Build Project NES-025 and NES-026 Updated 1/06/09

I have started on building up NES025.

Even though I have only a couple items for it I decided to go with the Magpul Enhanced Finger guard. This thing is VERY tight and somewhat of a PITA to install, but with my big grubby paws it would be worth it, especially being able to shoot with gloved hands. A couple things to know about the Magpul ETG, the roll pin is kind of fat and is kind of difficult to install, so def. splurge for the roll punch pin. Another is that there is no detent for the front part, instead you use an 1/16" allen screw.

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Yeah, the Magpul MIAD grip comes with one of those molded into one of the front insert options. I had a hell of a time getting that Allen screw in, but overall I like the extra space it gives over the standard one I was using.
Yeah, the Magpul MIAD grip comes with one of those molded into one of the front insert options. I had a hell of a time getting that Allen screw in, but overall I like the extra space it gives over the standard one I was using.

I toyed with the idea of going with the hard plastic, but had something in my head to go with the burnished aluminum.
the upper is now officially in, and even though I picked it up through G&R I still got some nice swag with it (the hat).


Now, many are wondering why the hell I would wait for such an upper when I could have as easily ordered a Stag or RRA, and the answer is simple, testing. Unlike the RRA and Stag barrels that undergo batch testing, each BCM barrel is individually tested.


What does HPT and MPI help do? Well the High Pressure Test helps find out if the barrel has any structural problems, and the Magnetic Particle Inspection is to catch any possible problem with the barrel that is invisible to the naked eye.

The 1/7" rifling just allows me to stabilize the heavier 75 or 77 gr. ammo better than say a 1/9" that would be great for 45-62 gr (from "The Chart")

Another thing I wanted were the M4 Feedramps.


The M4 feedramps are VERY helpful when you rapid fire some of the heavier ammo through the weapon. When I had my original M4ergy it had no feedramps and whenever I did a mag dump would have a lot of Failure to Feed errors, but was just fine on normal rate of fire. (most of the time). Same people say its a moot issue, I think it isn't and there are NO known drawbacks to having the cuts so that is that. BCM has the cuts in both the receiver AND barrel.

As for the 5.56N chamber, more ammo options. I can fire BOTH 5.56N and .223 Rem out of my upper. And though some may say that they are both one and the same, the 5.56N is actually loaded to a higher pressure so its highly advised you DON'T shoot 5.56N ammo out of the .223 clambering.


Since I will be mounting an optic on this at some point and this is a flat-top receiver you NEED to make sure your FSB is the right height to co-witness (if you choose to do so) and not obstruct the optic in question. The "F" based sight is the desired FSB if you have a flat top receiver.

Some bonus features include the T-Marked Upper Receiver


Now here are a couple of pics with it mounted to the lower:

Pardon the fingerprints, came in a light packing oil and it just picks them up pretty easily




and finally it standing up against the wall.


Will post the next update in about 2 weeks with the rails and VFG with the Mrs's posing for some shots.
Looking good buddy. You're in the home stretch now, for sure.

I wish. Still have Rails to get for 2 ARs, 2 Optics, 1 Upper Receiver Group (14.5"), Submit my Forms to ATF to have a SBR, 2 BCG's, 2 VFG, Still need to grab a stock for one, as well as rear BUIS as well as a LPK from G&R Tatical.

Slowly but surely it will get there the way I want it and not dictated by whats in stock.
I wish. Still have Rails to get for 2 ARs, 2 Optics, 1 Upper Receiver Group (14.5"), Submit my Forms to ATF to have a SBR, 2 BCG's, 2 VFG, Still need to grab a stock for one, as well as rear BUIS as well as a LPK from G&R Tatical.

Slowly but surely it will get there the way I want it and not dictated by whats in stock.

