BostonAsphalt2 NES/Appleseed Challenge

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you guys forgot Derek/Brent's mail order bride thread!i've met graham a couple of times and has always been nice to me. so money is on graham to make rifleman, i'll throw $100 into the GOAL pile. remember folks, we are doing this for the children.

you're right!!! that was Epic!!
Wow this really took off. With all these donations, all BA has to do is shoot rifleman and GOAL will be able to simply pay Deval to shut up and leave.

You can do it BA!
Dude. Man the F up and take the challenge.

Even if you suck you win. If you just stay silent you lose.
Come on Graham, I just read the whole thread and left a bunch of rep points. Agree to this and man up. If it is at Harvard, I'll make the trip to watch!
Come on Graham, I just read the whole thread and left a bunch of rep points. Agree to this and man up. If it is at Harvard, I'll make the trip to watch!

At this rate, We're going to need bleachers set up!!!
It's on track to raise as much money as the banquet. May as well make it an official GOAL event [rofl]

Maybe if BA backs out the challenge and donations should go to someone else. Perhaps a karma thread to pick a winner who will show or someone else will need to step up and start talking sh*t. After seeing all these offers it would be a shame if GOAL ends up with zilch.
Did a transaction with BA and he seems like a good guy to me. Not here to rag on him but I do want to do something for GOAL.

I'll do 1 GOAL membership giveaway for showing up, 3 for making riflemen. Hell, I'll sign up to shoot too.

I will now offer $1 for each person that neg reps BA for lack of balls, up to $100.

Please don't do this.

The last thing I want to see here is a dogpile. This isnt a fight and if he does indeed show up I'll ask nicely once to NOT turn the Appleseed event he chooses into a circus. That's the last thing the Appleseed program needs. Its all about marksmanship instruction and history, not setteling scores. I had no idea my challenge would morph into this so everybody just settle down please.

After all he's got FOUR MONTHS to get to an event.

Also this just in, a little ore to throw into the kitty;
Received via PM from an Anonymous donor :
I will donate $100 to goal if he shows up!!
I will also donate $100 to goal if he makes Rifleman.
I am not taking sides, but I am merely interested in the challenge, and Goal making almost a G!!! Come on BA!! Man up!

Bostonasphalt2 receives $100 cash.

GOAL receives $990 cash and 3 memberships.
Earlier I offered $100 to GOAL if BA would shoot side-by-side with me in a previous thread.

Enough is enough... more than enough time has passed.

I will now offer $1 for each person that neg reps BA for lack of balls, up to $100.

How long will it take y'all to earn that $100 for GOAL???



Bad Form.... Give him a chance to respond. How the heck do we know if he got home and was dealing with supper and such before sitting down to consider all of this. If he is taking time to read it all and absorb it then it would be a wise man to respond only after getting the complete "situational awareness".
Please don't do this.

The last thing I want to see here is a dogpile. This isnt a fight and if he does indeed show up I'll ask nicely once to NOT turn the Appleseed event he chooses into a circus. That's the last thing the Appleseed program needs. Its all about marksmanship instruction and history, not setteling scores.

I agree. Definitely do not turn it into a rep thread. [sad2] I have only given one neg rep and that was in kind return for the only one I've ever received.

I have no problem with anyone getting called out for what they say or post. To be honest the end result here is that by flapping his gums (or keyboard) BA has unknowingly (I think) done more for GOAL that could ever be expected. That alone deserves a pat on the back. I don't know crap about shooting rifles and I don't pretend to, but I'd love the chance to attend and find out how bad I really am.
This is an odd thread for sure. There are at least 5-10 people in this thread, who are posting in support of this event that shit talk AS events more then I do, which is considerable. There are also people in this thread that have provided people on the forum with images, and other media for the sole purpose of shit talking AS. Interestingly enough, those people choose to follow the “lets go with the mob” mindset seen here in this thread.

Where did BA2 say he could shoot good? Where did he say he was a badass? Are Denis and Ross sure that this thread was not originally intended for me and not BA2?

Why would BA2 ever drive to any appleseed and shoot in a hostile environment? I can tell you one thing, I wouldn’t drive anywhere to shoot in a bad environment just to impress some people I don’t even know online. Who gives a shit, seriously. Talk about some bruised eEgos.

If BA2 wanted to be some “revolutionary rifleman” or whatever bullshit AS tries to make it self up as then he would of done it by now.

I consider BA2 a friend and I wont sit on the sidelines while the punk ass NES mob mentality comes by for free shots. If Ross and Dennis wanted BA2 to actually experience a AS, they would never of made this thread. The entire challenge is a bunch of bullshit.

