served in Iraq, my brother in law is currently in Kuwait. I've had 3 friends die in Iraq, one of whom I knew for 13 years, another was a co-worker. The last one I worked with often on drill weekends.

I don't know, maybe I've gotten more "Intel" than the general public. Or maybe some like BB get their "Intel" from See-BS (CBS).
Oh, I agree it wasn't the first attack,and I really don't want to see another 9/11,but the sheep would rather put their heads in the sand and forget ANY of it has happened. If what had happened in Britain happened here,you could probably bet they'd wake up for awhile and realise that they're not playing games,and they want us dead. That the terrorist don't like our way of life, or our freedoms that we have and enjoy.
Nickle it might be because we have better resources than most. [wink] And yes most people(sheep) would rather believe CBS, NBC, and ABC because we all know they wouldn't LIE and twist the truth around. [evil]
MrsWildweasel said:
And yes most people(sheep) would rather believe CBS, NBC, and ABC because we all know they wouldn't LIE and twist the truth around. [evil]

You mean like MA does with gun facts so they can write more prohibitive gun laws? [roll]
Nickle said:
I'm also sick of hearing about the Iraq War being "about oil".

Ya know...I had to run to the bank this morning, so, since I was getting low, I pulled in to the Hess station across the street from me. Keep in mind, last Friday it was $2.19 (which was the cheapest in the area). I looked up when I got out of the car....$2.33 for reg.

To those who think it's all about oil, then I would love to ask them HOW COME I'M PAYING SO DAMN MUCH?????? With all the oil that Iraq has, we SHOULD be paying $.50 a gallon!!!!!!!!!!! So, to put it as bluntly as I'm those who are yelling it's an oil war.... [stfu]
I put gas in mine and cheapest was $2.39. The guy across from me goes "So do you think we'll see $3.00 by labor day. God I hope not. All about oil my...... [evil]
Oil prices jumped last week due to the threat of hurricane Dennis in the Gulf. It will so again because of Emily and any time there's a storm out there. Just one reason.
Shouldn't we not be paying so much for gas since this whole Iraq invasion was for Oil? That's all I've heard since the war stated was we were there for Oil. [lol]
derek said:
Shouldn't we not be paying so much for gas since this whole Iraq invasion was for Oil? That's all I've heard since the war stated was we were there for Oil. [lol]

That's what I should be $.50 a gallon by now.
Two things:

Start flooding the market with cheap oil from Iraq and the market goes nuts, and liberals say, "I told you so". Now, I don't give a rat's ass what liberals say but you get my meaning.

Second, Those terrorist bastards that don't exists in Iraq keep blowing up the already delapidated infrastructure to get the oil to port.

Okay, three things. Thirdly, you can stack up oil tankers for miles in our ports but since the U.S. only has TWO refineries (the EPA has not allowed a new one in over two decades) we can only produce so much fuel.
MrsWildweasel said:
Which is why we should start thinking about changing that. We haven't even begun to tap Alaska.

The libs would have collective apoplexy - even tho the wild life is thriving living next to the plant that's already up there. [roll] Kind of blows the "Bambi would be endangered" theory (yeah, I know it's Elk, not deer :D )
To hell with all the tree huggers,it would definately be a solution and one the US really needs to think about not being so dependant on foreign oil. I know too much common sense.
MrsWildweasel said:
To hell with all the tree huggers,it would definately be a solution and one the US really needs to think about not being so dependant on foreign oil. I know too much common sense.

I know. All we are doing by buying oil from the middle east is funding terrorism. They have had two votes in the county that the U.S. wants to drill in AK. Both times it has be about a 9 to 1 ratio in favor of drilling. But the liberals down here who will never go there, know what is best for the people up there. And with the advancement of drill technology the impact to the environment will be minimal.

It almost makes you wonder if the liberal law makers are in the back pocket of the current oil producers.
You folks do know that the bulk of the oil coming into the US doesn't come from Iraq, right?

Venezuela and Alaska are the top two places oil comes to the lower 48 from.

Tony hit on the answer: Refineries.

And Bambi wasn't a "deer", though Caribou are in Alaska, and very closely related to Reindeer, and members of the deer family. Bambi was either a Caribou or a Reindeer, since they are the only members of the deer family with doe having antlers.
Re: The answer to TonyD

Buffalo Bill said:
A direct threat to our country is worth the blood of all our fighting heroes and the blood of every American. Hell, I'm no hero, but it's worth mine too.

No offense is intended but how many direct threats do you need to justify our liberation of Iraq? It has been proven Hussein and Bin Laden were in bed with each other over the years. In fact, Zarqalwi's top LT was just apprehended in Baghdad. It's been shown Zarqalwi was in Baghdad prior to the war. Monies, training, weapons and intel has been proven to come from Hussein to Bin Laden.
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