Are you doing a 14.5" SBR? Or is the SBR and 14.5" two different projects? The reason I ask is that by the time the flash hider is on, isn't it REALLY close to 16"? Sabre Defense makes an elongated A2 that looks almost identical to the standard one AND brings you just over the 16" mark.
Are you doing a 14.5" SBR? Or is the SBR and 14.5" two different projects? The reason I ask is that by the time the flash hider is on, isn't it REALLY close to 16"? Sabre Defense makes an elongated A2 that looks almost identical to the standard one AND brings you just over the 16" mark.

14.5" SBR for the wife. Going to head down to one of the gun shops and see if we can get an idea of a good length for her (what is comfortable to shoulder/control)
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Hey Skald, i just odered my BCM 16" M4 upper group today. how do you like yours? Quality? Who ACTUALLY makes them? Is it someone other than BCM?
Hey Skald, i just odered my BCM 16" M4 upper group today. how do you like yours? Quality? Who ACTUALLY makes them? Is it someone other than BCM?

I love my BCM. As far as who makes them, BCM has them made at a CNC shop as far as I know and Paul has VERY high standards and has had no problem rejecting whole batches (hence why there was a time before the Obama rush he didn't have any for like a year).

I am taking it you got the Carbine gas system in 16"?

Trust me, you will love it. If not you can EASILY get your money back on one of these things, especially in the current climate.
I love my BCM. As far as who makes them, BCM has them made at a CNC shop as far as I know and Paul has VERY high standards and has had no problem rejecting whole batches (hence why there was a time before the Obama rush he didn't have any for like a year).

I am taking it you got the Carbine gas system in 16"?

Trust me, you will love it. If not you can EASILY get your money back on one of these things, especially in the current climate.

Thanks a lot! It comes in the mail on Wednesday! Yes, it is the 16" M4 Carbine 5.56.

Keep us tuned on the build!
Things are rolling about slowly but surely on the two builds. Here is an update on NES026, as NES025 is now getting set for SBR action. Will get better pics tomorrow after the gun show.

First off, after some thinking I went with the Troy 9" MRF-DI. Was going to go either DD Omega or a one piece, but there were a few items at the shop that got my attention.


One item that I decided on was the new Magpul BUIS. Its very low profile and pretty inexpensive ($56 at my local shop). In the pics you'll notice a little hook type thing on the bottom right above the "B" in BCM. You just press that down and the BUIS pops up. You put it back down like many other BUIS's.



Next is an upgrade. Since I have a few left-handed friends figured the couple bucks for an ambi-safety is worth the piece of mind so they can easily manipulate the safety.


Now, I was going to go MOE but when I walked into the local shop they got a shipment in from Magpul, lot of DVDs, some PMags, the MBUIS, some CTR's and 3 UBR's in black. So switched to the Troy to afford this baby.


Now only thing left are optics for both, BUIS for the 10.5" LMT, the proper ATF paperwork, forward grips for both, 2 BCGs and 1 LPK.
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Just ordered a CMT/Stag LPK for the wife's AR.

Little bit of fun in this one. The wife and I have our CCW's coming in the next few weeks, and the LPK should be in the next couple weeks. Lets see who gets here first. IM or Post your prediction which gets here fastest and I'll mail out something like a couple 1911 magazines or rear receiver plate or an H-buffer (winners choice).

Now, got some better, full length pics to show off:

First few are pics of the full rifle with the new stock:


Shot of the NES light from the group buy last year:

Here are better shots of the rear, both extended and retracted:


The stock has a small secure-like hold to store some odds and ends like extra batteries or the like.
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Skald, how do you like your BCM upper and barrel? I'm getting close to having mine done and am curious how you like yours. Does BCM headspace their upper halves?
Skald, how do you like your BCM upper and barrel? I'm getting close to having mine done and am curious how you like yours. Does BCM headspace their upper halves?

I love mine. BCM puts out quality stuff and there stuff is good to go. How some people make the comment about their uppers 'They sell out in minutes" happened well before the Nov. rush.
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