Ross sends me angry neg rep occasionally asking me why I wont go to a AS. Since as far as I know Ross has me blocked I have to send him neg rep back telling him if he wants to know why he’ll have to unblock me so I can PM him. Ross doesn’t care why I don’t want to go to his event and ignores me back therefor his invite for me to come experience AS it is a bunch of insincere bullshit, just like this thread.
The other thing too is that I doubt anyone is questioning his person or character. OP if you don't mind me adding; let's keep this on point; Appleseed - Competition - Manning up :)
Bad Form.... Give him a chance to respond. How the heck do we know if he got home and was dealing with supper and such before sitting down to consider all of this. If he is taking time to read it all and absorb it then it would be a wise man to respond only after getting the complete "situational awareness".

Or was he picking up his super model girlfriend in his ferrari ala BCEagleAce style?

I say show up and hopefully some of these GOAL promises go through. No wrong in that!
Sorry Dench, I thought this whole thread was just a ballbusting joke, I dont know BA or even what an AS event is so I apologize for my part in going along with the "mob mentalitiy" ,Im out.
it IS a dog pile, IMO he brought it on himself. whatever on that. IF i were to get called out, i'd show up.

1. because no one here pays my bills.

2. because i have a pair of balls.

that's pretty much it. "machismo" as we call it. what is the down side???? there is none.

**i also talk excess amount of caca on NES, but i don't tread or venture into stuff that i don't know what i'm talking about**

-he mentioned his "tactical" chest rig... -they don't make em in "his kind"...

indeed, my offer still stands, and if I'm NOT on call or get called out for my job, i'd gladly show up. -i'd need to borrow a sling through... [smile]

This is an odd thread for sure. There are at least 5-10 people in this thread, who are posting in support of this event that shit talk AS events more then I do, which is considerable. There are also people in this thread that have provided people on the forum with images, and other media for the sole purpose of shit talking AS. Interestingly enough, those people choose to follow the “lets go with the mob” mindset seen here in this thread.

Where did BA2 say he could shoot good? Where did he say he was a badass? Are Denis and Ross sure that this thread was not originally intended for me and not BA2?

Why would BA2 ever drive to any appleseed and shoot in a hostile environment? I can tell you one thing, I wouldn’t drive anywhere to shoot in a bad environment just to impress some people I don’t even know online. Who gives a shit, seriously. Talk about some bruised eEgos.

If BA2 wanted to be some “revolutionary rifleman” or whatever bullshit AS tries to make it self up as then he would of done it by now.

I consider BA2 a friend and I wont sit on the sidelines while the punk ass NES mob mentality comes by for free shots. If Ross and Dennis wanted BA2 to actually experience a AS, they would never of made this thread. The entire challenge is a bunch of bullshit.

Ross sends me angry neg rep occasionally asking me why I wont go to a AS. Since as far as I know Ross has me blocked I have to send him neg rep back telling him if he wants to know why he’ll have to unblock me so I can PM him. Ross doesn’t care why I don’t want to go to his event and ignores me back therefor his invite for me to come experience AS it is a bunch of insincere bullshit, just like this thread.
This is an odd thread for sure. There are at least 5-10 people in this thread, who are posting in support of this event that shit talk AS events more then I do, which is considerable. There are also people in this thread that have provided people on the forum with images, and other media for the sole purpose of shit talking AS. Interestingly enough, those people choose to follow the “lets go with the mob” mindset seen here in this thread.

Where did BA2 say he could shoot good? Where did he say he was a badass? Are Denis and Ross sure that this thread was not originally intended for me and not BA2?

Why would BA2 ever drive to any appleseed and shoot in a hostile environment? I can tell you one thing, I wouldn’t drive anywhere to shoot in a bad environment just to impress some people I don’t even know online. Who gives a shit, seriously. Talk about some bruised eEgos.

If BA2 wanted to be some “revolutionary rifleman” or whatever bullshit AS tries to make it self up as then he would of done it by now.

I consider BA2 a friend and I wont sit on the sidelines while the punk ass NES mob mentality comes by for free shots. If Ross and Dennis wanted BA2 to actually experience a AS, they would never of made this thread. The entire challenge is a bunch of bullshit.

Ross sends me angry neg rep occasionally asking me why I wont go to a AS. Since as far as I know Ross has me blocked I have to send him neg rep back telling him if he wants to know why he’ll have to unblock me so I can PM him. Ross doesn’t care why I don’t want to go to his event and ignores me back therefor his invite for me to come experience AS it is a bunch of insincere bullshit, just like this thread.

