Boycott Sportsman's Guide


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
Feedback: 56 / 0 / 0
I've had it with the Sportsman's Guide catalogs. I recently got the 2006 Fall Shooters catalog in the mail and after scanning through page after page of items, the main thing I found that I wanted was a Chinese SKS 10 pocket bandolier. A simple item under $10 made up of canvas, leather and wood. In another section of the catalog was the same item but it was part of a combo pack with leather pouches and SKS stripper clips. That item had the #1 notice next to it stating that it couldn't be shipped to Massachusetts. I figured it was because of the stripper clips and decided to order just the bandolier which had no restriction number next to it.
Well figures, I was told that item was listed as restricted.[angry] I asked to speak to customer service and had them explain to me why it was restricted despite there being no warning number near the item number. I was told that a while back the Sportman's Guide made an agreement with our AG stating they wouldn't ship certian items to Massachusetts, one of them being any item titled SKS or AK47. No matter how much bantering about the item having no restriction description, nor there being anything like that in the catalog about not shipping accessories to Massachusetts, I got the typical dumb ass response of I don't know why.
I then demanded my membership to the buyer's club (which I used to save a chunk of money off sheet metal cabinets) be refunded and to have all further catalog shipments stopped. I also sent forth a spew of rambling about Massachusetts laws and what our AG is doing in such a manner that would have made my lawyer proud and told the woman that since the call was recorded to forward it to someone higher up. Fat chance it will do any good but I've had enough of that company and their "restricted" items and someone needs to know about it. A few months ago it was a reproduction cleaning rod for K98 rifle that I tried to order and found out was restricted despite having no mention of it by the item number, now today a bandolier.
Makes me wanna drop a sock full of 7.62x39 in stripper clips on my foot and sue the AG stating if I had a correct bandolier to put them in with straps it wouldn't have happened.
It really sucks because there are some great items in the Sportsman's Guide catalog that no other mail order companies sell. I can see not selling ammo, magazines, even actual firearm parts, but to restrict items as harmless as pouches is retarded. I urge everyone to boycott ordering from this company and given the chance, let them know how you feel. I plan on passing this info along to every forum I know and in letters to the NRA and other shooting organizations. I don't know what good it will do if any, but if it starts any kind of reaction rolling, maybe someone will wake up. I'm tired of being a peon because I live behind the Iron Curtain!
I've been "boycotting" them for years. If they won't sell me what I want, I will (and did) take my business someplace else.
FPrice said:
I've been "boycotting" them for years. If they won't sell me what I want, I will (and did) take my business someplace else.
Check the Glock items. They won't even sell you the Glock toolkit.
It's funny I was looking at that this morning and said the same thing. They won't even ship a frigen front sight to a gun. Screw them... It got me thinking back to when I was a little kid. This state has been screwing me my whole life. When I was about 10 years old i was always trying to order Chinese Stars, Butterfly knives, and nunchaku and could never get anyone to ship them into this horrible state. Now that I'm older and have upgraded my weapon choices I'm still getting screwed... I can remember all the crimes commited with Chinese stars so I can see how they would be illegal in this state. Last time a gang fight broke up there were Chinese Stars being hucked around everywhere killing some innocent civilians.

God I hate this state and now I hate Sportsmans Guide as well. I'm thinking of calling customer service and telling them that since they won't ship anything into this state to take me off their mailing list as I could never support that company in any way shape or form.

I'm still on the list. It's costs them something to send it. I chuck it in the trash when it shows up.
I get two copies of their catalog.
They both get thrown in the trash at the post office.
Another mail-order vendor is a lot more reasonable and sensible, they get an occasional order.
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Sounds like Comrade Reilly has/had SG by the balls.

They probably got caught in one of Tom Terrifics vaunted online ammo buys/sting operations. A deal was made amongst the lawyers that if SG agreed
to other concessions (like not to ship anything that incurred Reillys disapproval), the charges would be dropped or fines reduced.
jhrosier said:
I get two copies of their catalog.
They both get thrown in the trash at the post office.
CTD is a lot more reasonable and sensible, they get an occasional order.

On a lighter note, I was on CTD's web site, found the bandolier pouch I wanted for pretty much the same price as SG, and also found a cool Wolf SKS rifle case with shoulder strap and zippered compartment. I called, ordered with success and told the sales rep to pass along a thank you to any higher ups they have for doing a better job than SG.
Before I'd boycott the compnay that wouldn't sell the item, I'd boycot the state and leave. Of course too many of them are and moving here bringing thier Democrapic ways with them trying to make our peaceful little state Boston North.
BlkHawk73 said:
Before I'd boycott the compnay that wouldn't sell the item, I'd boycot the state and leave. Of course too many of them are and moving here bringing thier Democrapic ways with them trying to make our peaceful little state Boston North.

