So, what you're saying is you are fine with killing children? As long as there's alcohol involved?
It is scientifically proven that driving under the influence degrades the ability to make decisions in a timely manner. That is not 'emotional', that is a simply fact. Now, can we discuss what is 'impaired', sure. I've never drank and been tested to absolutely know what .08 feels like and if I am degraded to the point of not being able to drive, so we can have a discussion as to what level of impairment needs to be sanctioned. I'm not keen on DUI checkpoints, but those were put in place long before I was the age to vote, and I wouldn't vote for them now.
I don't know what it's like in the freedom mecca of the northeast, but my time in Maine, I didn't see a single DUI citation issued. The only citation I've seen issued down here was when a driver took off on the officer as he was walking up. She could barely stand when we finally stopped her. She went to jail, the deputy told me walking up the first time, "Let's let her call and get someone to come get her". Her going to jail was on her, and her alone.
The major difference between pot and drinking is, the level of effect the drug has in it's normal usage: How many marijuanas can you take before it affects you. I can drink one beer every hour and know on average my liver is pushing it out. How many marijuanas can you take an hour and still drive safely? Who knows.