Spending a day shooting with friends (even "virtual" friends) and a little bit of good natured competition is a hostile environment? Dunno - sounds like a fun day at the range to me. I've never met BA but I'd shoot on his team if he'd have me (not that I'm an expert or anything.)

I think a few people here are missing the point. Regardless of the who is shooting it would be a fun event and would raise a few bucks for a good cause. A few hundred bucks for GOAL and a day at the range? Count me in.
The other thing too is that I doubt anyone is questioning his person or character. OP if you don't mind me adding; let's keep this on point; Appleseed - Competition - Manning up :)

Correct I called him out due to his willfull ignorance, the spreading of misinfornation and continued harassment of the instructor cadre.

Speaking of harassment;
This is an odd thread for sure.

Dude you were told to stand down earlier by Derek. You've made conntinued personal attacks and have refused all attempts to resovle your issues with both the instrucors and the program through PM's You insist on challenging individuals through PM's to on-line pissing matches which will cast negative aspersions on both the Appleseed project as well as this forum.

We can include you in this as well but frankly speaking I'm near broke and can't put up another $100.00 bucks.

Donations anyone ?
Hey,what's up with you people ??? I'm a new dog to NES and the gun world. I've been reading the smack going back and forth and thought it was all in fun. People share what they know, have opinions and want a little competion ,maybe raise a little money for a good cause.WTFN ? Dench might want to join in and have some fun. I certainly don't think there was any ill will here.
What were you walking around at in the Corps?

Just to give you a idea of how small I was, i was 140lbs in basic in 04'. Now im 171 with a body fat % of under 15%, but thats been going down and weights been going up.

I agree. Definitely do not turn it into a rep thread. [sad2] I have only given one neg rep and that was in kind return for the only one I've ever received.

I have no problem with anyone getting called out for what they say or post. To be honest the end result here is that by flapping his gums (or keyboard) BA has unknowingly (I think) done more for GOAL that could ever be expected. That alone deserves a pat on the back. I don't know crap about shooting rifles and I don't pretend to, but I'd love the chance to attend and find out how bad I really am.
His name should end up on the donor list in the Message.

This is an odd thread for sure. There are at least 5-10 people in this thread, who are posting in support of this event that shit talk AS events more then I do, which is considerable. There are also people in this thread that have provided people on the forum with images, and other media for the sole purpose of shit talking AS. Interestingly enough, those people choose to follow the “lets go with the mob” mindset seen here in this thread.

Where did BA2 say he could shoot good? Where did he say he was a badass? Are Denis and Ross sure that this thread was not originally intended for me and not BA2?

Why would BA2 ever drive to any appleseed and shoot in a hostile environment? I can tell you one thing, I wouldn’t drive anywhere to shoot in a bad environment just to impress some people I don’t even know online. Who gives a shit, seriously. Talk about some bruised eEgos.

If BA2 wanted to be some “revolutionary rifleman” or whatever bullshit AS tries to make it self up as then he would of done it by now.

I consider BA2 a friend and I wont sit on the sidelines while the punk ass NES mob mentality comes by for free shots. If Ross and Dennis wanted BA2 to actually experience a AS, they would never of made this thread. The entire challenge is a bunch of bullshit.

Ross sends me angry neg rep occasionally asking me why I wont go to a AS. Since as far as I know Ross has me blocked I have to send him neg rep back telling him if he wants to know why he’ll have to unblock me so I can PM him. Ross doesn’t care why I don’t want to go to his event and ignores me back therefor his invite for me to come experience AS it is a bunch of insincere bullshit, just like this thread.
Are you typing from with your tongue due to being nailed to a cross? Lighten up Francis.[laugh]

Even if he accepts, I know his cat is not in good health and when the day arrives for the challenge he may have to deal with that. I won't hold it against him.

I like Graham in a little brother is a PITA kind of way. Good luck BA.
You've made conntinued personal attacks and have refused all attempts to resovle your issues with both the instrucors and the program through PM's You insist on challenging individuals through PM's to on-line pissing matches which will cast negative aspersions on both the Appleseed project as well as this forum.

Wow, really Twigg? I dont remember any of that, do you have any copies of these PMs to refresh my memory?

Give me a break.
Maybe he'll be a good sport and make a day out of it. It'll be incumbent upon the challengers to keep it good natured and positive. Somehow this is reminding me a little of the Billie Jean King/Bobby Riggs dust-up. There's no need for this to turn as ugly as that .... gawd, that was awful! Keep it light hearted, make it a fundraiser ... maybe BA2 isn't averse to hurling himself into the mud for a good cause if it's offered in a good spirit. I'd come for moral support.
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