Plenty of states have ammo and high capacity magazine restrictions, Massachusetts isn't the only one. What is ridiculous is a company refusing to sell an item such as a cleaning rod or bandolier pouch when any, and I mean any other company would sell here. Sportsman's Guide is the only company I can think of that wouldn't even ship a plastic storage case here because it was made by Glock. I can pick up my phone right now and order 90% of the items listed in any Sportsman's Guide catalog from other companies who are bigger than SG (Bass Pro for example) and they will ship.
are you guys serious? you find a place that has stuff you want, for sometimes decent prices, and you won't buy from them because of dumbass restrictions imposed on the companies?
Do you honestly have no friends, relatives, or other mailing address in RI or neighboring states that can take delivery for you?
Come on, Massachusetts isn't so big that you can't drive an hour and be out of it.
Mod Hat On!

Throwing out names of companies who WILL ship here is a sure way to make that a short-lived alternative! As soon as the AG's goons find out who will still ship here, they will "sting" them and then extort the pound of flesh that caused the problems that you are complaining about with SG.

WE (Forum Management) would appreciate it if you guys would "clean up" your posts (self-censor) to remove names of those that WILL still ship here . . . unless you want to see that status change too.

The Management
OK, here's the deal!

- The AG's goon squad finds names of companies that will ship to MA (via checking Internet forums, getting catalogs, etc.).

- They setup a "sting" whereby the hapless vendor ships them some products that the AG "objects" to.

- The AG sends a "cease and desist" letter to the hapless vendor, threatening a deep-pockets (yours and mine) lawsuit and massive fines if they do not sign an agreement not to ship anything to MA (the AG holds all the cards, so if he says "nothing that says Glock on it" that means you can't get a Glock key-ring).

- The hapless vendor signs the agreement rather than spend 1/2million or more to lose a court suit in a MA court + have to pay fines on every "non compliance" sale.

- Now no matter what happens, the hapless vendor is legally obligated (signed a contract) NOT to ship certain items, and even if our laws were to change, that contract is still a legal and binding contract, enforceable in any MA court. The vendor is screwed forever, as is the MA gun owner.
LenS said:
- Now no matter what happens, the hapless vendor is legally obligated (signed a contract) NOT to ship certain items, and even if our laws were to change, that contract is still a legal and binding contract, enforceable in any MA court. The vendor is screwed forever, as is the MA gun owner.

I suppose though that a new, improved AG (like Larry Frisoli) could quietly agree to dissolve such a contract... Oh man do I want that guy to win!!!

LenS said:
OK, here's the deal!

- The AG's goon squad finds names of companies that will ship to MA (via checking Internet forums, getting catalogs, etc.).

- They setup a "sting" whereby the hapless vendor ships them some products that the AG "objects" to.

- The AG sends a "cease and desist" letter to the hapless vendor, threatening a deep-pockets (yours and mine) lawsuit and massive fines if they do not sign an agreement not to ship anything to MA (the AG holds all the cards, so if he says "nothing that says Glock on it" that means you can't get a Glock key-ring).

- The hapless vendor signs the agreement rather than spend 1/2million or more to lose a court suit in a MA court + have to pay fines on every "non compliance" sale.

- Now no matter what happens, the hapless vendor is legally obligated (signed a contract) NOT to ship certain items, and even if our laws were to change, that contract is still a legal and binding contract, enforceable in any MA court. The vendor is screwed forever, as is the MA gun owner.

In my opinion the SG has always been overly strict on what they will ship to Massachusetts as far as I can remember. Even before anyone had heard of Reilly they refused to ship pocket knives here no matter how small they were. I know many years ago they would ship ammo. I'm going back like 15 years or more though because I remember someone I know buying a case of Russian .22lr ammo from them.
Now I know most companies would rather sign an agreement than face off in lawsuits, but agreeing to sell anything associated with a certain gun seems a little overboard. Even companies with high restrictions will ship items made by Glock such as plastic cases, the armorers tool, and wooden rifle stocks are legal to have shipped here to Mass yet the SG refuses to ship an Enfield wooden handguard.
Just say for example a Glock key-ring like you mentioned Len, wouldn't it be illegal to impose a restriction on an item such as this because it said Glock on it if there were no laws prohibiting certain name brand key-rings? I don't understand how Reilly gets away with this. I can see how if a company didn't care they would sign anything to keep him off their back, but you'd think a major mail order company would at least have the common sense to know that some items are perfectly legal to sell and ship here. I'm know some of the companies that have been targeted by Reilly for ammo sales didn't agree on a total ban on parts and accessories.
Contract Law is a "contract". If you sign and agree to do something (or agree NOT to do something), it is now legally binding in a court of law.

The AG "holds all the cards" when he inks the agreement and says "sign here, or we will proceed with legal action against you and it will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars or more"!

One could later challenge it on grounds of an unfair contract, extortion, etc. but in MA I'm sure that the AG would prevail. And if he didn't he could proceed with fines and criminal charges against SG, so they lose either way.

Fair? NO!
Probable? YES!

