is it the 1 o'clock/11 o'clock offset mount?
Neither - I'm running a Sully, so I got this one:
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is it the 1 o'clock/11 o'clock offset mount?
Neither - I'm running a Sully, so I got this one:
My bad, was talking about the offset light mount you were thinking about getting.
Yeah, the Magpul MIAD grip comes with one of those molded into one of the front insert options. I had a hell of a time getting that Allen screw in, but overall I like the extra space it gives over the standard one I was using.
Looking good. I've enjoyed watching the build. Is the BCM logo on the side lasered onto the upper or is that a paint of sorts?
Looking good buddy. You're in the home stretch now, for sure.
I wish. Still have Rails to get for 2 ARs, 2 Optics, 1 Upper Receiver Group (14.5"), Submit my Forms to ATF to have a SBR, 2 BCG's, 2 VFG, Still need to grab a stock for one, as well as rear BUIS as well as a LPK from G&R Tatical.
Slowly but surely it will get there the way I want it and not dictated by whats in stock.
Are you doing a 14.5" SBR? Or is the SBR and 14.5" two different projects? The reason I ask is that by the time the flash hider is on, isn't it REALLY close to 16"? Sabre Defense makes an elongated A2 that looks almost identical to the standard one AND brings you just over the 16" mark.
Hey Skald, i just odered my BCM 16" M4 upper group today. how do you like yours? Quality? Who ACTUALLY makes them? Is it someone other than BCM?
I love my BCM. As far as who makes them, BCM has them made at a CNC shop as far as I know and Paul has VERY high standards and has had no problem rejecting whole batches (hence why there was a time before the Obama rush he didn't have any for like a year).
I am taking it you got the Carbine gas system in 16"?
Trust me, you will love it. If not you can EASILY get your money back on one of these things, especially in the current climate.
So, you get your hands on the upper?
Skald, how do you like your BCM upper and barrel? I'm getting close to having mine done and am curious how you like yours. Does BCM headspace their upper halves?