Y'll should have payed attention in your high school trigonometry class
MOA - minute of angle
MIL- short for milrad or milliradian
both are a unit for angular measurement.
- most everyone know there are 360 degrees in a circle. Each degree is further divided by 60 minutes, or 21,600 MOA in the whole circle.
- the same circle is 2π (6.282) radians. There are 1000 milliradians in each radian, or 6,283 milliradians (MILs) in the whole circle
Most people know that 1 MOA is 1" on target at a distance of 100 yards. Its actually 1.047" (just a bit off, not a issue with most applications)
however everyone talking about X MOA is Y" at Z yards is a little off because of that
MIL is a better system for measuring subtension on target because it is defined as the angle that subtends at the arc of the circle = to the radius of the circle.
there is the math explanation
the real world rifle scope explanation is that MIL is a larger unit of measure, and therefor easier and quicker to make corrections. Its also base 10 so easier to quickly do math in your head. 1/10 MIL is precise enough for all practical applications. The slightly finer adjustment of MOA is usually only used/needed by some of the long range benchrest shooters.