If you have ever signed a lease agreement in Boston (or nearby towns) for an apartment and later read the rules and terms you agreed to abide by, I'm sure you'll understand how one-sided these contracts are. But they are "take it or leave it" and you don't get to negotiate terms and conditions. This is very similar to the AG's game-plan (to stop all gun-related products from crossing the border to MA).
Boycotts, in General

Of course you realize that for a boycott to have any real effect the entity being boycotted has to "feel" something - economic loss being a typically good example (and motivator for change).

Simply throwing away the catalogue may work but only if enough people who formerly bought items stopped doing so. I think the whole concept of placing a order, being denied and forced to cancel the entire order while voicing your concerns to customer service may have, even if slightly, more impact.

Boycotting the state is just not feasible for some of us. Even if it were, this nonsense spreads. We may be at the front lines in dealing with laws, rules and regulations that citizens in forty-nine other states seem to be able to survive without and that bear little to no rationale relationship to reality BUT ceding the field does not end the battle.

Support those in office that support you and let the others know, politely, why you don't. It is no coincidence that after the last elections a certain party has toned down its over heated rhetoric concerning guns - it was crippling them in other states.

One last item: Saturday, August 12 and Sunday, August 13, 2006 will be "Sales Tax Holidays" in the Commonwealth. Similar to the past two holidays, on those two days, no excise shall be imposed upon non-business retail sales of tangible personal property with a single item price of less than $2,500 - save up and support those businesses that support us.

...but that's yet another discussion. [smile]
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Thanks for the neg point Mark L. It's ok for some to assert their 1st amendment rights but not for all I guess. My opinion removed for sake of reputation.

That was a totally stupid reply...he was asserting his 1st amendment rights to your reply..grow up..You post your thoughts you take your lumps Mark L.
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Sportsmans Guide has always been f'ing terrible. The reason why is they signed a gigantic "Consent Decree Enema" agreement with the AG- basically saying that they won't sell anything remotely gun related to MA. This includes not selling us dull chinese pocket knives that say WINCHESTER on the side of them that you can pick up at any MA walmart for 8 bucks. [laugh]

Both me and my father have saved tons of money on many different items from SG and we've always had great service from them. There are still many great deals to be had from them that aren't banned for shipment into the Kommiewealth by the omnipotent and disturbingly delusional A.G.'s office.

Before you go off on a knee-jerk reaction that is akin to banning a rifle because it is black and has a "shoulder thing that goes up", perhaps you should point your accusatory finger at the real culprit which we all know is the MA A.G. Were you in the same position with your company you too would submit to an A.G. rather than lose everything.

You've got three choices.

1-continue to be pissed off and live your life blaming whatever scapegoat of the day for your problems. Boycott every company that runs afoul of your personal desires for one iota.

2- MOVE to America

3 - Do something about the political hypocrisy and corruptness in this state.
i could not agree more with you ray, i will go out of my way to buy from local shops to support small businesses and to avoid all the bullshit that you have to deal with through mail order companys.
Thanks for the neg point Mark L. It's ok for some to assert their 1st amendment rights but not for all I guess. My opinion removed for sake of reputation.

That was a totally stupid reply...he was asserting his 1st amendment rights to your reply..grow up..You post your thoughts you take your lumps Mark L.
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Thanks for the neg point Mark L. It's ok for some to assert their 1st amendment rights but not for all I guess. My opinion removed for sake of reputation.

That was a totally stupid reply...he was asserting his 1st amendment rights to your reply..grow up..You post your thoughts you take your lumps Mark L.
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I will agree with Urj that the AG is f'ing terrible but IMO SG didn't bother fighting at all, not even the least little bit.

Basically when the AG said "bweah wah wah wah, sign this agreement or we'll do this this and that... Basically when the AG said "Bend Over" they said "How Far?" and "Where do we sign? What do you want us to do?" and agreed with every last bit of it.

A lot of other companies have been threatened by the AG and don't have nearly as restrictive policies as SG does. Probably because their lawyer said "Hey waitaminute a**h***, you really only have the authority to even regulate X Y and Z, so that's all we're going to agree with. "

Maybe SG just didn't have the money, or something, but it's still rather disheartening.

The problem I have with SG is that you have no idea whether or not your order is gonna bounce. It could contain the most benign crap in it but it
may bounce cause of the name of the item or something. It's not like with the other companies where you're like "OK, if I don't order ammo or high
capacity magazines my order will go through". Maybe I'm overstating it a bit... but just don't be surprised if you order something like a gun case
that says winchester on it that the order will bounce. That kind of thing. If it has the word "gun" in it, or a manufacturers name, it'll probably
bounce. [laugh]

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I've been "boycotting" them for years. If they won't sell me what I want, I will (and did) take my business someplace else.

Sounds more like they are boycotting you! But seriously, I don't blame the corporation for the actions of the AG. However, I think SG is owned by a French company, so that might explain their lack of backbone.
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